I’ve brought you God!. Eugene Nomak

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I’ve brought you God! - Eugene Nomak

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the cockroach gave up. The spider turned it over, climbed onto its belly, and looked at Vince for a moment.

      – Thank you,» the birthday girl whispered, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand.

      The spider slowly pushed its sting into the cockroach’s abdomen, piercing its web and the soft fabric of the insect’s shell. In pain, the cockroach let out a thin squeak, which changed to a wheeze after a second, and then simply subsided.

      – Every breath shall praise the one-eyed man! – The white witch whispered quickly.

      – That spider, does it live in you? – Vince looked clearly confused, not expecting this outcome.

      – Well, what kind of spider is it? – Tamura said affectionately, stroking the furry back of Mitsu’s meal. – It’s a harmless spider. He’s just a little boy. And cockroaches from the eastern infested territories are his favorite treat. – The spider finished sucking the liquid out of the dried and gaunt cockroach and hopped onto the back of her hand, then ran down her outer garment to the birthday girl’s face and sniffed at her nostril.

      – Vince, kitty, let’s get out of here. See, aunts are crazy,» Ruta took the boy’s hand and pulled him toward the exit. – Bye, girls! – she said without turning around.

      – We’ll go too,» said Cataleya, who had returned from the balcony. – We have work tomorrow. Thanks for the alcohol and the food. And here, I made you something too,» she pulled a metal dragonfly with mesh wings out of her purse. – It’s for evil eye and curses. You wear it on your belt.

      – Red, you took it off the corpse, didn’t you? – Tamura asked as she put it on her belt.

      – The owner is dead, but he’s not cursed. And as you know, death cleanses amulets. Besides, I know you like that kind of thing.

      – Nice girls,» Eira said, finishing her champagne.

      – I don’t know,» Tamura replied. – They’re boring. Predictable. Ruta’s cool. And Cataleya… Except for the amulets. She gave Ruta an arrow of love for her last birthday. Lucky her.

      – Yeah, lucky. She’s so lucky. As long as I’ve worked with her, I’ve never seen her like this. What happened to her last boyfriend?

      – When she was explaining the rhymes, she mentioned Seryozhenka for a reason.

      Eira opened her eyes wide, showing a look of surprise bordering on shock.

      – Uh-huh,» Tamura nodded. – She had a boy about thirty-five years old. He was macho, and they started dating. And then he began to impose his will on her. A man, he said, and you’re a green teenager. The man said it, the man did it. She found an infusion system somewhere in the lab, tied Seryozhenka to a chair with pantyhose, gagged him with a teddy bear and stuck the donor needle of the drip directly into his brain. She put the other needle in a vein on his elbow. Then she climbed on top of him and started fucking him. And when he came, she pumped all the orgasm hormones into herself with an infusion pump. He’s in a pre-stroke state and she gets a double buzz. And she did it for a week until he went cuckoo. She whispered a poem to him every time. I’ll find it, I had it somewhere,» she pulled out her phone, «listen:

      my Sergei

      liquid wax

      empty eye sockets

      I’ll fill them

      and two candles

      as they do in church

      to make it look like eyes

      ♪ but they’re false ♪

      ♪ and there’s a waxen tear running ♪

      ♪ and in my soul ♪

      black god


      ♪ with a dessert spoon ♪

      ♪ eats my heart out ♪

      ♪ under the still warm skin ♪


      so as not to eat you at once.

      my Seryozhnya

      took the devils to the autobahn.

      – Oh, come on! – Eira stretched out. – I thought you were the sick one. But something like that! You wouldn’t dream of it. It’s so creepy! The verse, by the way, is no less creepy. It’s also the most prophetic! Let’s toast her,» she topped up the glasses with champagne.

      – Let’s toast Mitsu. He’s part of me, after all.

      – By the way, you never said anything about your spider. Where’d you get it?

      – Nobody believes me. That’s why I don’t.

      – Will you tell me?

      – Okay, listen. I had an older sister named Linda. Arachnophile. Had a wild fascination with all members of the arthropod family. Raised and bred them. Over 60 specimens in her collection. And she loved to touch them. And even more loved it when they climbed on her naked body. She got goosebumps and moaned when spiders bit her. Most of them were highly poisonous, and her body eventually developed an antidote. Her parents didn’t share her sophisticated hobby, but they didn’t forbid it either. But Linda loved her little sister more than spiders. She was crazy about me. Said she’d never leave me alone and would take care of me till the end of time. But one day she did. She was already fourteen, and her boy asked her out. And I was nine. She put me on a bus and sent me home. There was a fanatic on the bus with an explosive device, which he detonated when the bus was barely away from the stop. I was badly burned and one piece of shrapnel went through my heart. They put me back together piece by piece, but they couldn’t save my heart. Anyway, I needed a baby heart with a high coincidence factor. I didn’t see Linda in pain at the time, but I know what she did. Landed a female hermit spider, the most venomous spider of the new world, on her and it bit her. There was no antidote for it in her system, and an hour later Linda was found blue, covered in some kind of slime. She was dead, and the parents made the decision to save at least one child. The doctors refused to transplant the heart, which had toxin levels that exceeded all acceptable norms. So the father paid them well. The heart was transplanted, but it did not beat, despite direct massage, defibrillators and all the actions of doctors. And this is where the strangest and most mysterious event began. I opened my eyes during my resuscitation and clearly saw a hermit spider descending from the ceiling on a spider web. At one point in time he froze, I suddenly thought he was looking at me with all four pairs of eyes. Then the spider broke away from the web and dropped right into my open chest between my ribs. And my heart gave its first beat, then another and another. I was saved. No one believes me, because I couldn’t have seen it, because I was dead at that moment. But I remember it very clearly and distinctly. That boy has lived inside me ever since. Taking care of me, healing any open wounds, stopping internal bleeding, injecting antidotes and antivirals into my body, fixing broken limbs.

      – Cool! – Eira nodded. – Really cool. Doesn’t it cure radiation?

      – I don’t want to check. But

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