The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889. John Alden

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The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889 - John  Alden

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hand carved; built on ingenious but simple interlocking principles, doing away, mainly, with screws, nails or glue; may be knocked down and set up again in five minutes; price $10.00 at store.

      No. 4, similar to No. 3, but without the birds-eye panels, and “solid” instead of “knock down,” price $8.00 at store.

      Allen, History and Mystery of Common Things. By W. C. Allen. 12mo, cloth, 50c. (15c);

      Allerton, Poems of the Prairies. By Ellen P. Allerton. Ideal Edition, cl. gilt top, 60c. (25c);

      American Humorists – American Patriotism

      American Humorists. Sketches, with illustrative specimens, of the six most famous of American humorous writers, Irving, Holmes, Lowell, Artemus Ward, Mark Twain, and Bret Harte. By H. R. Haweis. Elzevir Edition, cloth; price reduced from $2.00 to 25c. (9c);

      American Patriotism. Famous Orations and Patriotic Papers connected with American History. Compiled by S. H. Peabody, President of the University of Illinois. 12mo, 681 pages, Brevier type, half Morocco, marbled edges. 85c. (25c);

      Greek and Roman Classics, in English

      Ancient Classics for English readers. The volumes contain about 200 pages each, Brevier type, leaded, and are sold separately, in paper, at 10c.; cloth, 25c. (6c). Also bound three volumes in one, arranged in the order given below. Price per volume, half Russia, 60c. (17c); per set of 6 volumes, $2.85 (70c). 1. Cæsar; 2. Herodotus; 3. Cicero; 4. Demosthenes; 5. Aristotle; 6. Plato; 7. Horace; 8. Juvenal; 9. Tacitus; 10. Virgil; 11. Homer’s Iliad; 12. Homer’s Odyssey; 13. Xenophon; 14. Æschylus; 15. Sophocles; 16. Pliny; 17. Aristophanes; 18. Greek Anthology; 19. Euripides; 20. Livy; 21. Ovid; 22; Thucydides; 23. Lucian; 24. Plautus and Terrence; 25. Lucretius; 26. Pindar; 27. Hesiod and Theognis. Volumes numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 cannot be supplied in half Russia. Nos. 6 and 10 cannot be supplied in paper.

      Marcus Aurelius, Emperor

      Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. The Thoughts of, translated by George Long, with a sketch of his Life and a view of his Philosophy. Ideal Edition, cloth, 30c. (7c)

      Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Large 12mo, cloth, 30c. (7c)

      Argyll, Arnold, Bacon, Locke

      Argyll; The Unity of Nature. 12mo, 354 pages, Long Primer type, leaded, cloth, 75c. (25c)

      – Primeval Man. Uniform with The Reign of Law. Cloth; price reduced from $1.50 to 40c. (15c)

      Arnold. Light of Asia, by Edwin Arnold, cloth, 30c. (7c)

      – Indian Song of Songs, by Edwin Arnold, cloth, 25c. (6c)

      – Pearls of the Faith, by Edwin Arnold, cloth, 25c. (6c)

      *Arthur. Home Stories. By T. S. Arthur, 6 vols., ills., 16mo, cloth, per set, $3.40 (50c)

      1. Sunshine at Home.

      2. Hidden Wings.

      3. Sowing the Wind.

      4. Not Anything, or Peace.

      5. The Peacemaker.

      6. After a Shadow.

      Bacon’s Essays. With notes of Devey. Elzevir Ed., cloth. 3Oc. (10c)

      Bacon’s Essays, and Locke on the Understanding, in one vol. half Russia, 45c. (15c)

      Baldwin. Maurice Rossman’s Leading. A Novel. By Mary R. Baldwin, 12mo, cloth, 60c.

      Baring-Gould. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. By S. Baring-Gould. Elzevir Ed., cloth, 40c. (15c)

      – Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets. By S. Baring-Gould. Elzevir Ed., cloth. 50c. (15c)

      Beecher, Beckford, Birrell

      Beckford. Vathek. By Wm. Beckford. Ideal Edition, Small Pica type, cloth, 30c. (10c)

      Beecher, Henry Ward. Lectures to Young Men. A new and handsome edition, large type, large 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Price reduced from $1.50 to 60c. (20c)

      Bernard. Civil Service Reform. By Geo. S. Bernard. Ideal Ed., cloth, 30c.

      Birrell. Obiter Dicta. By Augustine Birrell. Ideal Ed., cl., 30c. (7c); half Mo., 45c. (12c)

      Book-Lover’s Rosary. Elzevir Edition, gilt edges, ornamented, 30c. (10c)

      *Book of the Ocean, and Life on the Sea. Thrilling adventures of ocean life. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, 672 pages, $1.25, reduced to 80c. (15c)

      Berkowitz. Judaism on the Social Question. By Rabbi H. Berkowitz, D.D. Ideal Ed., cl., 60c. (20c)

      Boswell, Bronte, Bryant, Buffon

      Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Croker’s Edition, in 4 volumes, large 12mo, cloth, $2.75 ($1.25)

      Brooklyn Bridge, Orations at opening, by Hewitt and Dr. R. S. Storrs, cloth, 25c. (10c)

      Bronte. Jane Eyre. By Charlotte Bronte, 12mo, cloth, 30c. (6c)

      Brown. A Sea-Island Romance. By William Perry Brown, 12mo, cloth, 60c. (20c)

      Bryant’s Poems. Ideal Edition, cloth, 3Oc. (7c)

      Buffon’s Natural History. Large 12mo, 588 pages, numerous illustrations, Cloth. 60c. (20c)

      Bulwer’s Wit and Wisdom. Compiled by Callie L. Bonney, 12mo, cloth, 60c. (20c)

      Bunyan, Burke, Burns

      Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. New Ideal Edition; cloth, 20c. (4c)

      Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful. New Ideal Edition, Long Primer type, cloth, 30c. (10c)

      Burns, Robert: Poetical Works. Elzevir Edition, complete in three volumes, of 353, 330 and 356 pages. Bourgeois type, leaded. The set, fine cloth, $1.40 (45c); full Russia, gilt edges, $2.25 (60c)

      – The

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