ChatGPT 4. Guide Language Models of the Future. Ruslan Akst

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ChatGPT 4. Guide Language Models of the Future - Ruslan Akst

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work of language models is based on analyzing and understanding language in its deepest details. They literally «immerse» themselves in the text to give us outputs that can sometimes surprise even the most experienced linguists.

      The training of models occurs according to certain principles. Here are some, and you will see the similarity with the principles of human learning:

      Supervised Learning: This is the primary training method for most language models. Models are trained on examples where they are given both input data (text) and corresponding output data.

      The goal here is to learn to make predictions or generate text based on the given examples. Imagine that you are a teacher in a school, and you have a student named Vasya.

      You want to teach Vasya to solve math problems correctly. For this, you provide him with examples of problems (input data) and show the correct solutions (output data).

      Vasya learns from these examples and, over time, begins to solve similar problems independently, based on his knowledge.

      Transfer Learning: After the model has been pre-trained on a large volume of data, it can be further trained (or «fine-tuned») on specialized data for specific tasks. This allows the model to apply general knowledge to specific scenarios.

      Fine-Tuning Models: This is when a language model is adjusted or «tuned» for a specific task.

      This is often used after transfer learning so that the model can better handle the unique aspects of a specific task.

      For example, if you bought a new piano and you already know how to play classical pieces, but you decide to join a jazz band.

      Although you already have basic piano skills, jazz requires a special style and technique. To adapt to this new style, you start taking additional lessons and practice exclusively in jazz.

      This process of adapting your skills to a new style is akin to «fine-tuning» in the world of machine learning.

      In the same way, if we have a language model trained on a large volume of data, and we want it to solve a specific task (for example, analyzing restaurant reviews), we can «retrain» or «tune» this model on specialized review data so that it performs better in this specific task.

      Reinforcement Learning: In this method, the model is «rewarded» or «punished» based on the quality of its responses or actions, encouraging it to improve its results over time.

      Imagine a child’s game where a child controls a radio-controlled car, trying to navigate a closed track. Initially, the child may frequently veer off the track or collide with obstacles.

      But each time the car successfully completes a lap around the track without errors, the child rejoices and feels satisfaction.

      This joyful feeling serves as a «reward.» If the car goes off the track or collides with an obstacle, the child may experience disappointment or frustration – this is «punishment.»

      Over time, responding to these rewards and punishments, the child improves their skills in controlling the car and makes fewer mistakes.

      In the world of artificial intelligence, this is analogous to how reinforcement learning works.

      A model, for example, playing a computer game, receives a «reward» for correct actions and a «punishment» for mistakes. Responding to these signals, the model gradually refines its game strategy.

      In machine learning, especially in reinforcement learning, «encouragements» are often referred to as «rewards,» and «punishments» are called «penalties» or «negative rewards.»

      The model aims to maximize the sum of received rewards (or minimize the sum of penalties) during its training process.

      Context Adaptation: Language models do not merely «memorize» words, but they also understand the context in which they are used.

      This helps them better interpret queries and generate more accurate responses. For instance, if you are reading a book about space and ask a friend, «How many more planets do you think they will find?» your friend understands that you are talking about celestial planets.

      But if you are reading a book about ancient Greece and ask the same question, your friend might think you are referring to gods or mythological characters.

      In the same way, language models strive to understand the context of your queries. If you ask the model, «Which poison?» after discussing plants, it is likely to assume that you are talking about poisonous plants.

      But if this question is asked after discussing detective novels, the model might think the conversation is about poison used in crimes.

      In this era of digitization and automation, the ability of machines to learn, adapt, and evolve is key.

      As language models become increasingly advanced, their potential grows, opening new opportunities for business and society as a whole.

      In today’s world, where technology literally surrounds us, language models have already become a part of our lives.

      Smart Assistants: Siri from Apple, Google Assistant from Google, Alexa from Amazon – these are examples of smart assistants that use language models to process your voice commands and provide responses.

      Here’s my personal experience of receiving help. I got not only pleasure but also concrete assistance!

      One evening, as I was preparing dinner, I encountered a problem. I wanted to cook a special dish, carbonara, but I forgot the key ingredients.

      My hands were covered in flour, and I couldn’t pick up my phone to check the recipe. In desperation, I remembered my smart assistant.

      «Hey Siri,» I began, feeling my heart race, «how do I cook carbonara?»

      A moment of silence, and then Siri’s soft voice filled the kitchen, telling me each step of the recipe.

      I followed the instructions, and soon the scent of freshly cooked carbonara filled the room.

      That evening, I deeply felt how smart assistants can be useful in our daily lives.

      Customer Support Chatbots: Many companies use chatbots for automated customer service on their websites.

      Thanks to language models, these bots can understand your requests and provide relevant responses or direct you to the appropriate specialist.

      Personal Recommendations: Services like Netflix or Spotify use language models to analyze your preferences and offer personalized recommendations based on reviews and text descriptions.

      Educational Platforms: Platforms such as Duolingo use language models to create grammar and style exercises, helping students learn new languages more effectively.

      Automatic Text Completion: When your software or application suggests completing your sentence, that is also the result of a language model at work.

      All these examples illustrate how language models have become an important tool, making our daily lives simpler and more efficient.


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