Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind (Vol. 1 of 3). Brown Thomas

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Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind (Vol. 1 of 3) - Brown Thomas

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believe it,” says Micromegas, “for, in our globe, we have very near one thousand senses; and yet, with all these, we feel continually a sort of listless inquietude and vague desire, which are forever telling us that we are nothing, and that there are beings infinitely nearer perfection. I have travelled a good deal in the universe. I have seen many classes of mortals far beneath us, and many as much superior; but I have never had the good fortune to find any, who had not always more desires than real necessities to occupy their life. – And, pray, how long may you Saturnians live with your few senses?” continued the Sirian. – “Ah! but a very short time, indeed!” said the little man of Saturn, with a sigh. – “It is the same with us,”said the traveller; “we are forever complaining of the shortness of life. It must be an universal law of nature.” – “Alas!” said the Saturnian, “we live only five hundred great revolutions of the sun (which is pretty much about fifteen thousand years of our counting.) You see well, that this is to die almost the moment one is born. Our existence is a point – our duration an instant – our globe an atom. Scarcely have we begun to pick up a little knowledge, when death rushes in upon us, before we can have acquired any thing like experience. As for me, I cannot venture even to think of any project. I feel myself but like a drop of water in the ocean; and, especially now, when I look to you and to myself, I really feel quite ashamed of the ridiculous appearance which I make in the universe.”

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      Argutias serere. Lect. var.


      Seneca, Ep. 102.


      Ibid, 49.


      Seneca Nat. Quæst. Lib. 1. Præf.


      Thomson's Poem on the Death of Sir Isaac Newton.


      Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, Book I. v. 512–526.


      Essay on the Human Understanding. – Introd. sect. 6, 7.


      Pope's Essay on Man, Ep. iv. v. 73–76.


      Seneca, de Ira, lib. ii. cap. 9.


      Pope's Universal Prayer, v. 25–32.


      Inquiry concerning the Human Understanding, sec. I.


      Tacitus, edit. Lipsii, p. 484, 5.


      Essay on Criticism, v. 15, 16.


      Seneca, Ep. 108.


      Dissertat. ab Arrian, collect, lib. i. c. 6. – p. 35. Edit. Upton.


      Seneca de otio Sapent. c. 32.


      Pope's Essay on Man, Ep. ii. v. 237–240, and 245–248.



Argutias serere. Lect. var.


Seneca, Ep. 102.


Ibid, 49.


Seneca Nat. Quæst. Lib. 1. Præf.


Thomson's Poem on the Death of Sir Isaac Newton.


Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, Book I. v. 512–526.


Essay on the Human Understanding. – Introd. sect. 6, 7.


Pope's Essay on Man, Ep. iv. v. 73–76.


Seneca, de Ira, lib. ii. cap. 9.


Pope's Universal Prayer, v. 25–32.


Inquiry concerning the Human Understanding, sec. I.


Tacitus, edit. Lipsii, p. 484, 5.


Essay on Criticism, v. 15, 16.


Seneca, Ep. 108.


Dissertat. ab Arrian, collect, lib. i. c. 6. – p. 35. Edit. Upton.


Seneca de otio Sapent. c. 32.


Pope's Essay on Man, Ep. ii. v. 237–240, and 245–248.


Lect. III.


Can't injure. Orig.


Young's Night Thoughts, VI. v. 535–539.


Nov. Org. Aph. 1.


Preface aux Eloges – Œuvres, tom. v. p. 8.


Fontenelle, Pluralité des Mondes, Conversat. 3.


Fontenelle, Pluralité des Mondes, Conversat. 1.


Essay concerning Human Understanding, book iv. c. 3. sec. 25, 26.


Epist. 65.


Mart. Scrib. c. 7. – Pope's Works, Ed. 1757, v. vii. p. 58, 59.


Cicero de Officiis, lib. i. c. 4.



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