Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame - Artur Zadikyan

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him, I command you! – shouted Big Daddy.

      – You see, he's a danger to society," Big Boss parried.

      – Oh, wait a minute. What have you turned this meeting into? You know how important it is. It's not even a meeting of heads of state. We can't meet all of a sudden, even on such an important but single issue. I'm eliminating you both. The council has equally important matters on its agenda," said the chairman.

      – Arrest us both. Remove me temporarily from power, or rather him. Time must be running out soon anyway," Big-data said in a harsh tone.

      – Suspend, suspend, take control. We need to know what's going on. Take them to the medical section. Do a sanity check. Something's going on here. And I'm initiating danger level one. I hope the council agrees with me," the chairman sounded frankly annoyed. – Regarding virtual reality, the timer cannot be changed. It's the way Irene is programmed. It's for security reasons. If you saw the original start time, it should not have changed. Secondly, the second defense: you cannot re-enter virtual reality in virtual reality. So I'm going to send you to the lab in the science block – you did a session there – and we'll check it out there. If you enter the session – it means that this is reality, and if not – we are in the virtual world. Although it's not serious. If the council will allow me, I'll go over the latest security settings. I think it's about time the scientific community knew them. You, Master Ruthra, of all people, should know that. We all have a signaling code that signals every hour that we're in the real world. The virtual world doesn't have that program. That's why the thought doesn't even occur there. So, gentlemen, let us dispel your doubts and at the same time, I think, take part in your experiment, – he grinned slightly, and this reaction was transmitted to many in the hall. – I hope you don't mind being escorted to the laboratory?

      – I absolutely do not," Big Boss blurted out instantly.

      – This is kindergarten. You can check the protocols," said Ruthra in the scientist's body.

      – You see, commentary is unnecessary," Big Boss said snidely, trying to imitate Rutra's gestures, namely, opening his palms up in front of him.

      – Alrighty, let's go," Big-data muttered with a dose of anger and walked towards the exit.

      – Irene, put me through to security, escort them to the lab, and live stream what's happening here. While we discuss the process of robotization of industries in developed countries and the consequences of migration associated with it. And the second question is about cloning in animal husbandry in developed countries. Now we have reached the point where we don't need people, cows without udders.

      Big Boss and Big Data walked through with a security escort, though there was still the signal of Irene's remote taser still on. "Haven't we given a lot of power to artificial intelligence," Ruthra thought, glancing absently at the flashing light accompanying them.

      – What are you up to? – He finally got his thoughts together and turned to Big Boss.

      – What are you talking about, sir?

      – Enough already. Tell me what you're doing.

      – I don't know what you're talking about.

      – Look, friendship is friendship, but you seem to have lost your fear. I'm gonna cut off your access to the lab. You and your unit were assembled by me as a team of the best, most progressive and advanced scientists in the world. I've given you brain enhancements and a direct link to the knowledge base. It is not yet known whether you could be such a "luminary of science", as you present yourself, if it were not for brain enhancement and full access to the works of other scientists, and in fact the tacit use of them. And of any scientific center in the world.

      – I'll point out, this disease has a name, too. I'm sorry, you may have a split personality.

      – You're out of your mind.

      – I would ask you to respect the subordination in the dialog.

      – All right, Mr. Cheeky, let's see.

      They entered the lab, the rigs were empty.

      – Well, you see," Big Boss decided to get smart.

      – Lie down, the concert is over," Big-data "threw" him.

      – Now you will be shocked, however science must also have sacrifices.

      – Come on, come on. Enough already," Big-data almost bellowed and lay down in the machine.

      The laboratory workers present began to put on their masks and check the readings of the instruments. The voice of the chairman was heard in everyone's head. The Conference system was turned on, they were all in a common dialog, Irene too.

      – Irene, can you tell me where these people are located?

      – They are in the real world," Irene stated dryly.

      – What are you talking about? Are you saying I'm crazy? Mr. Chairman, please analyze what's going on. It's already annoying me frankly. What the hell is going on? Do you realize what's going on? This guy wants to steal my body. No less than that," said Rutra, who looked like a doctoral-level scientist to everyone.

      – With all due respect to you and your merits – medics, or rather psychiatrists, should intervene in what is going on.

      – Mr. Master, we need to conduct a virtual reality session. Or rather, to terminate it. I don't really know how. It should end on its own. What the hell am I worried about? It should end sooner or later. Maybe in virtual reality it seems to us that a lot of time has passed, but in reality it hasn't expired yet.

      The big boss, too, took off his mask and climbed out of the rig himself, sat down on its edge, then addressed the chairman, though it was an address to the whole council, for all could hear them.

      – Mr. Presiding Magistrate, I think this situation has been described many times in medical practice. I think the scientist just needs to rest… or he should be treated already. Sorry, I too thought it was a joke or part of his program.

      – What are you talking about, you con artist. Give me back my body! – shouted Big Data.

      – Dear Doctor, will you make your own way to a psychiatrist or…I hope we are well-mannered people.

      – Mr. Magister, it's terrible. I don't even know how to explain it to you. This man tricked me into these installations and changed the contents of our brains. He put his consciousness into my body and mine into his. It's, it's, it's a horror. It's a nightmare. Can you imagine such a thing?! – Big Data was almost shouting.

      – Calm down. I see– I don't even know what I see anymore. It's impossible. You said so yourself. I mean, I'm already confused with you. Master Ruthra Paschow said it was impossible. The body would either die or be in a coma for some time, with a five or six minute return of consciousness, as I recall. It's impossible to transfer consciousness from one body to another, or rather, from a body to a clone and then back again after a long time. Especially not like this.

      – As you can see, it's possible. He achieved it and kept it secret. And now, when we checked everything, he used it," Big-data began to explain calmly.

      – That's the kind of dreamer you'd have to look for," Big Boss put in.

      – You found him," the chairman replied.

      – On

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