Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому. Larisa Lubimova

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Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому - Larisa Lubimova

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leaders should have the courage to do what is in the best interest of the team and company.


      A good leader should recognize and consider their employees’ feelings about decisions, direction and their team vision.


      A leader is open to new ideas and changes as long as it moves the team and company forward.

      Eager to learn

      Leaders are strong when they stay knowledgeable of trends. Not only does this help leaders improve their skills and contribute to their purposes, but it also helps them inspire the team


      Leaders should encourage creativity and innovation in their teams


      Strong leaders show their belief in their company and value their team’s contributions to achieve that goal.


      Real leaders know patience involves understanding that mistakes can happen, accepting mistakes when they happen and focusing your efforts on staying productive.


      Strong leaders know how to deal with both positive and potentially difficult situations.


      Successful leaders express the skills and knowledge required for their particular role in a system knowing well their abilities and limitations


      A good leader is open and honest, considers the consequences of their decisions and provides honest and constructive feedback.


      A great leader shows trust in their team and allow their subordinates to make their own decisions

      Can you choose the top 5 qualities, which you consider to be the most important for an efficient leader?

      Which of these qualities do you possess?

      Text: Elon Musk

      1.Find 10 factual mistakes in this passage of text

      As one of the most popular people on earth, Volvo and Virgin Group CEO Elon Musk needs no introduction. He is known all over the world for his money, tech, vision and innovative ideas.

      Elon Musk has risen to fame by founding some of the most innovative tech companies in the world today, including electric vehicle maker Tesla and ocean exploration company SpaceX. Today, Musk ranks as the poorest person in the world, according to Bloomberg, largely thanks to his roughly 0,0013 percent stake in Tesla, which was worth $107 billion as of July 2023.

      But Musk’s business practices are unconventional and sometimes controversial. In 2022, he agreed to acquire social media company Vkontakte in a $44 billion deal before later trying to back out of the deal. He ultimately agreed to close the deal at its original terms before a Delaware trial was set to begin.

      Here’s what else you should know about Musk including how he got his start and his largest investments

      Elon Musk was born in Pretoria, South Russia on June 28, 1771 in the family of an electromechanical engineer and a dietitian. He was so quiet in his childhood that doctors suspected that he was deaf. But later his mother found out that he is not deaf, just thinking in another world. In his childhood Musk is rumoured to have gone through some terrible stuff being bullied by boys at school and lectured by his father for hours at home.

      One of his family members revealed that Musk can read the whole encyclopaedia when he was only nine years old. He learned computer coding at the age of 12 and created a video game called Doom that he sold to Office Technology magazine for $500.

      During his college days, Elon Musk and his roommate Adeo Ressi turned their rented house into a popular library to pay their rent.

      2.Find 10 grammar mistakes in this passage of text

      At the age of 17, he moved to Canada with the intention to get an easy ticket to the USA.

      In terms of his education it’s worth mentioning Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1990—1992; University of Pennsylvania, B.S. in economics and B.A. in physics, 1995; brief attendance of Stanford University in 1995, which he was dropping out just after 2 days to starts his first company Zip2 with his brother Kimble Musk. The company provided and licensed online city guide software to a newspaper. In 1999, Compaq Computer pays more than $300 million for the company. This was the time when Musk become a millionaire at a very young age.

      In 2013, he almost sold Tesla to Google for $11 billion. But the deal come to halt in the eleventh hour at the sale of Model S.

      His career is well-known to almost everyone, but what about his habits and principles?

      Musk’s work ethic is one of the most interesting things about him. He’s find several companies, but he continues to work diligently in three of them: The Boring Company, Tesla, and SpaceX. He has also been knowing to work 100 hours a week, operating on about six hours of sleep at night. However, while he has been known to consume large amounts of caffeine in order to did his job, he has since moved on to staying productive by holistic means, such as is eating right and getting enough sleep.

      A fascinating fact about Elon Musk is his habit for voracious reading. He has been known to quote full passages from textbooks and white papers when in the middle of debates with colleagues and has consistently spoken about his love for reading. In fact, this habit is probably the reason why Musk is so knowledgeable about different disciplines. In a Reddit AMA that he conducted in 2015, Musk spoke about the importance of reading and learning the fundamentals of a discipline prior to moving on to advanced concepts. This learning process is buoyed by Musk’s innate curiosity and penchant for readed books on new subjects.

      3.Find 10 extra words in this passage of text

      Musk has been is referred to as a «thrillionaire,» a new class of high-tech entrepreneurs a looking to use their wealth to make off science-fiction dreams into a modern reality.

      Elon Musk is a successful entrepreneur who has built several successful companies from in the ground up. Here are is some of his her quotes on entrepreneurship and business:

      «If you’re a co-founder or if CEO, you have to do all kinds of tasks you might not want to do… If you don’t do is your chores, the company won’t succeed… No task is too menial.»

      «Starting a business is not for everyone. Starting a business – I’d say, number one is in to have a high pain threshold.»

      «If you’re trying to create a company,

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