The Path to Myself. Gennady Brin

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The Path to Myself - Gennady Brin

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reality. For example, on the way to a certain place, we could already describe it in quite detail, down to the geometry and landscape of the area. And when we got close, we got convinced of our version 100%. So the game began to become reality.

      And when you start sharing this information with friends, they laugh, say it’s cool, a cool anecdote, a cool story, you made it up cool. But in our case, when there is a person nearby who is experiencing exactly the same experience, we no longer need to prove anything to anyone. This is how faith comes. Faith would have come in any case to me alone. But without Slava, it would have taken much longer.

      This is how the realization came to share my experience on a larger scale. There was a huge desire to improve the lives of people all over the Planet.

      After some time, I realized that the rocket on which I was rushing headlong at the beginning of the transformation had landed a bit. The energy is still there, the sensory perception is there too, relationships with people remain, but I have become a more integral figure, a more conscious person.

      And each reader, already while reading this manual, can get closer to awareness by experiencing in practice any described tool, and right in the moment create for themselves, for example:

      · A joyful state.

      · Quickly cope with stress and any life difficulties.

      · Learn to find their talents and abilities faster.

      Sensory perception alone is worth a lot. A person can come to a restaurant with their eyes closed, eat with their eyes closed, and even write out a check blindly.

      So, moving along an already trodden path, I’ll call it a chronicle, the reader will be able to get positive results much faster than I did.

      We are all unique beings. It is not excluded that not all of our tools may work for everyone. But there is an opinion that even unsuccessful results on the path to individual awareness can also reveal something new and unique. In any case, the path to truth is always interesting, you won’t want to turn back.

      The practice of working through relationships with mom can have powerful results. According to the rules of subordination and upbringing, children throughout their lives did not dare to tell their mother that something offended them. The mother, on the contrary, always had the right to tell her child everything she didn’t like. As a rule, the son’s/daughter’s grievances were simply deeply hidden (swallowed) by them. However, the outward appearance of good relationships is a real prop. And if children remember grievances, then, as a rule, mom doesn’t know about it. And this means that there has been no sincerity in the relationship for a long time. And to fix some painful situation with past grievances, both sides should know that someone was hurt. Only then will justice be restored.

      And here you can play around. Call your mom, for example, and talk about what offended you in childhood. After such conscious revelations, in some incredible way, mutual healing occurs at once: the mother’s health and mood improve, and at the same time the son or daughter is healed both physically and psychologically. At this moment, all the barriers that prevent people from living a happy life shatter to pieces. Real metamorphoses begin to occur. This is where real mutual and unconditional love awakens. The same practice of working through fears and grievances with dad has no less effect. And in some cases even more. After such an experience, the son/daughter unexpectedly gains new opportunities that guarantee success both in career and in money matters.

      This is my personal story that prompted me to gather all my realizations in one place, to tell people that each of them is the Creator of their life and came to the game called “Life” with one global goal – to bring benefits to people all over the Planet.


      I suddenly realized that I can do anything. But not only can I do anything, you can too, my dear friend.

      Look what’s happening to me. I go out on the street every day. I generally do only what I want and how I want. And here miracles happen. I’m just having fun. That is, my whole day is magical. Everything happens at high speeds, and at the same time I seem to slow down the clock.

      I have absolutely no grudges. Not against a single person. And yes! I am grateful to every person. I constantly thank for the fact that I have a unique opportunity to live every moment. For example, when I talk to my beloved woman, I thank her every time for this conversation, for every look, for this voice, for a kiss. Gratitude is a powerful energy! Can you imagine?

      I began to do such a large volume of things in a day that I used to do in two weeks. And I do so every day. Moreover, I don’t even remember what I did the day before. It feels like not one day has passed, but ten whole days. I just learned to operate very quickly.

      In a conversation with any person, I instantly grasp the essence. The information received from talking with people is never accidental. It is given to us with benefit and always comes from the Creator’s plan. But whether we see value in this information and whether we can use it correctly depends on each of our awareness. And useful information can be seen in everything: in the environment, in circumstances, in nature – everywhere.

      Transformation is constant, I change every day. I go through life and have fun. I love people. I love everyone and each. I talk to a person and look into their eyes. This is the simplest way of communication and information transfer. After a couple of minutes, we are already on the same wavelength, and we can talk about absolutely any topics. Even if you slow down and carefully examine trees or any other objects, you can come to very powerful realizations.

      I realized that you can enjoy absolutely everything. You can look at a leaf on a tree and enjoy it. You can watch a crow and even try to talk to it. My attempts to hear what the crow is telling me have not been successful yet, but there are people who know the language of birds. So, everyone else can learn this too.

      Slowing down in concentration on some object, you enter the flow, this is where acceleration begins, it carries you so that it becomes noticeable even in the flow of your words. That is, speech turns into a tongue twister.

      Transformation usually goes through several levels. This can be seen by the state. You can notice that the first rise to high vibrations is accompanied by a powerful flow of joy and happiness. It’s such a cool euphoria! The duration of this state can be different for everyone. Being at these high vibrations, a person begins to work miracles. But this is not the end of the path. The path to awareness never ends. Being in a state of joy, a person begins to absorb, accept, preserve, process new information even faster and create more and more magical events in their life.

      The transformation process happens many times faster if we take physics into account. Here, not only physical exercises are important, but also sleep and nutrition. The most powerful physics is intimate relationships. They, like a shock to the nervous system, lead to a new level of transformation faster than all of the above. And here the magic begins.

      After some time in the process of transformation, a calmer state sets in – something like a certain landing after the stratosphere.

      · This is an indicator that a person is moving to a new level of transformation, in which there will be even more faith in their own result when implementing desires in life.

      · This is such knowledge when there are no doubts that everything will happen in the most magical way.


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