Instruction for survival during modern disaster. Irina Apraksina

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Instruction for survival during modern disaster - Irina Apraksina

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and remote areas. Mexico faces a lack of medical infrastructure and limited health resources, especially in poor and remote areas, which can make it difficult to effectively manage the pandemic. The disadvantages also include economic difficulties and social inequalities in the country. This can lead to limited accessа to essential resources and services in times of crisis.

      Small American countries:

      Positive. Flexibility and small scale: Small countries tend to have more flexible and rapid crisis response mechanisms, as well as lower levels of bureaucracy and management complexity, which can facilitate coordination in times of crisis. Small countries often have close relations with neighboring States, which can facilitate the exchange of resources, expertise, and mutual assistance in times of crisis. Small countries tend to have more flexible governance structures and faster response mechanisms, which allows them to mobilize resources more quickly and take the necessary measures in times of crisis. Distance of countries from major political and economic shocks. Relatively good climate.

      Minuses. Ограниченные ресурсы и возможностиPoor small countries have limited resources and opportunities. These countries may face limited resources and capacity to respond effectively to crisis situations, especially if they do not have access to technology and medical innovation. In addition, что нsome small countries are more vulnerable to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes or volcanic activity, due to their geographical location, and this is a huge disadvantage when considering them as a possible shelter. Dependence on external aid and support: Small countries may be more dependent on external aid and support in times of crisis, especially when their own resources and infrastructure are insufficient.

      Common to all North American countries is the need for a balanced approach to disaster preparedness and response, which includes the effective use of available resources, the development of civil protection mechanisms, and cooperation at both the national and international levels.

      Now we can quite reasonably move on to the rating of countries that we consider from the point of view of safety for us during a period of catastrophic events. So far, we are only looking at countries in Europe and South America,

      So, the first place in terms of security is occupied by SWITZERLAND. This country has a well-developed infrastructure of bunkers and mountain shelters, a high level of civil defense, and a stable economy.

      The second place is Sweden. Itforms an extensive system of underground shelters and bunkers, as well as an effective system of civil protection and medical care. Then there is Norway, which has an extensive network of underground shelters, a high level of civil protection and access to natural resources. Next in our ranking is Finland, which also has a system of underground bunkers and evacuation plans, as well as a high level of organization in the field of civil defense. Germany takes the lead. This country has a well-developed infrastructureа of bunkers and shelters, as well as effective medical and civilian systems in the event of a crisis. Completing our ranking is Canada, with its vast territories and access to natural resources, but requires careful choice of shelter location due to geographical features, and the United States, which certainly has a diverse infrastructure and resources, but may face problems with coordination and access to shelters due to large population densities. Mexico was in last place in the rating of preparedness for any catastrophic events. It may have limited resources and infrastructure to protect the population in the event of a crisis, especially in poor and remote areas.

      Please note that this rating is based on the overall preparedness of countries for various emergencies and the availability of shelters for the population. Of course, each specific situation may require individual analysis and decision-making based on specific circumstances.

      As we can see, according to our rating, Switzerland and Canada lead the ranking due to their vast natural resources, developed infrastructure and special protection capabilities. Sweden and the US also perform well, but with some limitations, such as more complex bureaucratic processes in the US and uneven access to resources in Sweden.

      In general, North America, like any other region, has its own unique characteristics and advantages in the context of emergency preparedness. However, it is important to remember that each situation requires individual analysis, and how to protect and survive can depend on many factors.

      А now let’s see how things are in South America and how comfortable a person can feel there. After all, it is no secret that when considering the places that are most protected during extreme events, many people also consider South America, for example, countries such as Chile, Argentina, Uruguay andли even Brazil. So, let’s take a closer look at these strings н, and how good they are in extreme situations like a world war or a pandemic. And we create our own rating for each of these countries in South America.

      Our first country is Brazil

      Positive. Brazil has a vast territory and vast natural resources, including water and natural resources that can be used in crisis situations. аBrazil ranks first in terms of availability of drinking water resources in the world. The country has a developed industry and economy, which makes it possible to provide resources and support in times of crisis.

      Minuses. Brazil faces governance and anti-corruption challenges, which can make it difficult to respond effectively to crisis situations. Existing social and economic inequalities can worsen during a crisis, which can lead to tension and social unrest.


      Positive. Argentina has significant natural resources, including agricultural land and mineral reserves, which can provide access to food and other essential resources in times of crisis. The country is relatively stable and has a well-developed infrastructure, which makes it easier to respond to crises.

      Minuses. Argentina faces economic challenges, including inflation and a debt burden, which may limit access to resources and services during a crisis. Thanks to the new President, Argentina is beginning to successfully emerge from the inflationфpit and may become a prosperous country in the near future. However, political instability can make it difficult to coordinate actions and take effective measures in times of crisis.


      Positive. Chile has one of the most stable economies in the region and a well-developed infrastructure, which contributes to an effective response to crisis situations. Chile has a wide variety of natural environments, including mountains and deserts, which makes it easier to organize evacuations and protect the population.

      Minuses. Chile is at risk of earthquakes, volcanic activity and other natural disasters, which can complicate the response to the crisis. Despite the stability of the economy, there are social problems in the country, such as a high level of inequality, which can lead to social tensions during a crisis.


      Pros: Colombia has significant natural resources, including oil, coal, and agricultural land, which can provide access to important resources in times of crisis. Colombia also has relatively strong military and law enforcement structures, which can help ensure order and security in times of crisis.

      Minuses. The country suffers from long-term internal conflicts and problems with militant groups, which can make it difficult to respond effectively to crisis situations. Instability and corruption are a huge disadvantage of the country. Colombia has a very high crime rate and strong mafia clans. This can hinder effective crisis management and make it almost impossible

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