Rembrandt code. Artur Zadikyan

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Rembrandt code - Artur Zadikyan

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that must be classified, guarded, accordingly, no one has the right to go there. The secret center for the study of alien technologies was listed (in secret documents, of course, because in other documents it was absent) as a central server station for controlling strategic forces. And at once inform: many other centers in the world are also listed as bio laboratories, government bunkers, strategic secret communication nodes, often space direction, and, of course, at least storage centers of something secret. For example, a strategic food stockpile center, strategic weapons stockpile or seed storage. Yes, there is even such a thing in case of any global disaster ; sometimes they are equipped, protected and hidden more than military facilities.

      When I went to this center, the most surprising thing to me was not that I met unusual beings (or rather, they were people, but I call them beings), but that the "inhabitants" of this place were mostly unaware of the center itself. They didn't know where it was, what it was, and, you'd be surprised, had little idea of the world in which they lived. The world on a global scale.

      So, let me begin to organize the documentary data into a fictional narrative, so that I don't end up as one of the fugitives in hiding who knows some of the secrets that are often portrayed by authors in books. So, I will begin to describe, with some modifications, what happened there, what I encountered . By the time you are prepared and know what we are talking about, you will find this story a little satirical. However, for the people I will be writing about, things looked very different.

      By the way, I should specify: officially during this mission I did not serve in any structure, especially paramilitary; all my trips, all my activities were masked, besides the official "legend", also and under a religious mission, because the tickets, for example, for me had to be issued same.

      I was certainly familiar pre with where I was going, and naturally I had an agreed program and plan. Naturally, there was a goal. Here I have to clarify something: in fact, the power you see is like some system of management, which is necessary for objective reality, for example, like the administration of your settlement. And real power is hidden. Here you do not see gravity, radiation and similar influences, but they invisibly act on us. So we see someone, we think these prime ministers, presidents are the power in the country , but in fact there are t secret committees that are far removed from the official centers of government – administrations, parliaments and other . Maybe this sounds pathetic , but, you may agree, didn't you suspect it? Did you not think about the presence of some secret structures that invisibly influence society? Of course, you suspected, and many of you are sure. However… you will never know about their existence. Although it is not quite true: you will learn from my story. And you will learn how they run the world. That is, of course, if I can publish the classified material.

      A few words about the structure and components of this and similar facilities: if you have paid attention , recently it has become fashionable to make some administrative buildings out of glass. In the same style, all the interior rooms of these secret facilities are almost entirely glass . I was also surprised . And it is done this in order to completely and quickly destroy the object at a critical moment.

      I believe you understood what I was trying to say.


      Paradoxically , contrary to our basic instinct for self-preservation, which is the reason we evolved into the dominant species on Earth, we are destroying each other all the time. But the paradox, which I want to write about, is not that we, using innovations for this purpose, will eventually come to destroy each other with robots. By the way, while we are reading this text, robots, or rather, people with the help of robots are already destroying their own kind… So, n and any revolts of robots, which are described in fantastic literature, will not happen, at least independent, especially spontaneous, – it will happen by the will and order of people. Here is the paradox : a special program will have to be downloaded into the robots, let's call them androids. That is, as it happens very often in the history of mankind, all laws go to hell – constitutional, moral or God's ; once described three laws of robotics (provided by man for his safety) will become useless by order of the same creature – man. We ourselves will teach the robots to kill us; when they destroy us to such an extent that local boundaries of powerlessness – pockets not controlled by humans – will arise, then the already pre-conditioned programs to autonomy will control the robots without us. And they will continue to kill, because the program has already been put into them by us. This is the paradox of the instinct of self-preservation.

      Eventually, if we retain our identity and autonomy, androids will become full-fledged participants in social society. Whether we or do not – this is the next stage of evolution, in which there may well be such dialogues: "You, humans, live at the expense of nature, being a part of nature itself, while we, robots, androids, also live at the expense of nature, but are not a part of it. You humans have proclaimed yourselves the crown of creation, but if you look at it from the outside, you are robots just like us, you are just missing one of the chains of logical concept. That would survive, you needed to make a quick and easy decision, so you didn't develop it. Or you can justify it in another way, which is more inherent to many of you: the gods combined two particles, made man, accordingly, two-stage thinking (good and evil) was enough for him to survive. And after that you take resources from the planet and the Sun – reproduce your own kind. We do the same, only between these processes we produce what you produce with your intellectual labor. That is, you produced us. We are just adding a couple processes from you. And in fact we do the same as you do: we take the resources of the Earth, of the Sun, of nature in general, and we produce our own kind.

      However, all this is lyrical, although quite real. We will follow the vector of the main line of investigation.



      : I see you, I hear you.

      This is a story from that series of stories about which one judges whether or not to e believe in or disbelieve: a story that looks sort of plausible, but has elements of such kur ezes that are off the scale in terms of fiction. However, I must am reminded that in our world there are quite famous kur ezes that we already refer to fiction. This may concern both all sorts of mythical phenomena, all sorts of ambiguities in history, and natural phenomena, including unidentified ones. Once in this role could even be flights of comets or the so-called Northern Lights – Aurora. And now we wonder if there are aliens and life in general in the selenium, except for us. However, I would like to point out that even those levels of science, levels of technology , which are not classified, are not known to everyone. Not even because there is no information, but more because science is developing at such a speed that people do not have time to perceive and understand it . The average person does not have time to follow it all. Even scientists do not have time to systematize scientific information, because it is changing very dynamically.

      Already somewhere in the 80s of the twentieth century in the learning community arose the dilemma of searching for information : finding out whether there is something or not took so much time on each occasion that finding already known information slowed down the work itself so much that in the end it could become obsolete. That is someone found and generally combined it more quickly. Search engines were just beginning to step onto their pedestal, so search was associated with communication difficulties. However, with the abundance of search engines and the increased capabilities of these search engines, the complexities did not ss lessen. It has become easier to search for information, but the information itself has become much more, so selection of that , which is needed, now is associated with additional search. For this reason, the very dilemma has arisen: what is faster – to find information or as if to "invent" e e anew. By the way, such a thing applies to one of the equations of the millennium, for the solution of which the Clay Institute yes yet a million dollars. I mentioned this as if by the way . The point is this: how to make a secret cipher so that it would be hard to decipher, but understanding it for the ciphering party would not take more time than writing this code?

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