Wanderings in Spain. Gautier Théophile

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Wanderings in Spain - Gautier Théophile

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      This work corresponds to "The Heads of the People," published, some time since, in London. – Translator.


      Culotté is the term applied by smokers to a pipe coloured by long use. – Translator.


      The well-known popular source of amusement to the Parisian pleasure-seeker of days now past.


      The hangman.


      £800 or


This work corresponds to "The Heads of the People," published, some time since, in London. – Translator.


Culotté is the term applied by smokers to a pipe coloured by long use. – Translator.


The well-known popular source of amusement to the Parisian pleasure-seeker of days now past.


The hangman.


£800 or £1000.

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