How to nail a job interview and stand out from other applicants. Ольга Анатольевна Смагина

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How to nail a job interview and stand out from other applicants - Ольга Анатольевна Смагина

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      Using templates can be beneficial when creating a CV. However, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

      1. Try and use templates it can make it easier for recruiters and HR professionals to perceive information since it follows a standardized format.

      2. Modify the template to ensure your CV is concise, clean, and readable. Aim to keep it to two pages and use a readable font (such as Arial or Calibri) with a font size no smaller than 10 pt.

      3. Avoid modifying a template provided by the organization you are applying to. Stick to using templates that are more general and adaptable.

      4. Maintain consistency in your use of bold and capitalization. Use them for the same purpose throughout all your CV.

      5. Only use color if you believe it will enhance your chances of securing a job. Be cautious not to overdo it or make your CV appear unprofessional.

      6. Double-check that you have not left any text in your native language while applying for a position where proficiency in another language is required. /

      By following these guidelines, you can effectively utilize templates while still personalizing your CV to make it stand out to potential employers.


      The initial section of your CV should prominently display your name, allowing the recruiter to easily identify your CV.

      To achieve this, we recommend the following:

      1. Write your name as indicated before.

      2. Use a larger font size compared to the rest of the CV.

      3. Apply bold formatting to make your name stand out.

      4. Center your name or position it in a noticeable location.

      By implementing these suggestions, your name will be effectively highlighted at the top of your CV.


      To enhance your professional image, it is important to have a suitable email address. Avoid using email addresses that include personal interests or unrelated information, such as the name of a favorite band or movie, or your birth date. Instead, create an email address that clearly distinguishes your first name from your last name.

      For example: [email protected]



      Write First name + Surname (e.g. Ivan Ivanov)

      Never use any nicknames.

      Personal details:

      Write contact details (one email address and one phone number are enough).


      Make sure you have a standard professional address containing your real name, preferably without any numbers.

      Remember: you are not required to include the following information: age, gender, marital status, nationality.

      However, if you feel that it will increase your chances of getting a particular job in a particular company, don’t hesitate to do it

      Other details: if you wish you can give links to your LinkedIn profile or your website.


      There is no special requirement to use your photo.

      Nevertheless, a simple black and white photo is not supposed to divert attention from your CV and moreover, it will make your CV more attractive and interesting.

      Remember that it is acceptable to have only head shot on a white background.

      Make sure your face and hair as well as any visible clothes look presentable.

      Try to look friendly and open, preferably with a light smile.

      It goes without saying, the photo should be recent and reflect your current appearance.

      How to Highlight your strengths and hide weaknesses

      When it comes to showcasing your strengths and downplaying weaknesses in a CV, there are several strategies you can utilize to present yourself in the best possible way. Here are some tips:

      1. Tailor your CV:

      make your CV fit the specific job you are applying for by highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position. Emphasize your achievements in these particular areas to demonstrate your strengths.

      2. Start strong:

      start your CV with an irrefutable objective or summary statement highlighting your key strengths and qualifications. This will immediately capture the reader's attention and demonstrate your value as a candidate.

      3. Prioritize your strongest qualifications:

      List your most impressive qualifications and accomplishments first, whether it's education, work experience, or certifications. Place these sections at the top of your CV to ensure they are noticed right away.

      4. Determine your achievements with numbers, percentages, or other measurable metrics to illustrate the impact of your work. This helps highlight your strengths and provides concrete evidence of your abilities.

      5. Use positive language:

      Frame your experiences and accomplishments in a positive light by using strong action verbs and confident language. This will create a favorable impression and showcase your strengths.

      6. Downplay weaknesses:

      While it's important to be honest in your CV, you can choose to minimize or omit certain weaknesses that are not relevant to the position or would detract from your overall qualifications. Focus on highlighting your strengths instead.

      7. Highlight transferable skills: If you have skills transferable to the position you are applying for, make sure to emphasize them in your CV. This can compensate for any perceived weaknesses in other areas.

      8. Seek feedback: Before finalizing your CV, consider getting feedback from colleagues you trust, supervisors, or professional CV writers. They can make valuable insights and ideas for highlighting your strengths and minimizing weaknesses. Remember, the aim of your CV is to present yourself as a strong and qualified candidate. By strategically showcasing your strengths and minimizing weaknesses, you can create a compelling document that demonstrates your gravity to potential employers.

      How to state the correct objective

      An Objective determines what kind of job you would like to have. Generally, it is used when you are not responding to a specific advert but sending your CV so that a recruiter or HR manager will have a suitable job for you.

      An Objective is placed under your personal details.

      For example,

      Helen Brown

      [email protected], +39 640 7898 3456


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