ChatGPT 4. Guide Language Models of the Future. Ruslan Akst

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ChatGPT 4. Guide Language Models of the Future - Ruslan Akst

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      Let’s dive deeper into a world where machines and programs, trained to understand human language, make our lives simpler.

      Microsoft Cortana: An integrated assistant in the Windows operating system. It helps the user organize their workflow, reminds them of important meetings, and can even tell a joke upon request.

      Therapeutic Bots: Woebot is a chatbot based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, designed to help people cope with anxiety and depression.

      Returning home after a hard day, you feel down and have no one to talk to.

      You open an app on your phone and start a conversation with Woebot. It asks you about how you are feeling and suggests strategies to manage your emotions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy.

      After talking to Woebot, you feel relief and gain tools to work with your mood.

      Woebot’s website can be found at:

      Shopping Assistants: Chatbots like «Mona» or «Lark» help users find the perfect product or service by analyzing their preferences and asking clarifying questions.

      Banking Consultant Bots: Many banks have started using chatbots for initial customer consultations.

      Imagine this scenario: you decide to take out a loan to buy a house and approach a bank. Instead of waiting in line or trying to reach an operator, you start a dialogue with a neuro-consultant – a chatbot created based on artificial intelligence.

      You ask the bot a simple question: «What documents are needed to get a home loan?».

      Thanks to the trained neural network, the bot instantly analyzes your request and provides a precise and understandable list of required documents.

      Then you inquire about the interest rate, and the bot, knowing your interest in a home loan, provides up-to-date information on the rates for this type of loan, as well as information about possible promotions and special offers.

      When you have a more complex question, such as the procedure for insuring property during the loan period, the bot understands that a live specialist would be better suited to answer this question and instantly redirects your chat to the bank’s loan consultant.

      In this way, the use of a neuro-consultant in the bank significantly simplifies and accelerates the process of communicating with clients, helping them quickly and efficiently obtain the necessary information and save their time.

      Assistants in Cars: The latest car models are integrated with voice control systems that allow drivers to ask questions, manage multimedia, and even check the weather without being distracted from the road.

      Virtual assistants and language models are actively infiltrating every sphere of our lives, making it not only easier but also more interesting, enabling us to interact with technology as naturally as we interact with each other.

      Many believe that art and creativity are the exclusive domain of humans, an area where machines could never replace us. However, thanks to language models, the line between human creativity and machine-generated content is becoming blurred.

      Literature: OpenAI, the company behind many cutting-edge language models, has presented projects where models generated short stories, poems, and even essays on given topics. Some of these works were so convincing that they impressed even professional writers.

      In the chapter about GPT plugins, you will find examples of how books can be created in a matter of seconds, complete with ready-made illustrations and the ability to be instantly published in the Amazon bookstore.

      Of course, not everything is smooth sailing; people are reluctant to surrender their positions to artificial intelligence.

      The first ones to raise the alarm were Hollywood screenwriters. They expressed concerns that artificial intelligence could take away their jobs.

      They also pointed out the threat that artificial intelligence poses if real movies start being made according to its scripts.

      They believe that something fundamental could be lost if Hollywood allows itself to become a wasteland of stories created by AI.

      Music: Google’s Magenta is a project that utilizes AI for creating musical compositions.

      These algorithms can craft melodies, harmonies, and even entire compositions that sound as if they were composed by a human.

      Machine-generated singing and music composition could indeed become a new wave in the world of art. With the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, the possibilities in this field are growing exponentially.

      AI is already capable of generating melodies, accompaniments, and even song lyrics that can compete with the works of human composers.

      Imagine a world where your personal AI composer can create a unique song or melody based on your mood or the events of your day.

      Or even a world where machines can perform as singers or musicians at concerts, offering an entirely new experience for the audience.

      Such a future might seem distant, but considering the current pace of technological development, it could become a reality much sooner than we think.

      Artificial intelligence continues to learn and improve, and who knows what new horizons it will open for the world of music in the coming years.

      In the book’s epilogue, you will become acquainted with the latest achievements of language models in this direction and be amazed by what modern models are capable of.

      Visual Arts: Midjerney, DeepArt, and DALL•E are examples of programs that can create artistic images and illustrations based on given descriptions or styles.

      They can replicate the style of famous artists or create entirely new, unique masterpieces.

      Imagine you want to delight your friend with a unique birthday gift. You decide to give them a portrait, but with a special twist.

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