Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame - Artur Zadikyan

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the psychiatrist, Mr. Doctor? – asked the chairman courteously.

      – I'm not going anywhere! Check out Irene's protocols. It should all be documented. You can't let this go, he'll be in your body tomorrow. Imagine what he could do.

      – So you mean to say that it is possible to transfer consciousness between people, to return to the original body, with both bodies functioning absolutely normally? Is that what you're trying to convince me and the council of?

      – I don't want to. He does. Or rather, it doesn't mean anything at all. There's no such thing, we're in a virtual world," Big-data replied to the chairman, trying to keep a calm tone.

      – I assure you, you're in the real world. You don't believe me? You don't believe the board, you don't believe Irene? I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to take you to a psychiatrist.

      After these words, Big-data shook slightly and collapsed on the virtual reality unit's cot without moving. After about ten seconds, he groaned and said with difficulty:

      – It's a conspiracy, it's a power grab. He'll have all the access to Irene.

      Suddenly Big Boss stood up, his coworkers walked over to him and began to stack Big Daddy in the BP rig.

      – What's going on? – The chairman asked sternly.

      – Wait a minute, your honor, I'll explain everything and even show you," Big-boss said while checking the readings of the devices.

      Words were addressed to the chairman and the board.

      – That's right, we're not in a virtual reality, except that reality isn't quite what it seems.

      – Mr. Master Paschow, what are you up to? I must remind you, the council meets in person quite rarely, because having everyone in one place goes against the concept of security. The council requires immediate clarification. In spite of your lofty status, provide clarification! Or I'll be forced to ask you to voluntarily go to a psychiatrist as well.

      – All right, Mr. Chairman. Just listen to this. The distinguished doctor is not entirely wrong. The fact is that we did conduct an experiment. Please check the record and the protocol of this experiment.

      – Irene, show us, the council, the tape and the protocol of their experiment," the chairman asked.

      – I can't do it. These files are locked in me.

      – Blocked how? Who can block you at all?

      – Only someone who has the code to the customization.

      – You mean Master Paschow has blocked you?

      – Yeah, the lockdown code is a cipher in his DNA. Only he can make the changes.

      – Changes cannot be global and permanent. Are these files saved?

      – Yes, Your Honor, preserved.

      – Mr. Magister Paschow, the council demands that these files be unlocked immediately.

      – I'll clarify. Irene is not fully blocked on this event. You can see what time the lockout occurred. Irene, let me know the time of the lockout.

      – This morning; 8 hours 46 minutes and 27 seconds.

      – Now would you please advise what time the BP session started?

      – This morning; 8 hours 28 minutes and 59 seconds.

      – Gentlemen, don't you find my action on chronology strange?

      – We find not only your action on the timeline strange, but everything that is going on today in general. Explain what's going on.

      – Logically, I should have blocked Irene before the BP session if I wanted to hide something. However, it turns out that I do want to hide something, since I did block the recording and logging of events. Isn't that right?

      – Rutra Tigrovic, please be clear, we're not here to investigate.

      – Wait, that's the whole point. Let's do this, since you want to find out fast. Let's go into virtual reality, then come out and check the recording of the last session.

      – Why?

      – I wish the esteemed luminary of science would stop having a split personality.

      – I don't have a split personality! Grifter, give me back my body! – shouted Big Daddy, who had almost regained consciousness.

      – Okay, honorable council? – ignoring the cries of the "scientist," Big Boss asked.

      – Let's do it already, I think it has to do with the new experiments," the chairman's voice trembled a little, either from concealed anger or from uncertainty about the decision.

      – Irene, once I'm in the installation, before you put us into the VR state, connect to me by password, I'll access the DNA code, and you can show the esteemed council the past record and the event logs. Then, when we're in session, run the reverse process – from what we ran in the locked files. I've already entered the data into you, you know the algorithm of action.

      – I get it.

      Big Boss lay down in the rig, he and Big Data were hooked up to the system, the indicators began to show changes only they could understand, Rutra's waspy voice could be heard in the scientist's body.

      – Just try not to give me my body back.

      In review for the board, which was also a kind of reality, went the footage from the last session. Nothing unusual was happening. The session passed, the subjects stood up, and only the unusualness of what was happening was visible from the dialogs. Those present began to follow the broadcasted picture with more and more curiosity. In the meantime, the BP signal indicator in the laboratory went out, and then the indicators of another installation turned on. When everyone began to watch the scene of the conversation in the hall in front of the council hall, the chairman turned to Irene:

      – Irene, did Master Ruthra know about the experiments being conducted by the "luminary of science"?

      – Yeah. I did.

      – Has he participated in them before?

      – Yes, without his resolution it is impossible to turn on the installations.

      – This second setup in the lab is needed to transfer personality from brain to brain?

      – Yeah. It's an advanced setup they've perfected.

      – Who directly perfected it – Master Rutra or the "luminary of science"?

      – "A luminary of science."

      – What's going on out there now?

      – They're walking out of the session.

      At this time in the lab, the staff was removing the masks from Rutra and the scientist. Rutra, not waiting for all the Velcro to be removed, jumped up and looked in the mirror:

      – Holy shit, I'm gonna dream about this.

      Then Ruthra looked around the room and those present,

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