IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Key Applications Global Standard 4 Study Guide. Ciprian Adrian Rusen

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IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Key Applications Global Standard 4 Study Guide - Ciprian Adrian Rusen

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an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product.

      ■ Demonstrate how to create a new empty application data file, either blank, or using an available templates provided with the application from within an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product.

      ■ Demonstrate how to manipulate OS and application windows to automatically resize while using an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product.

      ■ Describe how to search for specific subsets of user data within a larger set of user data in an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product.

      ■ Demonstrate how to display user data from within an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product and control the size, orientation, portion of data displayed and other display configuration settings in which the data is presented as listed in the objective, including ways to save, change, and delete those settings.

      ■ Views

      ✓ Working with multimedia files

      ■ Demonstrate how to adjust the display of pictures, videos, audio, or other multimedia content within an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product according to the action listed in the objective.

      ■ Demonstrate how to incorporate and display pictures, videos, audio, or other multimedia content within an application such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package, database manager, or other software application product according to the action listed in the objective.


In this chapter we will spend a lot of time demonstrating and explaining how to create your first Microsoft Office files. They can be documents, presentations, worksheets, or databases, and even though the user interface of the different applications that you have to use is not always the same, some basic principles, features, and tools are the same across all of them.

      We will begin by showing how to start the Microsoft Office application that you want to use and how to create your first empty file. You will then learn how to save your work and how to work with multiple Microsoft Office windows at the same time.

      Then we will take a deep dive into more complex aspects of working with data: selecting it, copying it, and moving it around your files. You will learn how to find a specific subset of your data, how to replace it, how to improve the spelling of your files, and how to change the way you view them. Then we will demonstrate how to print your files when you have finished working with them.

      The next portion of this chapter will be about formatting your files and improving the way they look so that you can communicate more effectively when you share them with others.

      Finally, we will demonstrate the basic ways you can add multimedia files to your Microsoft Office documents and presentations, along with the adjustments you can make so that your multimedia files will display to their best advantage. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get started.

      Creating New Empty Documents with Microsoft Office

      The first step you need to go through when creating any Microsoft Office file is to learn how to start the Microsoft Office application that you want to use and how to create an empty file. Then you can start working with it. When you have finished, you need to know how to save your work so that it is not lost.

      Chances are that you will need to work with multiple files at the same time and use data from multiple sources. That’s why it is good to know how to work with multiple application windows at the same time so that you can easily switch among them.

      When you have finished your work, you need to know how to close the Microsoft Office applications that you are using so that your computer’s resources are released for other applications. In the following sections of this chapter we will demonstrate how to do all these things, one by one.

Starting and Closing Microsoft Office Applications

In order to use any application, you need to start it. As you will see in this chapter, starting any Microsoft Office application is very easy. All you have to do is to use the shortcuts that are available in the Start menu (Figure 1.1).

FIGURE 1.1 The Microsoft Office shortcuts found in the Start menu

      Closing any application, including those from the Microsoft Office suite, is just as easy. You can use the mouse and click the small red X icon that is shown in the top-right corner of any application window, or you can press Alt+F4 on your keyboard to close the application window.

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