Daydreams. Journey to yourself. Elena Tiranova

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Daydreams. Journey to yourself - Elena Tiranova

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do I see when I look in the mirror? I see my sweet face, unique in its kind. There are a lot of interesting things in this face – every feature, crease and dimple tells its own story about me.

      What do I see when I look closely into the eyes? I see eyes full of kindness, tenderness and love. They are incredibly beautiful and reflect the inner essence of my soul.

      My sincere desire is to let love out and admit love to myself. This task can be difficult, because I have rarely been told about the importance of giving love without expecting to receive something in return. However, I clearly understand that I deserve unconditional love and care.

      Now, finally, I want to say to myself — «I love you». And I say this because I deserve care, attention and support.

      Looking in the mirror, I say, «I love you, Alice. You deserve love, care and attention. Alice, you are beautiful and deserve only the best. Don’t forget about it and I always keep love for myself in my heart».

      Thanking the mirror for such a wonderful experience, I went on to walk through this wonderful Garden of Eden with a smile. It seemed that the garden became even more beautiful, bright and welcoming, I even dared to approach one of the trees, choose and pluck the fruit of paradise.

      It seems that when I chose the fruit, a real magic happened. All the feelings inside were awakened and sharpened, I enjoyed the taste and texture of the fruit.

      With each bite, I felt this fruit filling me with strength and vitality. This process saturated not only physically, but also mentally.

      The pleasure of the heavenly fruit drew a smile on my face and filled my heart with gratitude for this unique experience. I suddenly remembered the wealth and abundance that are present in this world, as well as the possibility of choice.

      The lived experience brought the realization that pleasure and joy can be found in simple and natural things. I have an unlimited choice in my hands, and I accept it with gratitude and openness».

      Alice described her feelings and emotions, as if returning to this dream again. Ella was listening to her cousin’s fairy tale with admiration and interest, imagining herself next to her in this garden of Eden. The girls imagined how they would explore this place together, meet new friends and experience unforgettable sensations.

      Chapter 2

      Traveling on a magic carpet

      The following cozy evening, Alice and Ella continued to share their dreams. Alice talked about her journey on the magic carpet in her dream. The canvas was soft, beautiful and fabulous. Usually sultans, genies and wizards fly on such carpets. Let’s turn to her story:

      «Ella, you see, flying on a magic carpet caused me a variety of emotions and feelings, I was captured by excitement. The higher the carpet rose, gaining speed, the more I felt the adrenaline beating inside me. This moment was comparable to diving into a completely new world in which nothing is impossible. Fantasy images were released and turned into reality, allowing you to experience an incredible sense of freedom.

      I could see the city transforming beneath me. The roofs of buildings, streets and parks looked completely different from a height. I felt like a bird that had conquered the sky, which added to my sense of greatness and absolute power.

      Powerful gusts of wind from each wave of the magic carpet brought a feeling of freshness and energy. I enjoyed this wind, which touched my skin and hair, which gave my flight even more reality and liveliness.

      This journey completely absorbed me. It seemed that my whole being became absolutely free, and I felt that this flight would leave a lifelong mark in my memory. At the beginning, when I took off, I felt anxiety and fear from heights. But, as expected, fear has rapidly changed to excitement and surprise at the beauty and magic of what is happening.

      Floating above the ground, I felt a sincere lightness. It was like a childhood dream come true. My heart was filled with joy and delight at the beautiful landscape that opened up in front of me from a bird’s-eye view. A look at a familiar city from a new perspective.

      Despite of the fear and excitement, I felt strong and brave. It was a challenge to my boundaries and limitations, and I overcame them, discovering new opportunities and resources in myself.

      During the flight on the magic carpet, I felt a mixture of emotions: joy, delight, excitement, fear, courage. It was a real adrenaline-fueled adventure. I felt alive, living every moment.

      Flying on a magic carpet allowed me to see from a bird’s eye view not only my hometown, but also my life. I flew past all the stages of my life and noted various bright moments. Reliving each stage anew, I got pleasure, joy and satisfaction.

      Flying on a magic carpet allowed me to experience the important moments of my life exactly the way I would like. According to my feelings, I added bright moments and enjoyed every subsequent moment. At the end of the flight, the magic carpet landed on a desert island.

      The first thing I felt when I found myself on a desert island was the cold penetrating my bones and muscles. I urgently needed to light a fire to keep warm and create light in the darkness of the night.

      Having difficulty with navigating in the dark, I began searching for materials for a bonfire. Collecting dry twigs, leaves and mosses, I hoped to find something that would help me light a fire. A sense of insecurity and anxiety mixed with a growing fear of the surrounding darkness.

      So, time passed, and night fell. I was still struggling with finding the right materials and ways to light a bonfire. I lacked a spark of hope, but I did not give up, realizing that my survival depends on it.

      Finally, after hard work, I found dry grass, as well as a flint that could help to create a spark. Trembling, I began to light the fire, carefully watching the embers. And finally, I saw a small spark that turned into a flame.

      The fire warmed me up and illuminated my surroundings. A feeling of relief and gratitude swept over me, because now I had a source of warmth and light.

      Although darkness still reigned around, I felt some relief and confidence in my abilities. I realized that I was able to cope with difficulties and create the necessary comfort on a desert island.

      Now, being warmed up by the fire and illuminated by its light, I could finally relax… Suddenly, I felt something in the sand. It turned out to be a bottle with a treasure map rolled up in it. There was still a long dark night ahead, but this could not stop the growing determination to overcome any difficulties and dive into any adventures. So, already fantasizing about how I would go on a treasure hunt at dawn, I fell into a pleasant sleep.

      Morning came quickly. Having packed up, I went in search of the unknown. I was accompanied by a slight excitement and some fear of the unknown.

      I realized that this was an important journey, and the treasure I was looking for was important to me at the moment.

      Walking through the dense jungle, I was enjoying the surrounding nature, birdsong and anticipation.

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