The Princess of Bagdad: A Play In Three Acts. Dumas Alexandre

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The Princess of Bagdad: A Play In Three Acts - Dumas Alexandre

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your husband, the ever blissful (it would be difficult for him to be otherwise) – are we, yes or no, invited to dine at your table and to spend the evening with you afterwards?




      Then, lovely countess, permit me to observe that you are never where we are. Kindly give us information. When one sees you one loves you; but when one loves you where does one see you?

Lionnette (smiling)



      We supposed so, but it is now two hours since…


      Oh! not two hours!


      Three hours ago you forsook us in the middle of the conservatory. First, a domestic came to look for the count; we accepted that affliction: but, in your turn, you disappeared without even troubling any one to come and look for you. Well, we are all three charming – Godler, Nourvady, and I; it is difficult to find three more delightful and witty men, but we have such a habit of seeing each other that we do not enjoy ourselves at all when we are by ourselves. So if, after having us for seven hours, you discover you have had enough of us, tell us so without ceremony. We are going to drive back to the club, where we shall have a good game of baccarat; we will try, Godler and I, to win a hundred thousand francs from that millionaire Nourvady; – that will make him cheerful, perhaps.


      Gentlemen, I offer you every excuse. It was on account of a most important and unforeseen affair. (She presents Richard.) Master Richard, solicitor, an old friend of mine. (She introduces the gentlemen.) Mr. de Trévelé, Mr. Godler, Mr. Nourvady. (The gentlemen bow.) And now, to strengthen you after all your fatigue and trouble, I am going to offer you a cup of tea, iced coffee, or chocolate.

      (She approaches the table, upon which, during this discourse, the servants have put the articles mentioned.)

Raoul (entering with his nurse, who remains near the door, and going to his mother)



      Gentlemen, here is my son, whom I beg to present to you. Bow, Raoul.

      (Raoul bows already like a man of the world, putting his heels together and bending his head; Trévelé and Godler kiss him; Nourvady kisses his hand, after hesitating a moment; Raoul goes back to his mother, who kisses him, putting her arm round his neck.)


      Take care, you will crumple my collar.


      I beg your pardon, I wanted to kiss you. You don't love me, then?


      Oh, yes, I love you very much.


      Then you are going to help me pour out the tea?


      No; I came to ask not to go to bed yet. I should prefer to play with Jane's little nephew, who has come with his mother to see her, but she will not let me without your permission.


      Very well, I give you leave. Run away now, my child.


      Good bye. (He goes away running.)


      And you go away like that? (Raoul bows again, and wants to go away. Lionnette shows him Richard.) And Mr. Richard? And your father, too?

      (At each name mentioned Raoul passes to the person, who kisses him. One can see he is in a great hurry to run away. When he gets to John, the latter takes him in his arms and kisses him very warmly.)


      Don't be afraid, I am not going to crumple your collar. (He puts the child on the ground again, who tries afresh to escape.)

Lionnette (who during this time is serving the tea)

      And me, Raoul.

      (Raoul runs back again and kisses his mother.)

Lionnette (with a sigh)

      Go and play, my child, go; and amuse yourself well.

      (Lionnette, a cup in each hand, presents one to Godler, the other to Trévelé.)

Godler (touching Lionnette's hand with his lips)

      Dare I be so bold?


      If you wish it.


      And I?


      And you, too. Only, take the cups, or you will burn my hands with the tea.


      And you, Nourvady?


      Thank you, I ask for nothing, not even a cup of tea.

      (John chats with Richard in a corner.)


      And the Countess will be right never to give you anything. People who ask nothing are often those who wish too much. Under cover of forty millions…


      My money has nothing to do with this.


      Certainly not; but all the same, when one has forty millions one finds a great many things easier than when one has, like me, only one. Ah, well, I must say, to the credit of Nourvady, it is in vain that he has two millions income at least – because he is a man who makes the best of his capital. He is, after all, the most sentimental of us three, and who takes love most seriously. He is a millionaire Anthony, and in our time it is remarkable.


      And useful.

      (Richard and John, who have chatted in a corner of the drawing-room, make their way to the terrace, where they chat in sight of the public.)


      I do not know why Trévelé always assails me on the score of my fortune, of which I talk as little as possible. I am rich, but it is through no fault of mine. If that had depended on me alone, it certainly would never have happened. I am not clever enough to make forty millions. Fortunately, I had a father who was very intelligent, and, at the same time, very honourable. This father had a large bank at Vienna, which was very prosperous. He died, leaving me forty millions. It was, therefore, necessary to resign myself to accept them.


      Easy resignation, I think, and that I should have had like you.


      Ah! Madam, a fortune is a burden like anything else, at least for a man, for women have more grace and intelligence in spending money than we. But with much simplicity, a few efforts of the intellect, a little ingenuity in the way of rendering services – there is sometimes a way to get out of the difficulty – for a man.


      And you get out of it remarkably well, my dear fellow! If we tease you about your millions, it is because it is the only subject we can joke you upon.

Nourvady (holding out his hand to him)

      Rest assured, my dear Trévelé, that I am never offended at your jokes.

Godler (to Trévelé)

      It is very fortunate for you, for if Nourvady were at all susceptible you would have a nice time.




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