Down the Slope. Otis James

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Down the Slope - Otis James

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Fred and Sam prevented him by force, and Brace, who came down stairs at the first alarm, said decidedly:

      "You mustn't think of such a thing. Your life would be taken."

      "It is cowardly to remain here."

      "It is foolhardy to face, single handed, two or three hundred brutes like those who are yelling."

      "But the widow's property?"

      "The building belongs to the company, and you can easily pay her for what may be destroyed."

      During this brief conversation the front windows had been shattered, and the mob appeared to be on the point of carrying the place by storm when a voice cried:

      "I ain't here to fight agin women who are in the same box with ourselves. What's to prevent our smashin' the windows of his own house?"

      "That's the way to talk," another replied. "Come on; we'll attend to his case later."

      As if by magic the mob vanished; but the hoots and yells told of the direction in which they had gone.

      "Something must be done at once, or there is no knowing where this thing will end. Fred, you and Sam get some boards up at these windows, and I'll learn how many of the men can be trusted to stand by us. Keep out of sight a while longer Brace."

      Mr. Wright left the building by the rear entrance, the boys watching until he disappeared within the company's store, and then Sam proceeded to obey the orders.

      Nearly every pane of glass in the front of the house had been broken, and there was not lumber enough to close more than one.

      "We shall have to go to the yard for boards; do you dare to try it, Fred?"

      "Why not? Skip's crowd are most likely with the men."

      Mrs. Byram was afraid to have her son leave the house at such a time; but Joe Brace made light of her fears, and she gave a reluctant consent.

      "We sha'nt be away more than half an hour, and the mob will pay no attention to us while they have so much mischief on hand," Fred said as he followed Sam.


      ON DUTY

      In order to reach the yard where the lumber was to be found it was necessary that the boys should pass near the store, and at a point where Mr. Wright's house could be seen plainly. The mob which now surrounded it was in full view, and the angry shouts, mingled with breaking glass, came to their ears with great distinctness.

      "It doesn't seem right for us to stay here when we might be of some service there," Fred said as he pointed in the direction of the building.

      "I don't know what we could do if we were on the spot. It isn't likely those men would stop because we asked them to do so, and, so far as I can judge, it is very much better to stay at a respectful distance."

      "And let them destroy the buildings?"

      "What can you do to prevent it?"

      "Nothing that I know of, and yet it is wicked to let this thing be done without some protest."

      "Mr. Wright would attend to that matter if a protest would amount to anything. Our duty is to protect your mother, and that must be attended to before anything else."

      "I realize that fact fully; but – "

      At this moment Mr. Wright called from the rear of the store:

      "Boys, come here!"

      Obeying the summons they were led to a rear room where were assembled the principal officers of the mine, all looking more or less frightened, and the superintendent said as they entered:

      "Is there anything to prevent your doing as I wish during the next few hours."

      "Not that I know of, sir," Fred replied. "We were about to fasten up the broken windows at home; but that is of little consequence in case you require our services."

      "The force of men on guard at the slope is too small if the rioters try to effect an entrance. It is in the highest degree important that Billings' crowd be prevented from getting in, until all our arrangements have been made. Will you go on duty there until troops can be summoned?"

      "We are willing to do everything in our power."

      "Then arm yourselves with these guns."

      Mr. Wright pointed to a number of muskets as he spoke, and Sam did not delay in selecting a weapon.

      "I must tell mother where I have gone or she will be worried," Fred said, as he started toward the door.

      "I will call upon her at once, and you need not delay."

      "How long are we likely to remain on duty?"

      "Only until troops arrive. We have telegraphed to the governor, and a company should be here within the next twenty-four hours."

      "It isn't probable the sentinels will take our word for it that you have sent us."

      "Here is a line to Donovan, and you had better start at once, for there's no saying how soon the rioters may get tired of destroying dwellings. Tell Donovan that we hope to send him a larger force soon."

      The boys felt very much like soldiers as they marched toward the slope, each armed with a gun and half a dozen cartridges, and the tumult which could be heard distinctly, heightened the illusion.

      "They have set fire to some building," Sam said, as he pointed to a column of smoke which rose from the direction of the superintendent's home. "If that kind of work has begun there's little chance of its being ended while Billings' crowd hold the town."

      "I ought to have staid with mother. There's no reason why I should help fight the company's quarrels while she may be in danger."

      "You could be of no assistance, and it is better to be out of the way, for Skip and his gang will not remain quiet while it is possible to do mischief."

      "At the same time I should be with her," Fred replied; but making no motion to return.

      Upon arriving at the entrance to the slope they were stopped by a sentinel who cried as he leveled his gun:

      "Halt! What do you want?"

      "We have been sent by Mr. Wright with a note to Donovan," Sam replied.

      "Stay where you are, and I will call him."

      "This looks like fighting," Sam said, as the sentinel shouted for the breaker boss. "If they are afraid to let the boys come nearer than hailing distance, what'll be done when the mob get here?"

      "If the soldiers arrive things will be worse than they are now," Fred said with a sigh, and then Donovan interrupted the mournful conversation by calling as he came up the slope:

      "Oh, it's you, eh? Well, get in here quick. I thought Mr. Wright had sent some one to help us."

      "So he has," and Sam handed the breaker boss the superintendent's letter. "We're to go on duty here till help arrives in the shape of soldiers."

      "I s'pose you two will count for one man; but we need a good many

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