The Live Corpse. Tolstoy Leo

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The Live Corpse - Tolstoy Leo

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Victor! I never expected you!.. Take off your coat!.. What wind has blown you here? Come, sit down and listen to “Not at Eve.”

      KARÉNIN.Je voudrais vous parler sans témoins.5

      FÉDYA. What about?

      KARÉNIN.Je viens de chez vous. Votre femme m'a chargé de cette lettre et puis …6

      FÉDYA [takes letter, reads, frowns, then smiles affectionately] I say, Karénin, of course you know what is in this letter?

      KARÉNIN. I know … and I want to say …

      FÉDYA. Wait, wait a bit! Please don't imagine that I am drunk and my words irresponsible… I mean, that I am irresponsible! I am drunk, but in this matter I see quite clearly… Well, what were you commissioned to say?

      KARÉNIN. I was commissioned to find you, and to tell you … that … she … is waiting for you. She asks you to forget everything and come back.

      FÉDYA [listens in silence, gazing into Karénin's eyes] Still, I don't understand why you

      KARÉNIN. Elisabeth Andréyevna sent for me, and asked me …

      FÉDYA. So …

      KARÉNIN. But I ask you, not so much in your wife's name as from myself… Come home!

      FÉDYA. You are a better man than I. (What nonsense! It is easy enough to be better than I) … I am a scoundrel, and you are a good – yes, a good man… And that is the very reason why I won't alter my decision… No! Not on that account either – but simply because I can't and won't… How could I return?

      KARÉNIN. Let us go to my rooms now, and I'll tell her that you will return to-morrow.

      FÉDYA. And to-morrow, what?.. I shall still be I, and she – she. [Goes to the table and drinks] It's best to have the tooth out at one go… Didn't I say that if I broke my word she was to throw me over? Well, I have broken it, and that's the end of it.

      KARÉNIN. For you, but not for her!

      FÉDYA. It is extraordinary that you should take pains to prevent our marriage being broken up!

      KARÉNIN [is about to speak, but Másha comes up] …

      FÉDYA [interrupting him] Just hear her sing “The Flax”!.. Másha!

      The gipsies re-enter.

      MÁSHA [whispers] An ovation, eh?

      FÉDYA [laughs] An ovation!.. “Victor, my Lord! Son of Michael!” …

      Gipsies sing a song of greeting and laudation.

      KARÉNIN [listens in confusion then asks] How much shall I give them?

      FÉDYA. Well, give them twenty-five roubles.7

      Karénin gives the money.

      FÉDYA. Splendid! And now, “The Flax!”

      Gipsies sing.

      FÉDYA [looks round] Karénin's bunked!.. Well, devil take him!

      Gipsy group breaks up.

      FÉDYA [sits down by Másha] Do you know who that was?

      MÁSHA. I heard his name.

      FÉDYA. He's an excellent fellow! He came to take me home to my wife. She loves a fool like me, and see what I am doing here …!

      MÁSHA. Well, and it's wrong! You ought to go back to her… You ought to pity her.

      FÉDYA. You think I ought to? Well, I think I ought not.

      MÁSHA. Of course, if you don't love her you need not. Only love counts.

      FÉDYA. And how do you know that?

      MÁSHA. Seems I do!

      FÉDYA. Well, kiss me then!.. Now, let's have “The Flax” once more, and then finish up.

      Gipsies sing.

      FÉDYA. Ah, how good it is! If only one hadn't to wake up!.. If one could die so!


      ACT II

      Scene 1

      Two weeks have passed since Act I. . Anna Pávlovna and Karénin are discovered sitting in Lisa's dining-room. Enter Sásha.

      KARÉNIN. Well, what news?

      SÁSHA. The doctor says there is no danger at present, as long as he does not catch cold.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Yes, but Lisa is quite worn out.

      SÁSHA. He says it's false croup, and a very mild attack. [Points to a basket]. What's that?

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Grapes. Victor brought them.

      KARÉNIN. Won't you have some?

      SÁSHA. Yes, she likes grapes. She has become terribly nervous.

      KARÉNIN. Naturally – after not sleeping for two nights, and not eating.

      SÁSHA. And how about you.

      KARÉNIN. That's quite another matter.

      Enter doctor and Lisa.

      DOCTOR [impressively] Yes, that's it. Change it every half-hour if he's awake, but if he's asleep don't disturb him. You need not paint the throat. The room must be kept at its present temperature …

      LISA. But if he again begins to choke?

      DOCTOR. He probably won't, but if he should, use the spray. And give him the powders: one in the morning and the other at night. I will give you the prescription now.

      ANNA PÁVLOVNA. Have a cup of tea, doctor?

      DOCTOR. No thanks… My patients are expecting me.

      Sits down to the table. Sásha brings him paper and ink.

      LISA. So you're sure it is not croup?

      DOCTOR [smiling] Perfectly certain!

      KARÉNIN [to Lisa] And now have some tea, or, better still, go and lie down!.. Just see what you look like…

      LISA. Oh, now I am alive again. Thank you, you are a true friend! [Presses his hand. Sásha moves away angrily] I am so grateful to you, dear friend! At such times one recog …

      KARÉNIN. What have I done? There's really no cause at all to thank me.


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I wanted to speak to you alone.


I have come from your home. Your wife has entrusted me with this letter and besides …


About £2, 10s.