Атлас искусственного интеллекта: руководство для будущего. Кейт Кроуфорд

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Wealth of Nations, 4–5.


      Marx and Engels, Marx-Engels Reader, 479. Marx expanded on this notion of the worker as an «appendage» in Capital, vol. 1: «In handicrafts and manufacture, the worker makes use of a tool; in the factory, the machine makes use of him. There the movements of the instrument of labor proceed from him, here it is the movements of the machine that he must follow. In manufacture the workers are parts of a living mechanism. In the factory we have a lifeless mechanism which is independent of the workers, who are incorporated into it as its living appendages.» Marx, Das Kapital, 548–49.


      Luxemburg, «Practical Economies,» 444.


      Thompson, «Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism.»


      Thompson, 88–90.


      Werrett, «Potemkin and the Panopticon,» 6.


      See, e. g., Cooper, «Portsmouth System of Manufacture.»


      Foucault, Discipline and Punish; Horne and Maly, Inspection House.


      Mirzoeff, Right to Look, 58.


      Mirzoeff, 55.


      Mirzoeff, 56.


      Gray and Suri, Ghost Work.


      Irani, «Hidden Faces of Automation.»


      Yuan, «How Cheap Labor Drives China’s A. I. Ambitions»; Gray and Suri, «Humans Working behind the AI Curtain.»


      Berg et al., Digital Labour Platforms.


      Roberts, Behind the Screen; Gillespie, Custodians of the Internet, 111–40.


      Silberman et al., «Responsible Research with Crowds.»


      Silberman et al.


      Huet, «Humans Hiding behind the Chatbots.»




      See Sadowski, «Potemkin AI.»


      Taylor, «Automation Charade.»




      Gray and Suri, Ghost Work.


      Standage, Turk, 23.


      Standage, 23.


      See, e. g., Aytes, «Return of the Crowds,» 80.


      Irani, «Difference and Dependence among Digital Workers,» 225.


      Pontin, «Artificial Intelligence.»


      Menabrea and Lovelace, «Sketch of the Analytical Engine.»


      Babbage, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, 39–43.


      Babbage evidently acquired an interest in quality-control processes while trying (vainly) to establish a reliable supply chain for the components of his calculating engines.


      Schaffer, «Babbage’s Calculating Engines and the Factory System,» 280.


      Taylor, People’s Platform, 42.


      Katz and Krueger, «Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements.»


      Rehmann, «Taylorism and Fordism in the Stockyards,» 26.


      Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital, 56, 67; Specht, Red Meat Republic.


      Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management.


      Marx, Poverty of Philosophy, 22.


      Qiu, Gregg, and Crawford, «Circuits of Labour»; Qiu, Goodbye iSlave.


      Markoff, «Skilled Work, without the Worker.»



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