Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies. Irina Apraksina

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Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies - Irina Apraksina

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      Appearance: Grigri for energy may have symbols associated with dynamism and vitality. These can be images of the sun, energy symbols (for example, lightning), colors that are associated with energy (for example, orange), or images of animals with high energy. Magical Ingredients: May include magical ingredients that impart energy and vitality, such as citrine (energy stone), essential oils for wakefulness, or aromatic mixtures to increase energy. Symbolism: Grigri for energy may include symbols of vitality, dynamism and activity.

      • Grigri for survival in an extreme situation:

      Appearance: Grigri for survival in an extreme situation may have symbols associated with survival in nature and protection from dangers. These can be images of survival tools such as a compass, knife, fire, or symbols of protection in nature. Magical Ingredients: May include magical ingredients that promote survival, such as agate (survival stone), antiseptic oils, or herbs for protection. Symbols: Grigri for survival may include symbols of survival, protection and navigation, such as stars or compass symbols.

      • Grigri for male strength:

      Appearance: Grigri for masculine strength may contain symbols associated with masculinity and strength. These can be images of phalluses, symbols of male energy, or images of male patron gods. Magical Ingredients: May include magical ingredients that strengthen masculine strength and energy, such as rhinestone (a stone of masculine energy), oils to increase sexual power, or herbs associated with masculinity. Symbolism: Grigri for masculine strength may include symbols of masculinity, energy, and sexual strength.

      • Grigri for female beauty:

      Appearance: Grigri for female beauty may have symbols associated with femininity and attractiveness. These can be images of female forms, colors that are associated with femininity (for example, pink), or images of beauty goddesses. Magical Ingredients: May include magical ingredients that emphasize beauty and attractiveness, such as rose quartz (stone of love and beauty), aromatic oils to attract attention or oils for skin care.

      • Grigri for female beauty may include symbols of femininity, beauty and attractiveness

      • Grigri for permanent youth:

      Appearance: Grigri for permanent youth may contain symbols associated with youth and longevity. These can be images of fountains of youth, symbols of immortality, or images of young spirits or gods. Magical Ingredients: May include magical ingredients that support youth and health, such as skin care oils, herbs for rejuvenation, or amulets to prolong life. Symbolism:

      • Grigri for permanent youth may include symbols of longevity, health and youth.

      Chapter 5. Amulet and talismans: purpose, creation, prayers, purification

      Making amulets and talismans in Voodoo Magic is an important part of the practice, and it can include different materials, symbols, and spells, depending on the goal you want to achieve. It is important to remember that the manufacture and use of amulets and talismans requires respect and observance of magical traditions. Here is the general step-by-step process of creating an amulet or talisman in Voodoo Magic:

      First of all, decide on the purpose of creating an amulet or talisman. Be specific about what you want to achieve: it can be protection, attracting good luck, health, love, and so on. Then decide on the materials that will be used to create the amulet. Materials can include herbs, roots, stones, metals, fabrics, wood, and other items appropriate for your purpose.

      Before you start, create your own magical workspace, altar, or ritual venue. Make sure that this place is clean and free from distractions. And only after that, proceed to the manufacture of the talisman or amulet itself. Depending on the chosen target and materials, create an amulet or talisman using your magical skills and intuition. For example, you can carve symbolic shapes, create a bag with magical ingredients, or make another object that symbolizes your goal.

      During the creation of an amulet or talisman, say spells and prayers to give the object magical power and a connection with the spirits or gods of your faith. The spells can be folk or specific to your Voodoo Magic tradition. After creating the amulet, charge it with energy and your intentions. You can do this by holding the amulet in your hands and visualizing the goal you want to achieve. Depending on the purpose, you can wear the amulet as an ornament, or carry it in a bag, or store it on your altar. Remember that amulets and talismans sometimes require care and maintenance.

      The technique of making Amulets and Talismans in Voodoo.

      Amulets and talismans in Voodoo magic can be created using various materials and symbols. Here’s how to make them. Material Selection: Choose the material that suits your purpose. For example, coins or gold objects are suitable for attracting money, and a piece of black tourmaline is suitable for protection. Here are some common materials and their properties: Amulets and talismans in Voodoo magic can be created using various materials and symbols. Here’s how to make them. Material Selection:

      Choose the material that suits your purpose. For example, coins or gold objects are suitable for attracting money, and a piece of black tourmaline is suitable for protection. Here are a few common materials and their properties Metals:

      Gold: A symbol of wealth and prosperity.

      Silver: for protection and purification from negative energy. Bronze: Material for amulets associated with strength and courage. Stones:

      Amethyst: for spiritual harmony and protection. Rose quartz: for love and relationships.

      Black tourmaline: Reflects negative energy and provides protection.

      The oak tree as a symbol of strength and perseverance. Santal: for meditation and spiritual practice.

      Fabrics: Silk: To create amulets to attract good luck and beauty. Cotton: For amulets related to protection and comfort.

      Herbs and plants: Lavender for amulets for calm and harmony.

      Rosemary: to strengthen memory and mental clarity.

      Metal coins: can be used to create amulets to attract money and wealth.

      Feathers: Can be used for amulets related to communication and communication.

      Glass: to create amulets with certain colors and effects.

      The choice of material depends on your purpose and the symbolism that you want to add to the talisman amulet. Do not forget to charge and clean the amulets regularly to maintain their effectiveness.

      Plot or Prayer: Say a prayer or a plot that suits your purpose. For example, for an amulet for money, you can say: “With this amulet, I attract wealth and prosperity.”

      Charging the amulet:

      Perform a charging ritual to transfer the desired energy to the amulet. You can hold it in your hands and visualize the goal, as well as say the right words.

      Adding Symbols: Apply symbols that are associated with your goal to the amulet. For example, a cross or an occult symbol can be used for a protective amulet.

      Carry or place the amulet: Carry the amulet with you as an ornament or store it in the right place. For example, an amulet for money can be carried in a wallet.

      Take care of the amulet: it is important

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