The Expositor's Bible: Index. Ayres Samuel Gardiner

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The Expositor's Bible: Index - Ayres Samuel Gardiner

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charge, Pastoral Epistles, 368.

      BUTLER, Samuel, Hudibras quoted, Proverbs, 266.

      BUXTORF, Johann, Lexicon, Acts II., 16.

      BYRON, Lord, Jeremiah II., 217;

      John Epistles, 158.

      BZOVIUS, Abraham, Continuation of Baronius' annals, Acts I., 415.


      CAESAR, Augustus, Acts II., 273.

      – Claudius, Acts II., 323.

      – Julius, Acts II., 31;

      James, 287.

      – Tiberius, Acts II., 36, 166, 185.

      CAESAREA-ON-THE-SEA, Acts II., 101, 147.

      – Paul at, Acts II., 4.

      CAIN, Genesis, 28-41.

      – Faith of, Hebrews, 223.

      – Punishment of, Genesis, 43.

      – Rejection of his offering, Genesis, 32.

      CAIPHAS, Acts II., 30.

      – and Christ's popularity, John I., 371, 372.

      – and the trial of Christ, Matthew, 409;

      Mark, 407-413;

      John II., 299.

      CAJETAN, Cardinal, James, 332, 336.

      CALEB, Descendants of, Chronicles, 50.

      – honoured, Numbers, 173.

      – Inheritance of, Joshua, 262-274, 291-294.

      – one of the spies, Numbers, 151.

      CALIGULA, the Emperor, and the Alexandrian Jews, Ecclesiastes, 240;

      Acts II., 82, 94, 166, 167;

      James, 349.

      CALL OF GOD, Belief in the, Genesis, 91.

      – Christ and the first disciples, Matthew, 52-56;

      Mark, 17-23;

      Luke, 162-176.

      – difficulties which interpose, Numbers, 110.

      – for Moses, Exodus, 65-69.

      – of Elisha, I. Kings, 445-450.

      – ripens life into power, Judges, 148.

      – Surrender and, Jeremiah I., 270.

      – to Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 42-55.

      – to Isaiah, Isaiah I., 57-90.

      – to Jeremiah, Jeremiah I., 58-73.

      – to Levi, Mark, 56-61;

      Luke, 162-176.

      – to the merchant, Isaiah I., 296.

      – to the ministry, Isaiah I., 76-78;

      I. Corinthians, 104, 105.

      – to service, Joshua, 50.

      CALVIN, John, Psalms II., 55, 59, 167, 283, 350, 405;

      Isaiah I., 79;

      II., 15, 215, 217, 218, 397;

      Twelve Prophets II., 153, 159, 172;

      John I., 342, 349;

      Acts I., 384;

      II., 128, 383;

      Romans 151, 226;

      I. Corinthians, 268;

      II. Corinthians, 93, 129, 167, 189, 216, 239, 251, 260, 373, 376;

      Galatians, 142, 273;

      Ephesians, 98, 322;

      Thessalonians, 177;

      Hebrews, 100, 250;

      James, 222, 283, 319, 325, 360, 417, 432;

      Peter XVII.

      CAMP, Arrangement of the, Numbers, 27.

      CANA, The marriage in, John I., 69.

      CANAAN, Degeneracy of its people, Judges, 8.

      – Gods of, Judges, 52.

      – promised to Israel, Joshua, 5.

      – reported on, Numbers, 157.

      – Rest of, Hebrews, 61.

      – suited for its purpose, Judges, 7.

      – to be explored, Numbers, 152.

      CANAANITES admitted to fellowship, Numbers, 183.

      – Bad influence of the, Joshua, 357.

      – Extermination of the, Deuteronomy, 175-183.

      – Low moral tone of, Leviticus, 381.

      – Religion of the, Deuteronomy, 129;

      Joshua, 382.

      – Remnant of, Joshua, 246.

      – to be driven out, Numbers, 389.

      CANDACE, Acts I., 411, 412.

      CANDELABRUM, Numbers, 78.

      – Symbolism of, Numbers, 79.

      CAPER-BERRY, Ecclesiastes, 267, 268.

      CAPERNAUM, Christ at, Luke, 196.

      – Last words of Christ at, Matthew, 249-266.

      – Synagogues at, Luke, 203.

      CAPES, W. W., The age of the Antonines, Acts I., 154.

      – The early empire, Acts II., 109.

      CAPITAL-PUNISHMENT, Leviticus, 421.

      – in Christendom, Leviticus, 424.

      CAPTIVITY, The, in Babylon, Psalms III., 370-375;

      Ecclesiastes, 32-43;

      Isaiah I., 128.

      – The Jews return from, Ezra, 36-47;

      Song of Solomon, 230-241.

      – Persian

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