Ghost. Scrapper. Part 4. Damantha Makarova

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Ghost. Scrapper. Part 4 - Damantha Makarova

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leave her like this.» Lindon said, feeling his eyes filling with tears for the pain that Serena was experiencing.

      «We’re not leaving.» Wolfin said, growling. «Not just yet. The ship and the crew need their captain. And our Captain needs her crew.»

      Chapter 6. Unexpected

      Serena sat on the bench, looking at her fists. She was supposed to be getting ready for a fight, but all she could think about was the visit she received two days ago. Ever since Wolfin and Lindon appeared on her doorstep, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that wherever she would run, the two will always find a way to trace her down and find her.

      She hoped they took her advice to leave her alone, but she also knew that they probably stayed around to watch her for the time being – hoping she would change her mind, no less. Serena really didn’t want them to be in her life at that moment.

      «You’re sure you want to fight this cyborg that came in?» her fighting manager Sierra walked into the room, glancing at the Silver Ghost with worry.

      «I don’t care who it is I must fight. Just get me into the cage.» Serena didn’t even look up.

      «Tell me you’re sober, at least?»

      Serena sighed, looking up, and didn’t answer, tilting her head to the side. Sierra ruffled her purple-dyed hair and grimaced:

      «I swear! Sometimes I look at you and I think you’re not looking for a fight, but want to get yourself killed.»

      «Does it matter? All the more entertaining for the crowd, all the more money for you.» Serena shook her head.

      «It does matter, Ghost! I don’t care what your real name is or why you’re really here, but I can’t sit back and watch you kill yourself over… I don’t even know what!»

      «Then don’t bother, Sierra. It’s my choice to be here. It’s your choice to represent me. Take it or leave it.»

      Sierra took a really deep breath and shook her head once again:

      «Fine. You do you, Ghost.» she stepped to the door. «I’ll send Pauliss to fetch you. Two minutes.»

      When Sierra left, Serena glanced to her bag and took out a syringe, giving herself a shot of some sedatives – just in case, because she’s already had a couple of instances when her rage made her almost kill her opponents. She didn’t want to make that mistake again – mostly because she didn’t want Sierra to get into trouble. Throwing the syringe back inside, she stood and stretched, wondering if Pauliss will be flirting with her again. She hated the man – to her he was just a bastard who wanted to get a ride on the popularity Serena has gained over the two months she was fighting in the cage.

      By the time Pauliss entered, she was warming up, hoping that the fight will be interesting enough.

      «Ready, babe?» Pauliss made his usual attempt to slap her ass.

      Serena caught his wrist and tightened her grip, meeting his gaze:

      «How many times do I have to repeat myself, Pauliss?» she asked. «Or should I just break your arm for you to remember not to touch me?»

      The man smiled and leaned in:

      «I’ll stop only after you agree to spend the night with me, babe.»

      The woman squinted:

      «I’m allowing you to call me babe. That should be enough for you, asshole.» she said. «Don’t test my patience.»

      She rudely pushed his hand away and headed out.

      The woman heard the crowd chanting her name – the corridor that led to the cage filled with the muffled voices of Darutans cheering for her:

      «Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!»

      Serena closed her eyes, feeling the calmness before the fight. She didn’t care much for the people who loved seeing her fight in the cage. But hearing the crowd chanting her name made her remember the past. More than enough times she wished she could go back to the simpler times.

      But that was an impossible dream.

      She opened her eyes just as she was stepping out into the lights.

      A couple of drones flew past – a usual sight for the club – and Serena aimed her eyes at the cage. The club was packed – lots of people came to see her fight. The woman walked into the cage and stopped in her corner, leaning over the bars that surrounded it. Even though she saw people before her eyes, she didn’t bother to give them a single thought, glance or any other sort of attention. She never cared for her fans.

      A minute passed and Serena heard heavy footsteps behind her – her cyborg opponent walked into the cage, ready to meet her in combat.

      Serena closed her eyes for a second, then opened them, ready to fight. She straightened, and turned to her opponent.

      Immediately she felt her knees becoming weak and her breath escaping her throat.

      In front of her stood Hunter – a little taller, a bit more massive than he used to be, augmented to the brim, flashing with a fully enhanced cybernetic body made in some matte dark metal, he watched her, but his face didn’t show a single emotion. It was as if he didn’t recognise her at all.

      «Hunter?!» the woman breathed out.

      The cyborg didn’t even flinch, continuing to watch her, expressionless.

      She didn’t hear the sound starting the fight. She didn’t move when Hunter began approaching. She watched him, shocked and not believing her eyes, until he walked up close enough.

      «Hunter!» she whispered, a smile crawling to her lips. «You’re… alive?»

      The cyborg leaned in a bit, tilted his head and punched her.

      The blow was so hard that Serena flew back, hitting the bars of the cage. The crowd around them roared, excited to see the fight.

      «Hunter!» she gasped, straightening. «What are…»

      He stepped up, landing another blow to her gut and making he gasp for air. His metal fingers grasped her short hair and jerked her up.

      «Hunter…» the woman made yet another attempt to call to him.

      The cyborg watched her without a single emotion in his blue eyes.

      Serena felt his fist crashing into her ribs. The sharp pain immediately hit her, making her gasp for air, her lungs rapidly filling with blood. Another hit swept her off her feet, but the cyborg didn’t stop, kicking her in the gut and slamming her into the wall of the cage.

      As the cyborg kneeled in, grabbing her clothes, Serena forced out:

      «Hunter, please…»

      Something in his face flinched, but only for a moment. He tilted his head, as emotionless, as before, and punched her in the face, knocking her out.


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