Rembrandt code. Artur Zadikyan

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Rembrandt code - Artur Zadikyan

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took his statement with a smile. It was e before he was in the center. He wrote to all authorities, to ufological societies, even to the presidents of space powers sent video message . In the end he got so annoyed … took into account his academic degree, titles, and so – little … that in the process of space mission with the help of telescopes, directly space telescope "James Webb", it was decided to redirect him to this area. After preliminary results, which were in favor of his claims, listened to the area with radio telescopes at one of the test sites of the concern "ZASLON". By the way, test site was located on the back side of the Moon.

      My surprise was accompanied by an ironic smile.

      – P I understand your skepticism, but if the moon rovers were working there officially, why can't we do experiments unofficially . And what do you think?

      – And what do I think?

      – You think everything matched his version.

      – Exactly, that's exactly what I thought… or think, I don't know, – cheerfully I replied, to make clear my healthy skepticism, which coincided with the tone of the interlocutor , and to hint about my intention to conduct the dialog not as a protocol.

      – So, I hasten to surprise you, – also moving to a more friendly manner, continued the man, – he wasn't just talking about this location.

      No matter how hard I tried to hide my surprise, my smile gave me away all the same.

      – I, and not only, also had such a reaction, and is not clear – to what and whom.

      – What and who?

      – According to these coordinates they determined the star, near which was the cause of variable radiation, which spoke about the presence of a planet there, and with an increased amount of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.

      – Ah, that's what it turns out to be. And, of course, that already spoke of the possible existence of biological life on this planet. That's genius.

      – We too had an ironic smile at first. And in the end, having determined the temperature of the planet, which was within the habitable zone, the ironic smile was replaced by a thoughtful contemplation.

      – Hmmm, well, of course, all the research findings are kept confidential, under the cover of… let -let me guess… top secret?

      – Or else .

      – All right, I almost believe it. So what are our brothers saying?

      In this manner of dialog I wanted to remind about the reason of my interest, which led me to him, and not to listen to some assumptions, predictions of either a madman, or a genius, or a soothsayer.

      The guardian of cyber space pressed his lips together and began to resemble a duck, after a short pause asked a question that apparently was bugging him:

      – Are brothers?

      My sigh and a glance at the ceiling spoke for themselves. After understanding glances at each other the interlocutor continued:

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