A Short History of French Literature. Saintsbury George

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A Short History of French Literature - Saintsbury George

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The best edition is in Schéler's Trouvères Belges. Brussels, 1876.


Rheims, 1851.


The most convenient place to look for Adam's history and work is Le Théâtre Français au Moyen Age. Par Monmerqué et Michel. Paris, 1874. There are also separate editions of him by Coussemaker, and more recently by A. Rambeau. Marburg, 1886.


By A. Jubinal. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Paris, 1874.


Ed. Roquefort. 2 vols. Paris, 1820. The first volume contains the lays; the later the fables, which have been noticed in the last chapter. Later edition, Warnke. Halle, 1885. Marie also wrote a poem on the Purgatory of St. Patrick. Three other lays, Tidorel, Gringamor, and Tiolet have been attributed to her, and are printed in Romania, vol. viii.


Lays of France, London, 1872.


This is an account of the battle of thirty Englishmen and thirty Bretons in the Edwardian wars.


There is, it appears, no authority for the Christian name of Robert which used to be given to Wace.


Wace's Brut is not the only one. The title seems to have become a common name.


The old edition of the Roman de Rou, by Pluquet, has been entirely superseded by that of Dr. Hugo Andresen. 2 vols. Heilbronn, 1877-1879.


Discovered recently in the Middlehill collection, and known chiefly by an article in Romania (Jan. 1882), giving an abstract and specimens.


Ed. Reiffenberg. Brussels, 1835-1845.


Ed. Schéler. Brussels, 1866-1868.


Well edited by Koch. Heilbronn, 1879.


See especially Hysminias and Hysmine.


Ed. F. Michel. 2 vols. Paris, 1864.


Dangier is not exactly 'danger.' To be 'en dangier de quelqu'un' is to be 'in somebody's power.' Dangier is supposed to stand for the guardian of the beloved, father, brother, husband, etc. This at least has been the usual interpretation, and seems to me to be much the more probable. M. Gaston Paris, however, and others, see in Dangier the natural coyness and resistance of the beloved object, not any external influence.


Chaucer's authorship of the existing translation has been denied. It is, however, certain that he did translate the poem.


Ed. Stehlich. Halle, 1881.


Ed. Förster. Berne, 1880.


Ed. Schéler. Brussels, v. d.


Ed. van Hasselt. Brussels, 1866.


The wooden horse.


The Songe d'Enfer and the Voie de Paradis, published by Jubinal, as the Roman des Eles has been by Schéler, Méraugis by Michelant, and the Vengeance de Raguidel by Hippeau.


Ed. Crapelet. Paris, 1834.


Ed. Du Méril. Paris, 1856.


Ed. Brunet et Montaiglon. Paris, 1856.


Ed. Michelant. Paris, 1867.


Ed. Meyer. Paris, 1875.


Ed. Michelant. Paris, 1876.


Ed. Hippeau. Paris, 1863.


Ed. Hippeau. Paris, 1860.


Ed. Förster. Halle, 1877.


Ed. Stengel. Tübingen, 1873.


Both edited in extract by Bordier. Paris, 1869. Complete edition begun by Suchier. Paris, 1884.


Ed. Hofmann and Muncker. Halle, 1880.


Ed. Michel.


Ed. Boca. 2 vols. Valenciennes, 1841.


Ed. Schéler. Brussels, 1877.


The following is an account of these forms, in their more important developments. The ballade consists of three stanzas, and an envoy, or final half-stanza, which is sometimes omitted. The number of the lines in each stanza is optional, but it should not usually be more than eleven or less than eight. The peculiarity of the poem is that the last line of every stanza is identical, and that the rhymes are the same throughout and repeated in the same order. The examples printed at the end of this chapter from Lescurel and Chartier will illustrate this sufficiently. There is no need to enter into the absurdity of ballades équivoquées, emperières, etc., further than to say that their main principle is the repetition of the same rhyming word, in a different sense, it may be twice or thrice at the end of the line, it may be at the end and in the middle, it may be at the end of one line and the beginning of the next. The chant royal is a kind of major ballade having five of the longest (eleven-lined) stanzas and an envoy of five lines. The rondel is a poem of thirteen lines (sometimes made into fourteen by an extra repetition), consisting of two quatrains and a five-lined stanza, the first two lines of the first quatrain being repeated as the last two of the second, and the first line of all being added once more at the end. The rondeau, a poem of thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen lines, is arranged in stanzas of five, four, and four, five, or six lines, the last line of the second and third stanzas consisting of the first words of the first line of the poem. The triolet is a sort of rondel of eight lines only, repeating the first line at the fourth, and the first and second at the seventh and eighth. Lastly, the villanelle alternates one of two refrain lines at the end of each three-lined stanza. These are the principal forms, though there are many others.


Ed. Montaiglon. Paris, 1855.


The Rondeau is not in Lescurel systematised into any regular form.


Ed. L. de Mas Latrie. Société de l'Orient Latin, Geneva, 1877. This is a poem not much shorter than the Voir Dit, but continuously octosyllabic and very spirited. The final account of the murder of Pierre (which he provoked by the most brutal oppression of his vassals) is full of power.


Ed. P. Paris. Société des Bibliophiles, Paris, 1875. This is a very interesting poem consisting of more than 9000 lines, mostly octosyllabic couplets, with ballades, etc. interspersed, one of which is given at the end of this chapter. It is addressed either to Agnes of Navarre, or, as M. P. Paris thought, to Péronelle d'Armentières, and was written in 1362, when the author was probably very old.


Deschamps is said to have been also named Morel. A complete edition of his works has been undertaken for the Old French Text Society by the Marquis de Queux de Saint Hilaire.


Ballades, 147, 149. Ed. Queux de St. Hilaire.


Ed. Schéler. 3 vols. Brussels, 1870-1872.


Ed. Héricault. 2 vols. Paris, 1874. Charles d'Orléans was the son of the Duke of Orleans, who was murdered by the Burgundians, and of Valentina of Milan. He was born in 1391, taken prisoner at Agincourt, ransomed in 1449, and he died in 1465. His son was Louis XII.



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