Instruction for survival during modern disaster. Irina Apraksina

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Instruction for survival during modern disaster - Irina Apraksina

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style="font-size:15px;">      Positive. Peru has significant mineral resources and biological diversity, which can provide access to important resources in times of crisis. The country has a variety of climatic and geographical conditions, including mountains and jungles, which can make it easier to organize the protection of people and resources.

      Minuses. Social problems and inequality: Peru suffers from high levels of social inequality and problems with access to education and health care, which can worsen in times of crisis. The country has a high crime rate and к, like many countries in South America, Peru is subject to economic and political volatility, which can make it difficult to respond effectively to crisis situations.


      Positive. Ecuador has a wealth of natural resources, including oil, gas and extensive agricultural land, which can provide access to important resources in times of crisis. The country has a developed tourism industry and some sectors of the economy, which can help maintain resources and stability in times of crisis. However, the country is considered very poor and agricultural, with a high level of crime and corruption.

      Minuses. Ecuador is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity, which can exacerbate crisis situations. The country suffers from high levels of social inequality and problems with access to education and health care, which can worsen in times of crisis.


      Positive. Bolivia has reserves of natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals, which can provide access to important resources in times of crisis. The country has remote and less populated areas, which can make it easier to shelter and protect the population in times of crisis.

      Minuses. Bolivia suffers from social and political tensions, which can lead to instability and possible conflicts in times of crisis.: Some areas of the country have limited access to resources and infrastructure, which can make it more difficult to respond to crisis situations. High crime, corruption, and poor medical care also make this South American country unsuitable for our purposes.


      Positive. Oil resources: Venezuela has huge oil reserves, which can provide access to important resources in times of crisis. The country has a relatively strong military structure, which can help ensure order and security in times of crisis. Large woodlands and a warm climate can be attributed to the advantages of this country.

      Minuses. Venezuela is suffering from serious economic problems and political instability, resulting in limited access to basic goods and services, as well as reduced security. This is a very poor country with high crime. Venezuela faces a lack of critical infrastructure and humanitarian assistance, which makes it vulnerable in times of crisis, and poor health care also makes it an unattractive place of refuge in times of disaster.

      What do we come to after this small analysis? South American countries have their own unique advantages and disadvantages in the context of preparing for extreme situations, such as a world war or a pandemic. More developed countries with more stable economies, strong military and law enforcement structures, and well-developed infrastructure, such as Chile and Argentina, usually have more capacity to respond effectively to crisis situations. However, they also face their own challenges, such as natural disasters and social problems. Let’s add Uruguay and Costa Rica to the list to assess their preparedness for extreme situations, such as a global war or a pandemic:


      Positive. Uruguay is known for its political stability and peaceful situation. This can help to better manage crisis situations and prevent internal conflicts. Uruguay has significant agricultural land, which provides access to food and can mitigate the impact of the food crisis. Uruguay has low access to coping with other South American countries and high-quality medical care.

      Minuses. The first is the small size of the country. This can make it more difficult to provide the population with the necessary resources in the event of a crisis. Uruguay’s economy is limited and depends on the export of agricultural products. This can make the country more vulnerable to economic shocks during a crisis. Country has no natural resources and is also dependent on supplies from other countries.

      Costa Rica:

      Positive. Costa Rica has a rich biodiversity and ecological resources that provide access to various types of food and natural materials. Costa Rica is one of the most stable and peaceful countries in Central America, although recently criminal elements have been actively infiltrating the country, so the criminal situation has worsened and kidnapping and looting have begun to flourish there.

      Cons: Costa Rica may have limited resources to effectively prepare for extreme situations, such as a pandemic or war. Insufficient funding for public services and infrastructure can complicate the response to the crisis. Costa Rica is exposed to various geographical risks, including earthquakes, volcanic activity, and hurricanes. This can increase the complexity of crisis management and increase the level of vulnerability of the population.

      Puerto Rico

      Positive. One of the main advantages of Puerto Rico is its warm tropical climate. This makes the island very attractive. Puerto Rico provides various tax and economic benefits for investors and entrepreneurs, making it an attractive place for business. The island is rich in diverse nature, including picturesque beaches, mountains, jungles and crystal-clear rivers. This makes Puerto Rico attractive for outdoor and nature lovers. US citizens do not need a visa to visit Puerto Rico, since the island is a US territory, everyone else needs an American visa plus separately-permission to enter this country.

      Minuses. One of the main disadvantages of Puerto Rico is its serious economic problems. The island suffers from high unemployment, low incomes and extensive public debt. Puerto Rico sometimes experiences political instability and uncertainty about its status, including the question of independence from the United States. The island is subject to various natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. This can lead to destruction of infrastructure, loss of lives and economic losses. Some areas of Puerto Rico suffer from crime problems, including street crime, robberies, and drug trafficking. Despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, the level of education and access to quality medical care on the island is significantly lower than on the continental United States.

      In general, Uruguay and Costa Rica have their own strengths and weaknesses in the context of emergency preparedness. It is important that these countries continue to improve their civil protection systems, develop infrastructure, and prepare their populations for possible crises in order to ensure the safety and well-being of their citizens.


      To sum up, it seems to us that the most prepared and favorable countries in South America in terms of major catastrophes, such as a nuclear war or a global pandemic, may be the followingстраны. In the first place is Chile, although there is a very high risk of climate disasters and this should not be forgotten. The first is conditional, precisely because it is a climatically unstable country. But Chile is one of the most stable and developed countries in South America. It has a strong economy, developed infrastructure and a high level of emergency preparedness. In addition, a country’s geographical features, such as high mountains and remote areas, can provide easier access to shelters and resources in the event of a crisis.

      Second place

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