Science confirms – 4. Collection of scientific articles. Андрей Тихомиров

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Science confirms – 4. Collection of scientific articles - Андрей Тихомиров

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plants and animals decreased, in addition, around 2500 BC, the state of Akkad seized Sumer and the Sumerians became a dependent population, only distant memories remained about the «golden age» when the Sumerians lived happily and well «in Eden» – «on the plain». The legends about the Garden of Eden were passed down from generation to generation and reached the ancient Jews, where they were then recorded in the Pentateuch of Moses. According to modern data, ancient people moved from Africa to Arabia and gradually came to the Persian Gulf, at that time a fertile valley teeming with fresh water springs and rich flora and fauna. In ancient times, the Persian Gulf was called the Sea of Sunrise, and the Mediterranean Sea was called the Great Sea of Sunset.)

      15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate it and to keep it. (The ancient Sumerian legend about the origin of the primary culture of the Sumerians was connected with the settlement of Eridu (modern southern Iraq, the settlement of Abu-Shahrein), located on the shore of the «exciting sea» (now separated from the Persian Gulf at a distance of more than 100 km), Eridu was also the oldest political center of the country. This fully corresponds to the latest scientific data that humanity settled in portions from Africa through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and passing along the Arabian Peninsula, came out to the Two Rivers: the Tigris and Euphrates.)

      Chapter 8:4 And the ark stopped in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. (The ark-ship stopped wandering through the waters of the flood and stopped in the real mountains – on Ararat. This is a mountain range from where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers originate, in ancient times the country of Urartu was located there. If we compare the words «Ziggurat», «Ararat» and «Urartu» in consonant performance (without vowels), as they wrote in ancient times, it turns out: ZKRT, RT, RT, and we know that the word «ziggurat» is translated from Sumerian as «top, top», then all these words it can be translated as «mountains, peaks». After this flood, which presumably occurred around 2800 BC, and possibly also other permanent floods in this region, ziggurats were built in honor of the «miraculous» salvation of people on the Ararat Mountains (the oldest include the ziggurats of the Sumerian god of heaven Anna and the Sumerian goddess of love Inanna in Uruk – symbols of the preservation of people after floods and the victory of the Sun over darkness, as well as Stonehenge in England – a symbol of the victory of the Sun over darkness after a possible violent volcanic eruption in Iceland), and in Egypt – pyramids, the first of the mastaba (massive clay «bench») Djoser was transformed into a stepped pyramid by the architect Imhotep around 2700 BC. Ziggurats were built of raw bricks, inside the structure had a solid filling, each step was painted in its own color, and the sanctuary was lined with tiles. The Sumerians began to build them; after them ziggurats were built by other peoples who lived between the Tigris and Euphrates, the Babylonians were the last. Many ziggurats have survived to this day, although with traces of later reconstructions and in a rather deplorable condition. Ziggurats on the territory of present – day Iraq are the architectonic antipodes of the Egyptian pyramids; many of them are older than the pyramids. Therefore, scientists rightly wonder whether the ziggurats did not serve as an example for the Egyptians in the construction of pyramids, especially stepped ones. Most researchers saw serious differences: ziggurats did not have any internal rooms; they always had external staircases, whereas pyramids had internal ones; ziggurats ended with a sanctuary, pyramids – with a point, and the first pyramid was a cut – off prism; ziggurats were temples, pyramids were tombs or tombstones. The difference in construction was caused by the difference in climatic conditions in Mesopotamia and Egypt, Mesopotamia has a hot and humid climate, and Egypt has a hot and dry one, which is why they built in this way. Asimov claims that it was not a flood, but a tsunami, since an ordinary flood would have washed away all floating objects in the direction of the Tigris and Euphrates to the southeast of Mesopotamia, and a powerful tsunami would have gone against the current – to the northwest, just in the direction of the Ararat Mountains, a possible explanation is geological shifts or earthquakes in the area of the Arabian Sea or the Persian Gulf, which formed a tsunami, that is, sea waves. The classic version retains the flood version).

      Chapter 10: 7 The sons of Hush: Seva, Havila, Savta, Raama and Savtecha. The sons of Raama: Sheva and Dedan. (The personification of the regions in Arabia).

      Chapter 11:2 Moving from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sennaar and settled there. (From the east is from Africa, along the coast of the Arabian Peninsula to the plain of the Two Rivers – Sumer, where they settled). 31 And Farrah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Aran his grandson, and Sarah his daughter-in-law, the wife of Abram his son, and went out with them from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan; but when they came to Haran, they stopped there. (This was the usual trade route from Ur to Mesopotamia to Canaan, it passed through a kind of arc, capturing fertile lands and bordering the Arabian Desert – the «Crescent of Abundance», caravans from Ur went first to the northwest, then to the southwest. Harran (Sharran. in Greek, Crash) is an important city on the northern edge of the «crescent», now it is the south—east of Turkey).

      From the book «The location of Eden (Paradise) is found! Biblical Archaeology»

      «During excavations in Yemen, Oman and the UAE, stone tools were discovered. This suggests that people settled in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula about 125—100 thousand years ago. Luminescent chronology data indicate that 130 thousand years ago, the Arabian Peninsula was relatively hotter, the amount of rainfall was higher, due to which it was covered with vegetation and habitable land. At that time, the level of the Red Sea fell, and the width of its southern part was only 4 km. This briefly created the opportunity for people to cross the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, through which they reached Arabia and founded a number of the first Paleolithic sites in the Middle East – such as Jebel Fayya in the modern United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Aybut Al Fuwal in the Dofar governorate in the south of modern Oman (106 thousand years ago). Early migrants, fleeing from climate change in Africa, crossed the Red Sea to the territory of modern Yemen and Oman and further across the Arabian Peninsula in search of more favorable climatic conditions. There is a distance of 2000 km between the Red Sea and Jebel Fayya (UAE), where the uninhabitable desert is now located, but about 130 thousand years ago, at the end of the ice Age, the Red Sea was shallow enough to cross it by wading or on a small raft, and the Arabian Peninsula was not a desert, and the area covered with greenery.»

      «Researchers of the Old Testament are gradually coming to understand that the biblical paradise really existed, but it was not in heaven, but on earth. The American scientist J. Zarins did a lot of scientific work at the end of the last century. Using photographs obtained with the help of space satellites and the works of ancient scientists in geology, hydrology, linguistics, Zarins established in which specific place of the Earth the biblical paradise could be located… Like many researchers, Zarins began by studying the Bible, which, according to him, he read «inside and out.» To this was added archaeological excavations in Saudi Arabia, which he conducted for 10 years. Then he turned to the works of brilliant specialists of the XX century in geology, hydrology and linguistics. And finally, to the photos taken from satellites.

      In his opinion, Eden appeared around the VI – V millennia BC. By this time, rains began to fall in the area of the current Persian Gulf after a period of prolonged drought. Then the areas located in the east and north-east of Saudi Arabia and in the south-west of Iran turned green again and regained their former fertility. In search of food, man again rushed to where the now full-flowing four rivers flowed, washing the fat fields. Thousands of tools found here suggest the presence of once numerous human settlements in the vicinity of now dried lakes and rivers. Such tools have been found even in the Rub al-Khali desert in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, around the VI – V millennia BC, this

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