The Complete Works. Robert Burns

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The Complete Works - Robert  Burns

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it during the sermon to which it relates and repeated it to Gavin Hamilton, with whom he happened on that day to dine. The Calf—for the name it seems stuck—came to London, where the younger brother of Burns heard him preach in Covent Garden Chapel, in 1796.]

      Right, Sir! your text I’ll prove it true,

      Though Heretics may laugh;

      For instance; there’s yoursel’ just now,

      God knows, an unco Calf!

      And should some patron be so kind,

      As bless you wi’ a kirk,

      I doubt na, Sir, but then we’ll find,

      Ye’re still as great a Stirk.

      But, if the lover’s raptur’d hour

      Shall ever be your lot,

      Forbid it, ev’ry heavenly power,

      You e’er should be a stot!

      Tho’, when some kind, connubial dear,

      Your but-and-ben adorns,

      The like has been that you may wear

      A noble head of horns.

      And in your lug, most reverend James,

      To hear you roar and rowte,

      Few men o’ sense will doubt your claims

      To rank among the nowte.

      And when ye’re number’d wi’ the dead,

      Below a grassy hillock,

      Wi’ justice they may mark your head—

      “Here lies a famous Bullock!”


      “Friendship! mysterious cement of the soul!

      Sweet’ner of life and solder of society!

      I owe thee much!—“


      [The James Smith, to whom this epistle is addressed, was at that time a small shop-keeper in Mauchline, and the comrade or rather follower of the poet in all his merry expeditions with “Yill-caup commentators.” He was present in Poosie Nansie’s when the Jolly Beggars first dawned on the fancy of Burns: the comrades of the poet’s heart were not generally very successful in life: Smith left Mauchline, and established a calico-printing manufactory at Avon near Linlithgow, where his friend found him in all appearance prosperous in 1788; but this was not to last; he failed in his speculations and went to the West Indies, and died early. His wit was ready, and his manners lively and unaffected.]

      Dear Smith, the sleest, paukie thief,

      That e’er attempted stealth or rief,

      Ye surely hae some warlock-breef

      Owre human hearts;

      For ne’er a bosom yet was prief

      Against your arts.

      For me, I swear by sun an’ moon,

      And ev’ry star that blinks aboon,

      Ye’ve cost me twenty pair o’ shoon

      Just gaun to see you;

      And ev’ry ither pair that’s done,

      Mair ta’en I’m wi’ you.

      That auld capricious carlin, Nature,

      To mak amends for scrimpit stature,

      She’s turn’d you aff, a human creature

      On her first plan;

      And in her freaks, on every feature

      She’s wrote, the Man.

      Just now I’ve ta’en the fit o’ rhyme,

      My barmie noddle’s working prime,

      My fancy yerkit it up sublime

      Wi’ hasty summon:

      Hae ye a leisure-moment’s time

      To hear what’s comin’?

      Some rhyme a neighbour’s name to lash;

      Some rhyme (vain thought!) for needfu’ cash:

      Some rhyme to court the countra clash,

      An’ raise a din;

      For me, an aim I never fash;

      I rhyme for fun.

      The star that rules my luckless lot,

      Has fated me the russet coat,

      An’ damn’d my fortune to the groat;

      But in requit,

      Has blest me with a random shot

      O’ countra wit.

      This while my notion’s ta’en a sklent,

      To try my fate in guid black prent;

      But still the mair I’m that way bent,

      Something cries “Hoolie!

      I red you, honest man, tak tent!

      Ye’ll shaw your folly.

      “There’s ither poets much your betters,

      Far seen in Greek, deep men o’ letters,

      Hae thought they had ensur’d their debtors,

      A’ future ages:

      Now moths deform in shapeless tatters,

      Their unknown pages.”

      Then farewell hopes o’ laurel-boughs,

      To garland my poetic brows!

      Henceforth I’ll rove where busy ploughs

      Are whistling thrang,

      An’ teach the lanely heights an’ howes

      My rustic sang.

      I’ll wander on, with tentless heed

      How never-halting moments speed,

      Till fate shall snap the brittle thread;

      Then, all unknown,

      I’ll lay me with th’ inglorious dead,

      Forgot and gone!

      But why o’ death begin a tale?

      Just now we’re living sound and hale,

      Then top and maintop crowd the sail,

      Heave care o’er side!

      And large, before enjoyment’s gale,

      Let’s tak the tide.

      This life, sae far’s I understand,

      Is a’ enchanted fairy land,

      Where pleasure is the magic wand,

      That, wielded right,

      Maks hours like minutes, hand in hand,

      Dance by fu’ light.

      The magic wand then let us wield;

      For, ance that five-an’-forty’s speel’d,

      See crazy, weary, joyless eild,

      Wi’ wrinkl’d face,

      Comes hostin’, hirplin’, owre the field,

      Wi’ creepin’ pace.

      When ance life’s day draws near the gloamin’,

      Then fareweel vacant careless roamin’;

      An’ fareweel cheerfu’ tankards foamin’,

      An’ social noise;

      An’ fareweel dear, deluding woman!

      The joy of joys!

      O Life! how pleasant in thy morning,

      Young Fancy’s rays the hills adorning!


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