Digital Transformation for Chiefs and Owners. Volume 1. Immersion. Dzhimsher Chelidze

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Digital Transformation for Chiefs and Owners. Volume 1. Immersion - Dzhimsher Chelidze

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for Interaction with External Organizations (contacts with data owners used in the project);

      – information security specialist (responsible for data protection, which inevitably attract increased interest immediately after informing the external environment). In general, you should not neglect information security. As soon as you become visible on the market, there are people who want to get your data. However, do not close, because most of your data loses its value with the speed of fading banana from the store.

      At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the current CIO (the head of the IT direction) is not suitable for the post of CDTO. Or it will need a long-term overhaul of its thinking and work priorities. We will address this issue in more detail in one of the following chapters.

      Digital marketing

      This is a function for generating digital content and managing end-to-end communication through digital channels. The main tasks are:

      – the production of digital content;

      – brand management in digital space and communication channels (messengers, social networks, email, etc.);

      – Interact with users to collect feedback and learn preferences;

      – launch of advertising campaigns.

      The main roles here are:

      – SMM specialist;

      – MarTech specialist;

      – Target Analyst;

      – SEO specialist.

      SMM-specialist is engaged in the promotion of business on the platforms of user content, i.e. in social networks, blogs, on educational platforms and in the framework of advertising campaigns.

      MarTech specialist manages digital marketing technologies, i.e., tools that help plan, implement and automate the marketing activity of the company, measure its results and ensure continuous interaction with the audience. Now there are many tools that allow marketers to work with data and digitize routine processes.

      The target scientist works with the target audience through targeted advertising.

      The SEO specialist is responsible for transferring the traffic of Internet users to your resources (sites, applications).

      Digital products

      It’s about creating new digital products in the form of analytics services, applications.

      How digital products differ from «classic»:

      • communication between the user and the seller is direct, through digital channels;

      • The processes involved in providing the service use modern tools – digital platforms, chat bots, machine learning, big data and the like.

      The following key roles are required in this area.

      1. Product Manager / Product Owner (more correctly «Product Manager») is an entrepreneur within the company who manages the product, forms requirements for it, negotiates with partners, manages its profit. It’s a key role for a digital product.

      The product manager must have the following skills.

      – Knowledge of psychology, market laws and subject matter

      In order to create something, you need to understand the market and see its trends. This gives the ability to generate ideas and form hypotheses from them.

      – Creative thinking

      The ability to create is a very rare quality associated with going beyond the usual limits. Creative thinking improves the quality and quantity of ideas.

      – Understanding Customer Needs

      It’s not about what you’re interested in, it’s about what solves your client’s problems. This guarantees a public response, which means that the product will be used more often.

      – Knowledge of IT

      You can’t come up with a product without knowing what technology it’s going to be made with. Already at the stage of the project you need to know its future prospects and opportunities (transformation, expansion, integration).

      – Ability to cooperate

      One in a field is not a warrior. Although it often happens in startups that the product manager works as a marketer, developer, and salesman, but in the first place he is the organizer, which means he needs to be able to work in a team. In addition, it is important to build cooperation with other teams and companies. As the practice in the B2B market shows, the end customer wants to receive a comprehensive product, and the more technical partners, worked out system integrations, the higher the chance of success. Again, as practice has shown, relying on system integrators is very risky.

      – Knowledge of basic product management tools and data analysis skills

      No matter how smart you are, you need to own tools and be able to analyze data. It is not enough just to see data. Practice confirms that most companies suffer from neglect of analytics. Those who do not make the same mistake make better and more informed decisions.

      2. UX/UI is a specialist who focuses on the development of a convenient digital product that will be comfortable and enjoyable for the customer. It manages the interfaces of your sites, applications, services: their logic, fonts, colors and so on.

      One of the key competences here – knowledge of the principles of lean production. That is, the ability to organize the product interface so that the user does not have to make unnecessary moves.

      Digital analytics

      This is the collection and systematization of data from all channels and sources. What is known as Big Data, or big data? What it is, we will figure out later, but what kind of people are needed, is already clear. These are different analysts. Additionally, although it seems that they are all engaged in the same, they are distinguished by «specialization».

      In general, they’re all data analysts. However, there are, for example, data scientists who are engaged in «science» and form mathematical models necessary for better design. The main direction of such a specialist is to predict and form new hypotheses.

      Classical data analysts perform slightly more understandable tasks: collect, process, study, visualize and interpret the collected data about events that have already occurred.

      Digital production (industry 4.0)

      Technology, sensors, robotics, and artificial intelligence are beginning to be used in production, and some of the solutions in the pipeline are no longer human, but machine-driven. Design initially takes place in a digital environment along with the creation of digital counterparts, which inevitably leads to the discovery of new roles.

      – The CAD engineer creates prototypes directly in the digital environment. In order to start production and collect operational data from them. Such a person should deeply understand mathematics, engineering and digital tools.

      – The

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