The Conspirators. Dumas Alexandre

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The Conspirators - Dumas Alexandre

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not the quotation appropriate? You speak to me of the Sybil of Cuma; I answer you in her language. You ask for existing things; I give them you. But you mortals are never satisfied."

      "No; for I confess that this knowledge of the past and the present inspires me with a terrible desire to know the future."

      "There are always two futures," said the mask; "there is the future of weak minds, and the future of strong minds. God has given man free will that he might choose. Your future depends on yourself."

      "But we must know these two futures to choose the best."

      "Well, there is one which awaits you, somewhere in the environs of Nevers, in the depth of the country, among the rabbits of your warren, and the fowls of your poultry-yard. This one will conduct you straight to the magistrate's bench of your parish. It is an easy ambition, and you have only to let yourself go to attain it. You are on the road."

      "And the other?" replied the chevalier, visibly piqued at the supposition that in any case such a future could be his.

      "The other," said the stranger, leaning her arm on that of the young man, and fixing her eyes on him through her mask; "the other will throw you back into noise and light – will make you one of the actors in the game which is playing in the world, and, whether you gain or lose, will leave you at least the renown of a great player."

      "If I lose, what shall I lose?" asked the chevalier.

      "Life, probably."

      The chevalier tossed his head contemptuously.

      "And if I win?" added he.

      "What do you say to the rank of colonel of horse, the title of Grandee of Spain, and the order of the Saint Esprit, without counting the field-marshal's baton in prospective?"

      "I say that the prize is worth the stake, and that if you can prove to me that you can keep your promise, I am your man."

      "This proof," replied the mask, "must be given you by another, and if you wish to have it you must follow me."

      "Oh!" said D'Harmental, "am I deceived, and are you but a genius of the second order – a subaltern spirit, an intermediate power? Diable! this would take away a little of my consideration for you."

      "What does it matter if I am subject to some great enchantress, and she has sent me to you?"

      "I warn you that I do not treat with ambassadors."

      "My mission is to conduct you to her."

      "Then I shall see her?"

      "Face to face." – "Let us go, then."

      "Chevalier, you go quickly to the work; you forget that before all initiations there are certain indispensable ceremonies to secure the discretion of the initiated."

      "What must I do?"

      "You must allow your eyes to be bandaged, and let me lead you where I like. When arrived at the door of the temple, you must take a solemn oath to reveal nothing concerning the things you may hear, or the people you may see."

      "I am ready to swear by the Styx," said D'Harmental, laughing.

      "No, chevalier," said the mask, in a grave voice; "swear only by your honor; you are known, and that will suffice."

      "And when I have taken this oath," asked the chevalier, after an instant's reflection, "will it be permitted to me to retire, if the proposals made are not such as a gentleman may entertain?"

      "Your conscience will be your sole arbiter, and your word the only pledge demanded of you."

      "I am ready," said the chevalier.

      "Let us go, then," said the mask.

      The chevalier prepared to cross the room in a straight line toward the door; but perceiving three of his friends, who might have stopped him on the way, he made a turn, and described a curve which would bring him to the same end.

      "What are you doing?" asked the mask.

      "I am avoiding some one who might detain us."

      "Ah!" said the mask, "I began to fear."

      "Fear what?" asked D'Harmental.

      "To fear that your ardor was diminished in the proportion of the diagonal to the two sides of a square."

      "Pardieu!" said D'Harmental, "this is the first time, I believe, that ever a rendezvous was given to a gentleman at an opera ball to talk anatomy, ancient literature, and mathematics. I am sorry to say so, but you are the most pedantic genius I ever met in my life."

      The bat burst out laughing, but made no reply to this sally, in which was betrayed the spite of the chevalier at not being able to recognize a person who appeared to be so well acquainted with his adventures; but as this only added to his curiosity, both descended in equal haste, and found themselves in the vestibule.

      "What road shall we take?" asked the chevalier. "Shall we travel underground, or in a car drawn by griffins?"

      "With your permission, chevalier, we will simply go in a carriage; and though you appear to doubt it, I am a woman, and rather afraid of the dark."

      "Permit me, then, to call my carriage," said the chevalier.

      "Not at all; I have my own."

      "Call it then."

      "With your permission, chevalier, we will not be more proud than Mahomet with the mountain; and as my carriage cannot come to us, we will go to it."

      At these words the bat drew the chevalier into the Rue St. Honore. A carriage without armorial bearings, with two dark-colored horses, waited at the corner of the street. The coachman was on his seat, enveloped in a great cape which hid the lower part of his face, while a three-cornered hat covered his forehead and eyes. A footman held the door open with one hand, and with the other held his handkerchief so as to conceal his face.

      "Get in," said the mask.

      D'Harmental hesitated a moment. The anxiety of the servants to preserve their incognito, the carriage without blazon, the obscure place where it was drawn up, and the advanced hour of the night, all inspired the chevalier with a sentiment of mistrust; but reflecting that he gave his arm to a woman, and had a sword by his side, he got in boldly. The mask sat down by him, and the footman closed the door.

      "Well, are we not going to start?" said the chevalier, seeing that the carriage remained motionless.

      "There remains a little precaution to be taken," said the mask, drawing a silk handkerchief from her pocket.

      "Ah! yes, true," said D'Harmental; "I had forgotten. I give myself up to you with confidence."

      And he advanced his head. The unknown bandaged his eyes; then said —

      "Chevalier, you give me your word of honor not to remove this bandage till I give you permission?"

      "I do."

      "It is well."

      Then, raising the glass in front, she said to the coachman —

      "You know where, Monsieur le Comte."

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