Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies. Irina Apraksina

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Voodoo Practice. Handbook for Witchcraft. Rituals Conspiracies - Irina Apraksina

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a variety of materials, including wood, metal, bone, stones and other natural materials. They are often decorated with symbols, feathers, stones, beads and other objects that have symbolic meaning and can enhance their magical power. Shamanic staffs are used in the magical and religious practices of shamans and mediums. They serve for rituals, rituals and ceremonies, as well as for entering into a trance and communicating with spirits and spirit worlds. Staffs can also be used to channel energy, protect against negative influences, heal rites, and spirit evocation rites. Shamanic staffs are characteristic of shamanic and mediumistic practices, not Voodoo magic. Voodoo is an African religious and magical tradition that has its own rituals and rituals, and it differs from shamanic traditions typical of other cultures.

      Bird feathers and bones are used in rituals to communicate with spirits and gods. They can be inserted into amulets or used to create unique symbols.

      The Voodoo mirror has the function of reflecting negative energies and protecting against them. Sometimes mirrors are placed in houses or on altars. Mirrors can also be included in rituals to attract light spirits or to reflect negative influences, in love magic practice, in healing. A mirror in Voodoo magic, like other magical tools, is used taking into account the specific intentions and goals of the magician. The Voodoo mirror has the function of reflecting negative energies and protecting against them. Sometimes mirrors are placed in houses or on altars. Mirrors can also be included in rituals to attract light spirits or to reflect negative influences, in love magic practice, in healing. The mirror in Voodoo magic, like other magical tools, is used taking into account the specific intentions and goals of the magician.

      Voodoo Dolls: Voodoo dolls can be used as magical amulets or for rituals. They are usually miniature human figures created from cloth, sticks and other materials. Dolls can be used as a means to transmit negative energies or diseases, as well as for treatment and protection. In fact, the meaning of the Voodoo doll is much broader, but we will discuss this a little later. In this case, we only mention it in the general range of magical Voodoo tools.

      Pendants and Medallions: Magic pendants and medallions are worn around the neck and serve as amulets to protect and enhance magical abilities. They may have various symbols and images associated with Voodoo Magic, such as veves or images of gods and spirits.

      Magical candles and lamps are often used in rituals to create light and energy, as well as to attract the attention of spirits. There is a whole section dedicated to magic candles in the blog, so we don’t stop here in detail.

      Magical oils and incense are used to “anoint” amulets, candles, and other objects to give them magical properties and energy. They may contain various herbs, oils and aromatic ingredients.

      Huge Amulets and Statues: Some Voodoo believers use large amulets and statues to create an atmosphere on the altar and in their home. These objects can depict gods, spirits, or symbolic figures.

      Voodoo Cross It is a symbolic cross that can be used in Voodoo Magic rituals. It can have different variations and symbolize different aspects of faith and protection.

      Totem Figures and Masks: Some Voodoo Magic rituals may involve the use of totem figures and masks that represent spirits and gods. These items can be worn or held in the hands during the ritual. In Voodoo magic, masks can be part of rituals related to the veneration of loa (Voodoo spirits) or other spiritual entities. They can be used to come into contact with the loa, warn against negative energies, or help in healing and protection rituals.

      Magical Herbs and Roots: Magical herbs and roots can be used as amulets or ingredients in various Voodoo Magic rituals. They can have healing or protective properties and are worn in bags, pouches or embedded in amulets.

      Rings and Bracelets: Some rings and bracelets, especially if they have special symbols or engravings, can be used in Voodoo Magic as magical amulets to protect or attract happiness. Rings and bracelets can be used in magical rites and rituals, as handles for channeling magical energy and strengthening intentions. On the arc side in Voodoo magic, rings and bracelets can be energized for healing purposes. Carriers can use them to relieve physical pain or psychological problems. Some rings and bracelets can be used for magical protection and blocking negative influences. They can help ward off negative energies or curses. They can be used as amulets or amulets to protect against negative energies, diseases or sabotage. They can be wearable talismans to ensure personal safety and well-being. Rings and bracelets can be decorated with specific loa (spirit) symbols to attract their attention and support. It can be used in religious rituals and prayers. In Voodoo love rituals, rings and bracelets can be used to attract love and strengthen relationships. They can be wearable charms to enhance sexual attractiveness and attract a partner. But some rings and bracelets can be used for magical protection and blocking negative influences. They can help ward off negative energies or curses.

      Bots: These are sacred fetishes that represent spirits or gods. They can be used in rituals and rituals to connect with spirits and receive their help.

      Fixtures and Lamps: Fixtures and lamps can be used to create a special atmosphere during Voodoo Magic rituals. They can be decorated with special symbols or images that correspond to the purposes of the ritual.

      Magic Books and Records: Magic books and records may contain spells, prayers, and instructions for performing rituals. These records can be passed down from generation to generation and contain valuable knowledge of Voodoo Magic.

      Memorabilia: Some believers in Voodoo Magic may use memorabilia such as photographs of deceased relatives or personal items to establish a connection with spirits and ancestors. A Voodoo priest may have his or her own tools related to his or her rituals and traditions. These tools may include Voodoo implements such as drums, wands, amulets, and attributes specific to his or her initiation and practice. It is important to emphasize that each of these magical tools, amulets, talismans

      It has its own unique symbolic meanings and properties, and is also used for certain purposes and rituals within the framework of Voodoo Magic.

      Chapter 4. The Magical signs of Vevey and Grigri

      Let’s take a closer look at some of the signs and instruments in more detail. So, Veves are symbolic drawings that are associated with various loa (spirits or gods) in the Voodoo religion. Each Loa has its own unique veve, which is used to invoke and address it during rituals and ceremonies. Below are examples of veves for some of the most famous Loa (gods) in Voodoo and their brief description:

      Papa Legba: Papa Legba’s veve is a pattern resembling a “Y” with crisscrossing lines and a cross at the bottom. He is the patron saint of roads and travel, and is also the “keeper of the keys” to the spirit worlds in the Voodoo religion.

      Erzulie Dantor: Vevey for Erzuli Dantor is an image of a woman with sharp facial features and pulsating lines around her head. This loa is associated with love, beauty, femininity and the protection of mothers.

      Ogun: The Ogun Veve consists of two parallel vertical lines that are crossed with a horizontal line at the bottom. Ogun is the god of metal, war and technology, and his symbol is also associated with work and crafts.

      Damballa Wedo: The Veve of the Dumbala Species is an image of a snake coiled into an eight, sometimes with a cross or a morning light. Dambala Vedo is the god of snakes and water, and he is considered one of the oldest Loa. It is associated with purity, immortality and creation.

      Esu: The Vevey for the Acs is a cross with additional vertical and horizontal lines, often with a nail in the center. Esu is

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