Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies. Irina Apraksina

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Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies - Irina Apraksina

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an amulet:

      “Oh, spirits and powers, accept this amulet, created with love and faith. May he serve me as protection (or any other purpose), may his magical power fill my life and bring well-being. So be it.”

      Prayers for cleansing and charging talismans:

      “Oh, Voodoo spirits and magical powers, please accept this talisman of power. Cleanse him of negativity and evil, Charge my soul with magic and well-being. Let this talisman be my protection, From evil spirits, negativity and spoilage, Let him attract happiness and good luck to me, And my wishes will come true as I want.

      Thank you, Voodoo spirits, for your help and strength, may this talisman always help me. May he be my faithful companion, And my life will be filled with joy and light. So be it!”

      This prayer can be said while holding the talisman in your hands, and imagine how it is filled with positive energy and strength. Repeat it until you feel that the talisman is charged and ready for use. OR another prayer Prayer for cleansing and charging the talisman:

      “Oh, Voodoo spirits and divine powers, come to me, hear my prayers. This talisman asks your strength and wisdom, help me, to concentrate your power in it. Light spirits, accept my talisman, Cleanse it of negativity and darkness, without exception. Charge him with magical energy, strength and happiness So that he always attracts prosperity and good luck, like the stars in the sky. May this talisman be my protection and strength,

      May he fill my life with joy and clear water. I believe in your gifts and the magical power of Voodoo, Help me, let my desires come true, I believe in you.”

      This prayer can be said with devotion and faith, focusing on the talisman. After the prayer, put the talisman in the place where you keep your magic items and believe in its power.

      Prayer for cleansing and charging the talisman:

      “Spirits of wisdom and strength, I call you today, Purify this talisman, carry light gifts through it. May it be a means of protection and power in my life, May the magic of Voodoo fill it and always be with me.

      With every breath in and out, with every drop of blood, May the talisman gain strength and magical love. May he serve me with faith and devotion, may my life be filled with prosperity and joy.

      I am giving this talisman to the power of Voodoo, Connect him with the spirits and deities who respect us. May he be my bright star on the way, And may he always protect me in my days and nights.”

      Again, say this prayer with faith and devotion, imagining how your talisman is filled with magical power. After the prayer, place the talisman on your altar or in a specially prepared place for magical items

      Prayer for charging or cleansing the talisman

      “Oh, spirits of Voodoo magic, come to me, Purify this talisman, make it holy. Grant him the power and strength of your magical influence, may he become my faithful companion and protection. Light and dark forces, unite in it to achieve my goals and desires. May he always serve my will and bring success, so be, my words are translated into action.”

      After saying this prayer, imagine how the energy of the Voodoo spirits fills your talisman, giving it strength and protection. You can additionally light a candle and lay a talisman over the flame for charging.

      The talisman’s prayer to attract love and passion: “May this talisman become a source of passion and love in my life. May his magic attract true and fervent love to my heart. May my life be filled with joy and passion. Talisman, be my companion in love. Amen to that.”

      For a talisman to protect and reflect negative energy: “Oh, talisman, become my shield from negative energy and evil. May your magic reflect all negative influences and keep me safe. You are my protector, my hope. Let nothing penetrate you, and I feel protected. Amen to that.”

      For a talisman to attract financial luck:

      “May this talisman be the key to financial prosperity and abundance May his magic attract wealth and financial success to my life. May I achieve financial stability and dependence. Talisman, be my companion on the way to wealth. Amen to that.”

      For a talisman to strengthen health and vitality: “Oh, talisman, fill me with your energy and strength. May your magic strengthen my body and give me health. May I feel cheerful and full of life every day. You are my source of vital energy, my amulet. Amen to that.”

      For a talisman for the development of intuition and clairvoyance: “May this talisman help me develop my spiritual gifts. May his magic open my third eye and reveal the secrets of the world to me. May I get closer to the spiritual truth and understand the hidden knowledge. Talisman, be my guide to the world of spiritual wisdom. Amen to that.”

      For a mascot to attract good luck and success: “Oh, talisman, fill me with your luck and blessing. May your magic attract good luck and the achievement of all my goals to my life. May I achieve outstanding success in all his endeavors. Talisman, be my good luck symbol Amen.”

      For a talisman to attract money and material well-being “Oh, talisman, become the source of my material well-being. May your magic attract money and abundance to my life. May I gain financial stability and enjoy my success. You are my symbol of wealth and prosperity. Amen to that.”

      For a talisman to protect against evil spirits and negative energy “Oh, talisman, be my protector against evil spirits and negative energy. May your magic surround me with an invisible wall that reflects all evil. Let me feel safe and protected. You are my barrier against evil, my amulet. Amen to that.”

      For a talisman to attract good luck and success in love “May this talisman bring good luck and success in my love life. May his magic attract true and happy love to my heart. May I find my soulmate and enjoy my relationship. Talisman, be my amulet of love. Amen to that.”

      For a mascot to attract career growth and success in work

      “Oh, mascot, fill me with your strength to achieve career success. May your magic lift me to new heights in my work. May I achieve my professional goals and my work bring me recognition and prosperity. Talisman, be my symbol of success. Amen to that.”

      For a mascot to bring peace and harmony to the family “May this mascot bring peace and harmony to my family. Let his magic help resolve conflicts and create peace in the house. May I find happiness in relationships with my loved ones. Talisman, be a symbol of family harmony. Amen to that.”

      For a mascot to attract beauty and external charm

      “Oh, talisman, make me beautiful (oh) and charming (oh). May your magic enhance my beauty and attractiveness. Let me radiate an inner luminary and attract the attention of others. You are my symbol of beauty and charm. Amen to that.”

      for a talisman to strengthen masculine strength and potency “this talisman enhance my masculine strength and potency. May his magic make me more powerful and resilient. May I gain confidence in myself and my abilities. Talisman, be a symbol of masculinity.

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