The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889. John Alden

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The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889 - John  Alden

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A Treatise on the Management of Live Stock in Health and Disease. 12mo, cloth, $1.25 reduced to 80c. (15c)

      Farrar, Florian, Fouque

      Farrar. Seekers after God. By Canon Farrar. Long Primer type, leaded. 12mo, cloth, 40c. (15c)

      – Lectures, Addresses and Essays. By Canon Farrar. Ideal Ed., clo. 40c. (17c)

      Florian’s Fables. Translated into English verse by Gen. J. W. Phelps. With numerous very fine illustrations by J. J. Grandville. Cloth, gilt edges, price $1.15 (40c)

      Fouque, Baron De La Motte: Undine Ideal Edition, cloth, 25c. (7c)

      Franklin Literary Nuggets

      Franklin Literary Nuggets, The. Size 4½ x 6 inches, about 200 pages each. Fine cloth binding, gilt tops. Per volume, 30c. (8c)

      1. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

      2. The Castle of Otranto. By Horace Walpole.

      3. My Ten Years’ Imprisonment. By Silvio Pellico.

      4. Lessing’s Nathan the Wise.

      5 and 6. White’s Natural History of Selborne, 2 vols.

      7. Izaak Walton’s Complete Angler.

      8. Addison and Steele’s Sir Roger de Coverley.

      9. Herodotus’ Egypt and Scythia.

      10. Marco Polo’s Voyages and Travels.

      11. Sir Thomas Brown’s Religio Medici.

      Froissart, Frost, and Froude

      *Froissart’s Chronicles. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries. By Sir John Froissart. Prefaced by a Life of the author and an Introductory Essay by John Lord. Imperial octavo, 650 pages; 115 illustrations. Cloth. $1.50 (35c)

      Frost: Cyclopedia of Eminent Christians. 8vo. 672 pages. Small Pica type, cloth, 75c. (25c)

      Froude, Jas. A.: Historical and Critical Essays. Ideal Ed. cloth. 50c. (15c)

      – History of the Knights Templars. Ideal Edition, cloth, 25c. (8c)

      Dr. Geikie’s Popular Books

      Geikie. The Holy Land and the Bible. A Book of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D. Beautifully printed from Small Pica type, with a map and over 200 fine illustrations, from drawings by the celebrated American artists, Harry Fenn and J. D. Woodward. In 2 vols, small quarto, cloth. $2.00 (65c); elegantly bound in half Morocco. $2-75 ($1.00)

      – Hours with the Bible. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D. In 6 vols., 12mo, illustrated. I. Creation to Patriarchs: II. Moses to Judges: III. Samson to Solomon: IV. Rehoboam to Hezekiah: V. Manasseh to Zedekiah: VI. Exile to Malachi. Per vol. cloth. 50c. (20c); half Mco., 65c. (25c); per set, cloth. $2.75 (90c); half Morocco. $3.50 ($1.20) Index vol. including Texts of the Bible Illustrated; cloth, 30c. (10c); half Mco., 40c. (11c)

      – Entering on Life. By Cunningham Geikie. A Book for Young Men. 12mo, cloth, 40c. (15c)

      – The same, Cheap edition, cloth, 30c. (7c.)

      Gibbon and Goethe

      Gibbon’s Rome. With Milman’s Notes. 3 vols., 12mo. cloth, $2.00 (35c)

      *Goethe’s Complete Works. Edited by the Rev F. H. Hedge, D.D., and Prof. Leopold Noa. Popular edition, Illustrated. 5 vols., $7.50, reduced to $5.75 ($1.00)

      A Russian Historical Novel

      Gogol. Taras Bulba, By Nikolai Vassilievitch, translated by Jeremiah Curtin. cloth, 60c. (20c)

      Goldsmith, Oliver, Works of. Edited by Sir James Prior. In 4 vols., 12mo, $3.00 ($1.25)

      – Vicar of Wakefield: Ideal Edition. Cloth. 30c. (11c)

      – She Stoops to Conquer: Ideal Edition. Cloth, 25c. (7c)

      Goldsmith, Life of: by Washington Irving. Elzevir Ed., gilt edges, 50c. (20c); cloth, 30c. (9c)

      Gray. Lost – Two Little Girls. By P.L. Gray. Ideal Edition, large type, cloth, 60c. (20c)

      Green’s England – Guizot’s France

      Green’s Larger History of the English People. 5 vols., 16mo. illustrated with about 100 fine engravings: half Morocco, $3.50 ($1.00); the same without illustrations, Elzevir Edition, cloth, $2.25 (40c); half morocco, $2.75 (60c)

      Greenwood, Grace. My Pets, cloth. 35c. (10c); Stories for Home Folks, cl., 45c. (15c)

      – Merrie England and Bonnie Scotland in 1 vol., 60c. (15c). Stories for Home Folks and Stories of France and Italy, in 1 vol., 60c. (15c)

      – *Queen Victoria. Her Girlhood and Womanhood. 16mo cloth, ill. $1.50 reduced to $1.00 (15c)

      *Guizot’s History of France. Illustrated Library Edition, 427 fine engravings, 8 vols., 12mo, half Morocco, $6.00 ($1.25)

      Guizot’s History of Civilization. 12mo, cloth. 50c. (15c)

      Haggard. King Solomon’s Mines. By H. Rider Haggard. Paper 5c., cloth, 20c. (4c)

      Haliburton. Sam Slick, the Clockmaker. Paper 5c.,; cloth, 20c. (4c)

      Hallam and Hamerton

      Hallam’s History of the Middle Ages. Complete, with all the notes, in four small quarto, finely illustrated volumes, cloth. $2.25 (50c): in two vols. half Morocco, marbled edges. $3.00 ($1.00)

      Hamerton’s The Intellectual Life. Elzevir Ed., cloth, 60c. (20c); half Morocco, 75c. (25c)

      Hannibal, Life of, by Thomas Arnold of Rugby, 25c. (7c)

      The Unity of the Truth

      Hark. The Unity of the Truth, in Christianity and Evolution. By J. Max Hark D.D. 12mo. 8 pages. Small Pica type, leaded, cloth,

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