Cock Lane and Common-Sense. Lang Andrew

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Cock Lane and Common-Sense - Lang Andrew

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μεν φερομενα τα ενυλα.


ηνικα αν αμαρτημα τι συμβαινη περι την θεουρyικην τεχνην.


Damascius, ap. Photium.


παθη εκ μικρων αιθυyματων εyειρομενα.


Life of Hugh Macleod (Noble, Inverness). As an example of the growth of myth, see the version of these facts in Fraser’s Magazine for 1856. Even in a sermon preached immediately after the event, it was said that the dreamer found the pack by revelation of his dream!


iii. 2. δοιζομενου εν τω εισιεναι.


Greek Papyri in the British Museum; edited by F. G. Kenyon, M.A., London, 1893.


See notice in Classical Review, February, 1894.


See oracles in Eusebius, Praep. Evang., v. 9. The medium was tied up in some way, he had to be unloosed and raised from the ground. The inspiring agency, in a hurry to be gone, gave directions for the unbinding. παυεο δη προφρων οαρων, αναπαυε δε φωτα ραμνων εκλυων πολιον τυπον, ηδ απο yυιων Νειλωην οθονην χερσιν στιβαραις απαειρας. The binding of the Highland seer in a bull’s hide is described by Scott in the Lady of the Lake. A modern Highland seer has ensconced himself in a boiler! The purpose is to concentrate the ‘force’.


Praep. Evang., v. 8.


Ibid., v. 15, 3.


Dr. Hodgson, in Proceedings S. P. R., Jan., 1894, makes Mr. Kellar’s evidence as to Indian ‘levitation’ seem far from convincing! As a professional conjurer, and exposer of spiritualistic imposture, Mr. Kellar has made statements about his own experiences which are not easily to be harmonised.


Proceedings S. P. R. Jan., 1894.

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