Down the Slope. Otis James

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Down the Slope - Otis James

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reigned for a moment, and then some one said in an angry tone.

      "It ain't hard to understand the whole thing now. He slipped the ropes, an' come out this way. Wright has heard the story, an' that's why the works were shut down so suddenly."

      "But what's become of him? He ain't in the town."

      "Of course he is, an' hidin' somewhere. Jim, you run back an' tell Billings so's he can hunt the sneak out."

      "Are you goin' on alone?"

      "Why not? Them fools are guardin' the slope, an' we can flood the place before they so much as think any one has got in behind them. Tell the boys we'll be back by sunset."

      Sam touched Fred, to warn him that the time for action had arrived, and, slight as was the movement, it caught the attention of the man on the opposite side.

      "Hold on," he cried. "There's somebody in here, an' we must know who it is."

      Before he could thrust his lamp through, Sam shouted:

      "Stand back, or there'll be trouble. Two of us are here, both armed, and we shall fire at the first one who so much as shows the tip of his nose."



      Recognizing at once that the voice they had just heard did not belong to the man for whom they were looking the rioters remained silent with surprise, and during this short interval Sam brought the butt of his gun to the floor with unnecessary force in order that there might be no question about his being armed.

      "Who is inside?" one of the party finally asked, and Sam replied:

      "It does not make any difference so long as you don't attempt to come through."

      "We shall do it just the same, an' it'll be so much the worse for you if a finger is raised to stop us."

      "There's no need of very much talk. We're here to keep you out. At the first movement both will shoot, and we've got ammunition to hold the place 'till the others come."

      This bold assertion caused the rioters no little uneasiness, as could be told from the fact that the entire party retreated down the drift, where they apparently began a consultation as to the best course to be pursued under the circumstances.

      "Come on this side," Sam whispered. "If we stand opposite each other and are obliged to shoot we shall get the worst of it."

      "Do you really mean to kill them?" Fred asked as he changed his position.

      "I intend to hit whoever comes through if I can, an' they'll have to run the risk of the killin' part."

      "If we could only send word to Donovan."

      "Well, we can't, an' it looks as if we might have to stay here a long while, unless they get the best of us. Nobody will think of coming to look for us for a good many hours, an' that's why I said we were in a fix."

      Neither of the boys cared to prolong the conversation. Their situation was desperate, and to state it in words seemed like making it worse, but, as Fred afterward said, "they kept up a terrible thinking," until the rioters began operations by approaching the aperture once more, keeping close to the wall on either side to prevent giving the defenders an opportunity of using their weapons.

      "See here," the spokesman began, "we've come to give you a chance of actin' square. You know who we are, an' that what we do will help all hands who work here. Let us through peaceably, an' we'll allers be your friends, but if we're obliged to fight for it there'll be nothin' left of you."

      "We'll take our chances rather than have such as you call us friends; but it strikes me that a fight, with all the weapons on our side, is too big a contract for you to tackle."

      "Put out your lamps, boys, an' we'll show these fools what can be done."

      In an instant the tunnel was plunged in profound darkness, and the lights worn by the boys served to reveal their whereabouts clearly.

      Both realized how great would be the disadvantages under such circumstances, and in the least possible time the tiny flames were extinguished.

      Even while this was being done the rioters attempted to effect an entrance; but, without exposing himself to a blow, Sam discharged his weapon, paying little regard to accuracy of aim.

      The noise of the report echoed and reëchoed through the passages, and the chamber was filled with smoke, during which time Fred fancied he saw a form leaning half through the aperture, and he also fired.

      "That makes two cartridges, an' now we've only got ten left," Sam said in a half whisper. "At this rate we can't keep the battle goin' a great while, an' when the thing is ended we shall have to take whatever they choose to give."

      "Donovan may send some one before the ammunition is exhausted."

      "He won't think of such a thing for a good many hours yet. Could you find your way back to where the men are at work on the pumps?"

      "And leave you alone?"

      "One of us must go, or else these fellows will soon be where a great amount of mischief can be done."

      "I am willing to do whatever you think best."

      "Then go, and tell whoever you meet, of the pickle I am in. I'll stay because I'll most likely make a better fist at fighting than you."

      "Do you want the cartridges?"

      "Yes, and the gun."

      Fred placed the weapon against the wall near his companion, and turned to go.

      "Don't light your lamp until you are so far away that the flame can't be seen, for it won't do to let them know we have divided forces."

      A silent handshake and Sam was alone.

      "It's goin' to be a tough job, an' most likely I'll get the worst of it," he said to himself, as he leaned toward the aperture in a listening attitude.

      Five minutes passed, and then came a shower of missiles, causing a choking dust to arise; but doing no further injury. Immediately afterward the boy fancied another attempt was being made to crawl through, and he discharged both weapons in rapid succession.

      "Now we've got him!" a voice shouted, and before Sam could reload the guns two or three men were in the chamber.

      He crouched in the further corner hoping to slip the cartridges in the barrel, while they should be hunting for him; but one of the party ignited a match, and an instant later he was held as if by bands of iron.

      "Light your lamps, an' be lively about it, for there's another one here!"

      Sam made one violent effort to release himself; but in vain. When the chamber was illuminated he saw a crowd of men peering in every direction for Fred.

      "It's Bill Thomas' butty," one of the party said in surprise. "I didn't know he was a bosses' pet."

      "Neither will he be very long. Where's the other fellow?" and Sam's captor tried to choke the answer from him.

      "If he don't speak quick strangle him. We can't spend much time on a kid," some one suggested, and the question was repeated.


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