The Live Corpse. Tolstoy Leo

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The Live Corpse - Tolstoy Leo

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PÁVLOVNA. Why of course! Naturally! To go through it all again would be intolerable.

      KARÉNIN. This is a case where the proverb applies: “Measure ten times before you cut once.” … It is very painful to cut into the quick.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Of course it is; but then their marriage has long had a rift in it, so that the tearing asunder was easier than one would have thought. He himself sees that, after what has occurred, it is impossible for him to return.

      KARÉNIN. Why so?

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. How can you expect it, after all his horrid goings-on – after he swore it should not happen again, and that if it did he would renounce all rights as a husband and set her perfectly free?

      KARÉNIN. Yes, but how can a woman be free when she is bound by marriage?

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. By divorce. He promised her a divorce, and we shall insist on it.

      KARÉNIN. Yes, but Elisabeth Andréyevna loved him so…

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Ah, but her love has suffered such trials that there can hardly be anything left of it! Drunkenness, deception, and infidelity … Can one love such a husband?

      KARÉNIN. Nothing is impossible to love.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. You talk of love! But how can one love such a man – a broken reed, whom one can never depend on? Don't you know what it came to …? [Looks round at the door, and continues hurriedly] All his affairs in a muddle, everything pawned, nothing to pay with! Then their uncle sends 2,000 roubles to pay the interest on their mortgaged estates, and he takes the money and disappears. His wife is left at home, with a sick baby, waiting for him – and at last gets a note asking her to send him his clothes and things!

      KARÉNIN. Yes, yes; I know.

      Enter Lisa and Sásha.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Well, here is Victor Miháylovich,3 obedient to your summons.

      KARÉNIN. Yes, but I am sorry I was delayed for a few minutes.

      LISA. Thank you. I have a great favour to ask of you, and I have no one to turn to but you.

      KARÉNIN. Anything in my power …

      LISA. You know all about …?

      KARÉNIN. I do.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Well then, I shall leave you [To Sásha] Come, we'll leave them alone. [Exit with Sásha].

      LISA. Yes, he wrote to me saying that he considers everything at an end … [struggling with her tears] … and I was hurt!.. and so … In a word, I consented to break – I answered, accepting his renunciation.

      KARÉNIN. And now you repent?

      LISA. Yes. I feel that I was wrong, and that I cannot do it. Anything is better than to be separated from him. In short – I want you to give him this letter… Please, Victor, give him the letter, and tell him … and bring him back!

      KARÉNIN [surprised] Yes, but how?

      LISA. Tell him I ask him to forget everything, and to return. I might simply send the letter, but I know him: his first impulse, as always, will be the right one – but then someone will influence him, and he'll change his mind and not do what he really wants to…

      KARÉNIN. I will do what I can.

      LISA. You're surprised at my asking you?

      KARÉNIN. No… Yet, to tell you the truth – yes, I am surprised.

      LISA. But you are not angry?

      KARÉNIN. As if I could be angry with you!

      LISA. I asked you because I know you care for him.

      KARÉNIN. Him, and you too! You know that. I am thinking not of myself, but of you. Thank you for trusting me! I will do what I can.

      LISA. I know… I will tell you everything. To-day I went to Afrémov's to find out where he was. I was told he had gone to the gipsies – which is what I feared most of all. I know he will get carried away if he is not stopped in time – and that's what has to be done… So you'll go?

      KARÉNIN. Of course, and at once.

      LISA. Go!.. Find him, and tell him all is forgotten and I am waiting for him.

      KARÉNIN. But where am I to look for him?

      LISA. He is with the gipsies. I went there myself… I went as far as the porch, and wished to send in the letter, but changed my mind and decided to ask you. Here is the address… Well, then, tell him to return: tell him nothing has happened … all is forgotten. Do it for love of him, and for the sake of our friendship!

      KARÉNIN. I will do all in my power! [Bows, and exit].

      LISA. I can't, I can't! Anything rather than … I can't!

      Enter Sásha.

      SÁSHA. Well, have you sent?

      Lisa nods affirmatively.

      SÁSHA. And he agreed?

      LISA. Of course.

      SÁSHA. But why just him? I don't understand.

      LISA. But who else?

      SÁSHA. Don't you know he is in love with you?

      LISA. That's dead and gone. Whom would you have had me send?.. Do you think he will come back?

      SÁSHA. I am sure of it, because …

      Enter Anna Pávlovna. Sásha is silent.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. And where is Victor Miháylovich?

      LISA. He's gone.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Gone! How's that?

      LISA. I asked him to do something for me.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. “Do something?” Another secret!

      LISA. It's not a secret. I simply asked him to give a letter into Fédya's own hands.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Fédya? What – to Theodore Vasílyevich?

      LISA. Yes, to Fédya.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. I thought all relations between you were over!

      LISA. I can't part from him.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. What? Are you going to begin all over again?

      LISA. I wanted to, and tried … but I can't! Anything you like – only I can't part from him!

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Then do you want to have him back again?

      LISA. Yes.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. To let that skunk into the house again?


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The polite way of naming Mr. Karénin.