The Path to Myself. Gennady Brin

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The Path to Myself - Gennady Brin

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for sure that everything will happen for us in the best possible way. These orders concern any sphere of life.

      I can’t help but dwell on such a concept as transformation through love.

      Here I am a walking example of how incredible transformations happen to a person through love for a woman. They are launched in layers, and with their help all old programs and settings are rewritten.

      When a person is in a state of true love, true miracles begin to happen. For example, without even knowing the Portuguese alphabet, I suddenly start speaking Portuguese in an hour and a half.

      Can you imagine what a taste for life appears?

      It’s beyond words! Energy is in full swing, there is a pure awareness of what is happening in reality. And this is no illusion! There is a direct connection to the library of universal cosmic knowledge. I don’t even have to think for a second to reveal any topic in three languages simultaneously: Russian, English and Portuguese.

      This is what true love for a woman is. No wonder they say, beware of love, or you’ll “lose your marbles”.

      And such a question: aa

      · Would you like to try living in the same state that I am in?

      And it’s really possible. You are the Creator! And you too can create the woman or man of your dreams. You need to just love yourself. Believe in yourself. And draw exactly the person you want in your imagination. And that’s it! And such a person will definitely appear next to you. And everything in them will correspond to your magical plan down to the smallest detail.


      We think we love ourselves. But is it really so? To see our attitude towards ourselves, we can try to record a video with ourselves in the main role.

      So, I watch the video, I see myself, I hear my voice. And it begins:

      · I thought I looked completely different.

      · I look kind of old.

      · I look fat.

      · There are bags under my eyes.

      · Double chin.

      · Unattractive profile.

      · Bald spot.

      If you have as many complaints about yourself, then realize that in the mirror you look completely different, do you understand? In the mirror, you see the reflection of God, there you are practically Apollo, from whom Michelangelo simply had to paint a picture.

      If, looking at yourself on video and in the mirror, you see different things, then you definitely don’t love yourself.

      It’s very important to figure this out. Why don’t you love yourself? You understand, you won’t be able to love the whole world until you love yourself. Without self-love, all your possibilities are closed: in relationships, at work, in creativity, and in general, all resources and probabilities are closed. However, opportunities are everywhere, but until you love yourself, you can’t see them – you’re blind. And then you ask:

      · Why do I have such a big debt?

      · Why am I working at a job I don’t like?

      · Why don’t I have material resources?

      · Why do all people annoy me?

      · Why don’t I have friends?

      · Why does no one come to visit me?

      · Why does no one call me?

      There will be no answers here. But there will be new questions:

      · Why did you close yourself off from the whole world?

      · Why do you see yourself this way?

      Ask yourself these questions right now. And you will understand that reality is completely different – it’s in the mirror that you’re Apollo, but by closing yourself off from the world, you lost everything in an instant. Can you imagine what a pity for all of humanity? And it’s okay if we’re talking about the world losing Apollo, but here we’re talking about something else – never mind the bald spot – here the world has lost a whole individuality – You!

      Now look at what I did.

      First, I went into physical transformation. Before it, I weighed about 240 pounds, now – 188.

      And I thought about the bald spot. I looked at myself in the mirror again: I see that the bald spot is kind of lush. And I decided that I no longer need such hair. I took and shaved it off.

      When my ex-wife saw me, we were still living together then, questions and conclusions poured in:

      · What have you done?

      · Are you off your head?

      · I don’t like it.

      Here we go…

      “Well, what’s done is done, I’ve already shaved it, I’ll walk around like this for a while, but hair will grow back,” I say.

      And so, I live with this bald hairstyle. And I’m quite comfortable. I like it. I look at myself in the mirror – I see that I even look younger. And if at 45 I looked about 65, now I definitely looked about 55. And this was already progress.

      And now I understand my surroundings, my children and ex-wife.

      · First, I didn’t pay attention to the children.

      · Secondly, my wife wasn’t interested in being next to a sixty-five-year-old man who had absolutely no energy. And if there’s no energy, there’s no sex.

      · But I didn’t have friends either: I kind of avoided people, I didn’t go to anyone, and no one came to me.

      Now listen. Even if you like sex, but you’ve closed yourself off, and deprived yourself of this pleasure, then don’t expect anything good from life. After all, in sex there is everything: there’s health, there’s creativity, there’s success, self-confidence. It’s simply the stratosphere!

      In short, as soon as you close off these intimate relationships from yourself, you immediately cut off about 50 million dollars for yourself, at least. As soon as you open yourself up, you start to love yourself. Being with a loved one, you get pleasure, you become fulfilled. Getting intimate relationships, you get the most powerful energy, emotional charge, appetite. Your metabolism rises. Your skin rejuvenates. Can you imagine, there’s a sparkle in your eyes? You go out on the street, like a magnet, and women start to fall for you. Conversations begin, communication – and everything is in your hands.

      When I went to Brazil for the first time, I was already bald. Can you imagine, I could have gone there in that 65-year-old form with a belly. But now, after physical transformation, I was already different: I had gained muscle, lost excess weight, was satisfied with my bald hairstyle, looked not 45, but only 35 years old. There

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