I’ve brought you God!. Eugene Nomak

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I’ve brought you God! - Eugene Nomak

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integrity of the cloth, it is composed of three hundred and seventy layers. This is the optimal number to maintain the sword’s durability and the functionality of the device as a whole. If you look closely at the center of the hilt, you will see a dark display screen that is activated,“ she quickly brought the hilt up to Tamura’s face and immediately pulled it away before the birthday girl realized what was happening, „by a biometric scanner of the user’s face! It’s a weapon that would kill God himself!

      – Where’d you get the scan of my face, huh?

      – In the database! Don’t distract me! The technology of the whole device resembles a standard witch’s knife, but! The blade performs continuous automatic blood sampling of victims across the entire surface of the blade, separating it by DNA types already at the stage of formation of individual protovacuum cells. The processor continuously sends queries to the database for DNA matches, automatically generating a list of murdered people in the witch cloud, labeling the time and place of the murder or wounding. Immediately after listing, blood is removed through the tip of the blade tip. If no match is found, the sample is placed in a protovacuum cell and can be stored there, uncoagulated, for eight months! When it is no longer needed, it is reset with a touch button on the display. Forty such protovacuum cells can be formed! These dots show how the cells are filling up. If the dot is red, the cell is full.

      – Give me my pipidaster already! – Tamura couldn’t resist, she took the katana away and exposed the blade completely. – What a beauty! – She whispered, looking at the play of reflected light on the ornamental patterns of the gilded sword. – I never dreamed of such a thing! How much is it?

      – As much as you give! – Cataleya cut in. – You know the rule.

      – Of course, – enthusiastically hissed the birthday girl and pulled out of her purse an ancient gold coin. – Aztec gold! – she tossed the coin with her fingers, unwinding it, and in flight struck it with the palm of her hand, pinning it to the table.

      – You knew, didn’t you, that the sword would be a gift? – Eira asked.

      – I guessed. But I thought it would be a souvenir from ancient samurai Japan. And I certainly didn’t expect such a celebration! Thank you, girls! Cheers! – she raised a shot of vodka. – I love you all!

      – Here’s to you, Tamurach! God grant you the health to kill believers! – shouted Ruta.

      – Pun intended? – Eira sneered. – Let’s talk about practicing whispering witches.

      – Okay,“ the white witch put the phone down on the table, „Vince is late anyway. Listen. If you choose a special timbre, and on the throat bifurcation whisper poetry, necessarily with dactylic rhyme, such as «God», «Sergejenka», «twig», «cell», and the endings of rhymes should be with a fading amplitude, and the rhythm is constantly breaking, not allowing the subject to get used to the tact, you can directly change the cognitive paradigm of perception of reality. Hallucinations created by the subcortex of the subject’s brain are the most harmless thing that can happen to the subject. How does it work? First, you whisper something very close or even sacred to the victim, but with an intonation for unspoken fear. «Not resurrected» and «not crucified» is immediately clear about whom, but the denial itself a priori causes a protective reaction of the brain, forcibly putting the person into an alpha state. Further all the rest of the whispering motive is visualized by a person in a dream, not realizing that he is sleeping. Does that make sense?

      – A test subject? – Eira asked.

      – I’d like ten people,» Ruta looked to the left and up. – I’d like to practice.

      – Wouldn’t one be enough?

      – That’s the thing, it wouldn’t be enough. I’ve had more than one! I want to learn how to control a person’s behavior, not drive them crazy, and I certainly don’t want to kill them. So far, all I’ve gotten is negative results! All I can do is make a crowd think something nasty. And I want to rule! We have unallocated children in foster care. It’s the easiest thing to do with kids. I promise not to kill anyone.

      – Practice on Vince,» Tamura whispered, mimicking Ruth.

      The young witch jumped up on the table and hissed. Tamura instantly nudged the present and took a strong swing, stopping the sword right at Ruta’s neck.

      – What’s going on here? – came a stuttering male voice from behind.

      The witches looked at a young man in his thirties. The guy was clearly shocked by what was happening. With shaking hands he held a small black box wrapped with a golden ribbon.

      – «Left unbalanced,» Tamura said, pretending not to pay attention to the newcomer. Then she turned to the young man: «I was given a sword. Look at it,» she held it out to Vince, «isn’t it beautiful?

      – We made it for your right hand,» Eira said.

      – Well, I’ll work on it later,» she jabbed the blade at the box the young man had come in with. – Me?

      – What’s a pipidastre? – Boudicca was already getting nervous.

      – That’s why a right-handed sword should be balanced to the left hand? – Eira persisted.

      – What if my right hand gets chopped off! I’ll throw the katana on the mezzanine, right? Let it gather dust, huh? – Tamura turned to the boy again: «So it’s for me?

      – Yes, yt… For you,» he replied.

      – My boy was hiccupped to the point of hiccups. – The white witch came from behind to the boy, hugged him and kissed his neck, -Hello, kitty. Don’t pay attention to the elderly idiots,“ she took the boy’s hand and turned to the people sitting there, „this is Vince, my young man. Vince is an artist. He draws the subjects of famous works with a simple pencil.

      – Give me the present, Vince,» Tamura used her blade to hook the loop of the gold bow on the black box. – What do we have here? – She quickly untied the knot, opened the box, and pulled out a glass flask, sealed on both sides. In the flask lay motionless a huge insect with glossy straight folded wings and long whiskers. – Is it what I think it is?

      – It’s a Krasnoyarsk cockroach,» Vince answered. – From the infested borderlands. He’s in anabiosis. Or a she. I don’t know, to be honest. All I know is that you break off the tip and let air in. The cockroach will come back to life. There’s a special cut in the glass. That’s what the store said. Are you a collector?

      – Well, as a collector? – Tamura smiled, shook the cockroach onto the table and pulled off the glove on her left hand. – This is for Mitsu!

      Boudicca looked at the cockroach and began to howl.

      – «We’re going to go, out on the balcony for a smoke,» said Cataleya, picking Boudicca up under her armpits. – I’ll tell you what a pipidastrum is. – The witches got up from the table and slowly moved outside.

      – I’ve seen so many gruesome deaths, but I can’t bear to look at such things,» Snyt commented and turned away defiantly.

      The cockroach fell on his back and began to slowly

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