Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги. Радмила Шарифьянова

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Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги - Радмила Шарифьянова

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actions brought out in his boss a feeling of disappointment and disbelief.

      – The inspiring speech brought out in the audience a sense of hope and determination.

      Bring over from – перевозить что-то или кого-то из одного места в другое

      – They decided to bring over some furniture from their old house.

      – The company is planning to bring over some equipment from their overseas office.

      – He brought over some books from the library for the research project.

      – The family brought over their dog from their home country.

      – Can you please bring over some food from the store?

      Bring round to – убедить кого-то в чем-то, изменить мнение

      – It took some time, but eventually we were able to bring her round to our point of view.

      – His argument brought round his opponent to a new perspective.

      – The evidence brought round the jury to the prosecution’s case.

      – The tutor was able to bring round the student to a better understanding of the subject.

      – Her persistence brought round her parents to support her decision.

      Bring up to speed – ознакомить с последними новостями или обновлениями

      – The supervisor brought her up to speed on the latest project developments.

      – The teacher brought the student up to speed on the missed lessons.

      – He quickly brought himself up to speed on the new software program.

      – The company is working to bring all employees up to speed on the new safety regulations.

      – Can you please bring me up to speed on what happened while I was away?

      Bring along into – включать кого-то в процесс или дело

      – The manager wants to bring along everyone into the decision-making process.

      – The teacher aims to bring along all students into the classroom discussions.

      – The team leader is trying to bring along all team members into the project planning.

      – The nonprofit organization wants to bring along volunteers into their mission and vision.

      – The government seeks to bring along citizens into the policymaking process.

      Bring out of – вывести кого-то из неприятной или опасной ситуации

      – The rescue team was able to bring the hiker out of the mountain safely.

      – The therapist helped her to bring herself out of depression.

      – The negotiation brought the two parties out of the stalemate.

      – The emergency plan enabled them to bring all employees out of the burning building.

      – The support of his family and friends helped him to bring himself out of drug addiction.

      Bring back to life – возродить, вернуть к жизни

      – The restoration project aims to bring back to life the historical building.

      – The artist’s work brings back to life the forgotten beauty of nature.

      – The new technology brings back to life the extinct species.

      – The charity organization works to bring back to life hope and dignity in disadvantaged communities.

      – The writer’s imagination brings back to life the heroes of ancient myths.

      Bring forward to – предлагать что-то раньше, чем было запланировано

      – The committee decided to bring forward the proposal to the next meeting.

      – The company plans to bring forward the release of their new product line by a month.

      – The developer brought forward to the client some innovative design concepts.

      – The government brought forward the implementation of the new policy due to urgent need.

      – The team brought forward to the coach some changes in the game strategy.

      Bring into play – использовать, задействовать

      – The coach decided to bring into play some new tactics to win the game.

      – The artist brought into play various colors and textures in her latest work.

      – They need to bring into play all their expertise and experience to solve the problem.

      – The company plans to bring into play new marketing channels to reach more customers.

      – The teacher brings into play different teaching methods to engage students.

      Bring on oneself – привлечь к себе внимание или негативные последствия

      – His careless behavior brought on himself the disapproval of his colleagues.

      – The politician’s controversial remarks brought on himself criticism from the media.

      – Her extravagant lifestyle brought on herself financial problems.

      – The

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