The War of Women. Volume 1. Dumas Alexandre

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The War of Women. Volume 1 - Dumas Alexandre

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he was always at enmity.

      "There has always been something very mysterious in M. de La Rochefoucauld," says the coadjutor. "He never was fit for war, though an excellent soldier; neither was he ever of himself a good courtier, although he always had a great inclination to be so; he never was a good party-man, although all his life long involved in party conflicts."

      Pierre Lenet, councillor of State, and procureur-général to the Parliament of Dijon, was the author of Memoirs, – "not so well known as their interest entitles them to be," says Voltaire, – in which he gave the history of the Prince de Condé from his birth in 1627 to the treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659.

      The non-historical characters in the "War of Women," introduced to embellish and impart romantic flavor to a plot founded upon an incident which is in itself by no means devoid of the element of romance, include some of the most interesting and attractive of all Dumas' creations. Cauvignac, the Gascon adventurer, is, in respect to the qualities supposed to be most characteristic of the natives of Gascony, a worthy compeer of the immortal D'Artagnan. The lovely, high-spirited, and virtuous Vicomtesse de Cambes, and the equally lovely and high-spirited favorite of the Duc d'Épernon, meet upon common ground in their rivalry for the affection of Canolles. In Nanon de Lartigues, as in Olympe de Clèves, Dumas has shown that we need not always look in vain among women whose virtue is not without stain, for qualities of mind and heart deserving of respect.


      Period, 1650.

      ANNE OF AUSTRIA, Regent of France.

      LOUIS XIV.





      M. GUITAUT, Captain of the Queen's Guards.




      DUC D'ENGHIEN, son of the Prince de Condé.

      CHARLOTTE DE MONTMORENCY, the Dowager Princesse de Condé.






      CLAUDE RAOUL DE LESSAC, Comte de Clermont.

      LOUIS-FERDINAND DE LORGES, Comte de Duras.



      MONSIEUR RICHON, a soldier of fortune.

      ESPAGNET, a Councillor of Parliament.


      M. DE VIALAS, equerry to Princesse de Condé.

      CLAIRE, Vicomtesse de Cambes.

      BARON DE CANOLLES, Governor of the Île Saint-Georges.

      M. DE VIBRAC, lieutenant to Canolles.


      FRANCINETTE, her maid.

      ROLAND CAUVIGNAC, Nanon's brother, captain of a troop of adventurers.

      FERGUZON, his lieutenant.

      BARRABAS, his sub-lieutenant.

      ZÉPHÉRIN CARROTEL, sergeant in Cauvignac's troops.

      BOURDELOT, physician to the Dowager Princesse de Condé.

      POMPÉE, intendant to Princesse de Condé.

      LA ROUSSIÈRE, captain of the hunt to Princesse de Condé.

      M. LAVIE, Avocat-Général at Bordeaux.

      MADAME LAVIE, his wife.

      MASTER RABODIN, an attorney.

      FRICOTIN} Rabodin's clerks


      CASTORIN, servant to Canolles.

      COURTAVAUX, servant to le Duc d'Épernon.

      MASTER BISCARROS, landlord of the Golden Calf.

      PIERROT, foster-brother to Duc d'Enghien.

      THE GOVERNOR of Château-Trompette Prison.

      M. D'ORGEMONT, his lieutenant.



      At a short distance from Libourne, the bright and bustling city mirrored in the swift waters of the Dordogne, between Fronsac and Saint-Michel-la-Rivière, once stood a pretty little white-walled, red-roofed village, half-hidden by sycamores, lindens, and beeches. The high-road from Libourne to Saint-André-de-Cubzac passed through the midst of its symmetrically arranged houses, and formed the only landscape that they possessed. Behind one of the rows of houses, distant about a hundred yards, wound the river, its width and swiftness at this point indicating the proximity of the sea.

      But the civil war passed that way; first of all it up-rooted the trees, then depopulated the houses, which, being exposed to all its capricious fury, and being unable to fly like their occupants, simply crumbled and fell to pieces by the roadside, protesting in their way against the savagery of intestine warfare. But little by little the earth, which seems to have been created for the express purpose of serving as the grave of everything upon it, covered the dead bodies of these houses, which were once filled with joyous life; lastly, the grass sprang up in this artificial soil, and the traveller who to-day wends his way along the solitary road is far from suspecting, as he sees one of the vast flocks which one encounters at every turn in the South cropping the grass upon the uneven surface, that sheep and shepherd are walking over the burial-place of a whole village. But, at the time of which we are speaking, that is to say about the month of May, 1650, the village in question lay along both sides of the road, which, like a mammoth artery, nourished it with luxuriant vegetation and overflowing life. The stranger who happened to pass along the road at that epoch would have taken pleasure in watching the peasants harness and unharness the horses from their carts, the fishermen along the hank pulling in their nets wherein the white and red fish of the Dordogne were dancing about, and the smiths striking sturdy blows upon the anvil, and sending forth at every stroke of the hammer a shower of sparks which lighted up the forge. However, the thing which would most have delighted his soul, especially if his journeying had given him that appetite which has become a proverbial attribute of travellers, would have been a long, low building, about five hundred yards outside the village, a building consisting of a ground-floor and first floor only, exhaling a certain vapor through its chimney, and through its windows certain odors which indicated, even more surely than the figure of a golden calf painted upon a piece of red iron, which creaked upon an iron rod set at the level of the first floor, that he had finally reached one of those hospitable establishments whose proprietors, in consideration of a certain modest recompense, undertake to restore

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