Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги. Радмила Шарифьянова

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Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги - Радмила Шарифьянова

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bring about a change in government policy.

      – The company is working to bring about a more sustainable future for all.

      Bring along with – привести вместе с другими вещами или людьми

      – He brought along his guitar to the party.

      – Can you please bring along your passport just in case?

      – She always brings her dog along with her to work.

      – They decided to bring along some snacks for the road trip.

      – The team brought along their coach to the competition.

      Bring aside – отвести в сторону для конфиденциального обсуждения

      – She brought me aside to discuss a sensitive matter.

      – The boss brought him aside to give him feedback on his performance.

      – I need to bring you aside and talk to you about something important.

      – The teacher brought the student aside to discuss his behavior.

      – The counselor brought the teenager aside to offer support and guidance.

      Bring before – представлять кого-то перед судом, комиссией

      – The accused was brought before the judge for sentencing.

      – The committee decided to bring the proposal before the board for approval.

      – The lawyers will bring the case before a jury in a few weeks.

      – The manager brought the issue before his team for discussion.

      – The police brought the suspect before the witness for identification.

      Bring down on – привести к несчастью или неприятности

      – His reckless behavior brought down the wrath of his boss on him.

      – The scandal brought down the entire organization.

      – The poor decisions of the CEO brought down the company.

      – The weather brought down power lines, causing widespread outages.

      – His actions brought down on him the disapproval of his colleagues.

      Bring forth with – сделать что-то спонтанно или быстро

      – She brought forth with a suggestion to solve the problem.

      – He brought forth with a new idea for the project.

      – The team brought forth with a plan to win the game.

      – The company brought forth with a solution to the manufacturing issue.

      – She was able to bring forth with a creative response to the challenge.

      Bring in line with – привести в соответствие, уравнять с чем-то

      – The new policy will bring our practices in line with industry standards.

      – The company is working to bring their products in line with customer demands.

      – The education system needs to be brought in line with the needs of students.

      – The regulations aim to bring the industry in line with environmental standards.

      – The team needs to bring their performance in line with expectations.

      Bring into being – создать, произвести

      – The invention brought into being a whole new industry.

      – The artist’s work has brought into being a new perspective on life.

      – The initiative aims to bring into being an innovative solution to the problem.

      – The writer’s imagination brought into being a magical world of wonder.

      – The new technology has brought into being a more connected and efficient society.

      Bring off with success – успешно выполнить задание

      – Despite the odds, they were able to bring off the mission successfully.

      – The team worked together to bring off a stunning victory in the championship.

      – She was able to bring off with success the project despite the obstacles.

      – The company was able to bring off with success the merger of two large corporations.

      – The event organizers brought off with success a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

      Bring on board – привлекать, нанимать новых сотрудников или членов команды

      – The new CEO plans to bring on board some experienced executives to help turn the company around.

      – The startup is looking to bring on board some talented programmers to develop their new app.

      – The band decided to bring on board a new drummer for their upcoming tour.

      – The committee is trying to bring on board some respected community leaders to support their cause.

      – The coach wants to bring on board some skilled players for the next season.

      Bring out in – вызвать у кого-то какое-то

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