Daydreams. Journey to yourself. Elena Tiranova

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Daydreams. Journey to yourself - Elena Tiranova

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can this treasure mean to me? Maybe it is a symbolic reflection of my values, desires, or hidden potential?»

      Various thoughts raced through my mind as I was moving along the planned path. I felt that this was not just a material possession, but something that would help in my personal growth and development.

      Strength and determination were building up inside me. It was interesting to feel it. I was ready to face everything that was meant for me with my eyes and heart open. The time and length of the journey didn’t matter, because I was completely focused on the moment and the experience I was living. The mystery of the treasure beckoned to me, and I wanted to get to know it as soon as possible.

      And finally, when I got to the designated point marked on the map with the «X» sign, I got up and started digging. I didn’t have a shovel, therefore I had to row with my hands. It was difficult, but I didn’t stop.

      After several efforts, I was finally able to find the chest and get it out. Holding my breath with joy and excitement, I opened the lid. There were 10 items inside, each required careful study. It seemed that each of the objects had its own symbolic meaning and could serve special purposes in travel and life.

      That’s what was inside the chest:

      An ancient book: a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and history. It is a treasure trove of information that can help in understanding and overcoming difficulties.

      A small key: a symbol of discovery and possibilities. It represents the potential to unlock new doors and open new paths in life.

      Elegant necklace: a symbol of elegance and beauty. It reminds of inner and outer nobility, as well as its own value and uniqueness.

      Notebook: a symbol of creativity and self-expression. It is a place where you can capture your thoughts, ideas and goals, and it also serves as a tool for planning and development.

      A bottle of aromatic oil: a symbol of inner well-being and spirituality. Aromatic oil can help to create an atmosphere of calm, relaxation and inner harmony.

      Map: orientation and navigation symbol. It is a tool for exploring and understanding the world around you, as well as for building the right routes.

      Arrow: a symbol of direction and purpose. Carved from wood, it can remind you of striving forward, overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

      Magnetic compass: orientation and guidance symbol. It is a tool for determining direction and helping to make decisions on the way to your goals.

      Miniature canvas with brushes and paints: a symbol of creativity and self-expression. It can serve as a tool for expressing your emotions, ideas and inner world through art and creativity.

      Small castle: a symbol of treasure and mystery. It contains hidden potentials and possibilities that require a key to open.

      Of all these items, I definitely decided to take an old book with me, it seemed to me a wise treasure of knowledge. I also chose a small key, feeling its symbolic significance and potential to open up new possibilities.

      Some items, such as a necklace and a bottle of aromatic oil, seemed useful to me, but I realized that their true value could go far beyond the material. They could represent emotional and spiritual saturation.

      Other items, such as a notebook, a map and a canvas with paints, aroused interest and a desire to learn more about yourself and the world around you. I decided to take them with me to explore and develop further. I chose these items because of their symbolic meaning and their ability to help me in my journey. Each item has acquired a personal value for me.

      The ancient book was a source of wisdom and knowledge. It contained unique information that could help me understand myself and the world around me.

      The small key symbolized possibilities and discoveries. It represented the potential to unlock new doors and open new horizons.

      The notebook was a tool for self-expression and planning. It would allow me to capture my thoughts, ideas and goals and help me to develop and grow.

      The map was a tool for orientation and navigation. It would help me to explore and understand the world around me and find my way to success.

      A tiny canvas with brushes and paints symbolized creativity and self-expression. It would give me the opportunity to express my emotions and ideas through art and creativity.

      The other items that I decided to leave behind could also be valuable, but their significance and role in my journey and overcoming difficulties were less obvious and insignificant in this context. I chose the subjects that suited my needs the best and in the long run would help me to walk the path with wisdom, discovery, self-expression and orientation.

      It was an interesting experience and a fascinating journey. I was reflecting and thinking about everything while I got to the magic carpet, which was obediently waiting for me on the island. I was about to fly away when I suddenly heard the carpet talking to me:

      «Dear Alice!

      I know how scared of flying you were, so I took you with me in your dream. I want to tell you that you are doing a great job! Your courage and determination have won me over.

      You were able to overcome your doubts, gather your strength and take a step into the unknown. You proved to yourself that fear should not be an obstacle in realizing dreams and achieving goals, and showed how important it is to overcome yourself in order to open up new horizons.

      Let each flight be a reminder of your strength and determination, and let each overcoming of fear be a source of inspiration for others. Don’t stop there, go ahead, open up new horizons and let yourself fly higher and further!»

      When I heard these words, I felt my cheeks «burn», and my eyes filled with tears, an involuntary smile colored my face. The feeling of being supported, of being believed in, is irreplaceable. After all, there is nothing better than a sincere and deep faith in a person and his capabilities. It inspires and gives strength to go forward.

      On the way home, I felt refreshed and satisfied. The difficulties of the journey helped me realize my strength and perseverance. With the items from the chest, I realized that I have valuable resources and knowledge that would help me get through future challenges. I flew home with a feeling of deep satisfaction and was ready to continue my inner journey with new discoveries and growth».

      With this, Alice finished her story about the fascinating dream that visited her. The girls did not want to discuss anything, they just wanted to reflect: Alice about what she had experienced, and Ella about what she had heard. Everyone’s consciousness was immersed in deep reflection. «What if it’s true that dreams mean a lot more than we think?»

      With such thoughts, Alice and Ella fell asleep.

      Chapter 3

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