Ghost. Scrapper. Part 4. Damantha Makarova

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Ghost. Scrapper. Part 4 - Damantha Makarova

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Veluthian shot a heavy gaze at the woman.

      Laneth sighed, leaning back on her seat and raised her eyes:

      «I might not be as good a programmer as Serena, but I had some time to see how her protocols are made.» she said. «I can write a protocol to utilise the ship’s scanning systems to intersect messages and info from passing ships. If any of those have any mention of Serena or a woman similar, we’ll know. This won’t make us searching for her directly, but will allow us to keep an eye out for her, wherever she went.»

      «So you’re proposing we continue chasing Falana and leave the search for our Captain to your ship?» Cipher growled.

      «Both our ships, Cipher.» Laneth shrugged. «We’ve split up to cover more space in search for the bitch… if we do so again, we’ll have advantage, because every ship that passes yours and ours will be scanned for messages, articles, news of any kind that mention Serena or someone who looks like her.»

      «And you’re sure you can write a protocol this sophisticated?» Pher asked.

      «I’ll help her.» Lindon nodded. «I have some experience in searching for people in outer space, I know a bit how to make a protocol like that. Though, usually, it wasn’t my job to write them.»

      «Any help will be appreciated. Because I have no idea how long it might take me.» Laneth shook her head.

      «I suggest we start right now, because the more time we waste, the further away both Serena and Falana might go…» Wolfin sighed.

      Chapter 3. Silver

      Daruta. The smallest planet in the Laithorian Empire.

      It’s most prominent niche of export was always related to growing many different fruits and vegetables, collected from all over the known Universe. Everything that was safe for human consumption was grown on its vast fields and farming factories and processed into a vast variety of goods. But the population wasn’t just farmers, as they were raised in the very same harsh environment as Veluthians – a bit easier to tolerate, but still allowing the natural mutations to strengthen the bodies of those who were once descendants of Terrans. The artificial DNA alterations did the rest.

      Darutan people were just as focused on the military upbringing and valued fighting skills. That is why any major city had a whole plethora of fighting clubs where everyone could test their strength. The most promising fighters could easily find a professional fight coordinator to take care of them if they wished to fight for a living.

      This club wasn’t one of the biggest, but it was proud to present some of the strongest fighters among people living in the area.

      This woman was a newbie. She just moved in somewhere near and chose this club solely because the few fights she saw while drinking, made her think she could fit right in.

      «Today we have our weekly open cage night! All you newbies and brawlers can test your skills and vigour challenging others to a fight! And if you are lucky, you might walk away with a hefty sum of prize money! Get your fists ready and sign up, because places are limited, ladies and gentlemen!» the coordinator announced aloud, his voice reverberating all throughout the club.

      The woman moved towards the cage, where a couple of Darutans signed up anyone who wanted to partake in the fights for a small entrance fee and also took care of placing the bets.

      «What’s your bet, girl?» a sleek-looking man smiled up at the woman.

      «Don’t call me girl, asshole.» the woman put a stack of chips that represented the funds she wanted to bet. «This is my fee to fight and a bet on myself.»

      The man squinted, watching her with his light brown eyes.

      «You’ll fight a woman.» he said, taking her money.

      «I don’t care who I’ll fight. Just give me someone strong, who can take a punch!» she gritted her teeth.

      «What’s your name, girl?»

      The woman leaned in close, squinting:

      «Silver Ghost. And I’ll turn you into one if you call me girl one more time.»

      «Alright, Ghost. Wait until we call on you.» the man winked. «Call me Pauliss.»

      Ghost scowled and walked aside, grabbing a receipt from him.

      She walked over to the bar and grabbed a drink, watching the coordinators finishing up preparations and deciding on the pairings. As the choices were finalised, the names appeared on the screen, showing the opponents.

      First fight was announced and started, and Ghost stood watching indifferently at the pair circling and cautiously approaching each other. She was bored while watching others fighting, and by the time her name was called, she was already feeling the buzz of alcohol in her head. Still, she approached the cage and walked in, knowing that whoever she sees in there, probably won’t be strong enough to quench her bloodthirst.

      She hoped that the amount she had to drink would help her not fall prone to a fit of rage.

      Her opponent was a woman, but not as cautious as the fighters in the previous fights. Ghost met her approach straight up, blocking the heavy blow aimed at her, and realised that this dance won’t be long – the opponent would be winded soon, if left unchecked.

      «Boring.» Ghost sighed, swirling with her body and catching her opponent with a series of punches and kicks.

      As she straightened, landing one hefty punch from downside up, the woman in front of her swayed, but stayed standing, her arms hung by her sides.

      Ghost tilted her head and saw the woman swaying harder and falling flat on her back.

      Not amused by the easy – and quick – win, Ghost walked out and heard someone walking up.

      «You’re fast…» a woman’s voice sounded. «Ever fought in cages before?»

      «I did. Elsewhere.» Ghost shrugged.

      «Tell you what… if you win this open cage tournament, I can represent you. You have potential.»

      Ghost glanced at the woman and saw a beautiful face with tanned skin and bright purple eyes. Her hair was a faint lavender colour, shimmering in the lighting of the club.

      «Ghost.» the fighter offered her hand.

      «Sierra.» the woman shook her hand. «Good luck.»

      «I don’t need luck, Sierra. I have my fists and my skills.» Ghost shrugged, heading off.

      She didn’t really care for any of the business that was related with the organisational side of the fights – she could easily be on her own. If one of the fighting coordinators laid her eyes on Ghost, it wasn’t of any significance.

      Before Ghost entered the cage again, she managed to get even drunker. Her second opponent was a bit more interesting and kept her attention up until the finishing blow the woman landed to his face, throwing the man to the floor.

      By the time she reached the ending fight of this open cage tournament, Sierra

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