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      Abbink K., Sadrieh A. The Pleasure of Being Nasty // Economics Letters. 2009. Vol. 105. No. 3.

      Abel-Koch J. Trade Liberalization and Self-Control Problems. Gutenberg School of Management and Economics Discussion Paper No. 1109. 2011.

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      Herrmann-Pillath C. Meaning and Function in the Theory of Consumer Choice: Dual Selves in Evolving Networks. FS Working Paper No. 153. 2010.

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      Kirchgaessner G. Sanfter Paternalismus, meritorische Gueter und der normative Individualismus. CREMA Working Paper No. 09. 2012.

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      Korobkin P. Libertarian Welfarism // California Law Review. Vol. 97. No. 6. 2009.

      Loewenstein G., Haisley E. The Economist as Therapist: Methodological Ramifications of «Light» Paternalism // The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics. Oxford, 2008.

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      Mildenberger C. D. Committi ng to Evil – Evil Actions and Evil Social Institutions in Virtual Worlds from an Economic Perspective. PhD Thesis, Private University of Witten/ Herdecke, 2012.

      O’Donoghue T., Rabin M. Choice and Procrastination // Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol. 116. No. 1. 2001.

      O’Donoghue T., Rabin M. Studying Optimal Paternalism, Illustrated by a Model of Sin Taxes // American Economic Review. Vol. 93. No. 2. 2003.

      Oleinik A. Market as a Weapon: The Socio-Economic Machinery of Dominance in Russia. New Brunswick, 2010.

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      Pomeranz K. The Great Divergence: China, Europe and the Making of the Modern World Economy. Princeton, 2000.

      Schnellenbach J. Nudges and Norms: On the Political Economy of Soft Paternalism // European Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 28. No. 2. 2012a.

      Schnellenbach J. Wohlwollendes Anschubsen: Was ist mit liberalem Paternalismus zu erreichen und was sind seine Nebenwirkungen? // Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. Forthcoming. 2012b.

      Stevenson D. Libertarian Paternalism: The Cocaine Vaccine as a Test Case for the Sunstein / Thaler Model // Rugters University Journal of Law and Urban Policy. Vol. 3. No. 1. 2005.

      Sugden R. Why Incoherent Preferences Do Not Justify Paternalism // Constitutional Political Economy. Vol. 19. No. 3. 2008.


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