The alli Diet Plan: Your Essential Guide to Success with alli. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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The alli Diet Plan: Your Essential Guide to Success with alli - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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It isn’t a miracle pill or a crash diet; it’s the first pharmacy-only weight-loss aid to be licensed for use throughout Europe. Also available is the alli support programme to guide you towards your weight-loss goal.

      Adding alli to a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet is clinically proven to help you lose 50% more weight. So for every 2 lb (1 kg) you lose from dieting, alli can help you lose an extra 1 lb (0.5 kg).

      The alli programme is a sensible approach to losing weight which helps you commit to lasting, positive changes to your eating and lifestyle habits.

      How Is alli Different?

      alli is a clinically proven weight-loss aid that should be combined with a reduced-calorie, lower-fat diet. You should also try to introduce more activity into your daily life. The alli programme can help you break your old habits and follow a healthier lifestyle.

      alli works by attaching itself to some of the enzymes that break down fat. This stops about a quarter of the fat you eat from being digested and absorbed, so the unabsorbed fat passes naturally out of the body.

      When you take alli, you have the reassurance that it is the first pharmacy-only weight-loss aid licensed throughout Europe.

      With alli, you also have the reassurance of knowing that it’s been extensively studied in clinical trials.

      Visit for more information. Remember to read the label and the information leaflet in the alli pack before you start.

      What Is alli?

      alli is a capsule taken with a reduced-calorie, lower-fat diet.

      alli is not a quick fix or a miracle pill. As we all know, quick fixes never work.

      The alli programme requires you to make simple but significant changes to your eating habits. It also recommends that you combine these changes with a more active lifestyle.

      It shows you how to make positive, long-term changes in your life and provides you with essential tools and techniques so you can keep the weight off.

      How Does alli Work?

      • In order to digest the food you eat, your body releases natural enzymes.

      • There are different enzymes to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

      • alli contains orlistat which only works on the enzymes that break down fat, so proteins and carbohydrates aren’t affected and you can absorb all of these nutrients.

      • As alli can lower the levels of some vitamins absorbed by your body, you should take a multivitamin containing vitamins A, D, E and K every day at bedtime (when you will not be taking alli) to help ensure the vitamins are absorbed.

      • alli stops the enzymes digesting about a quarter of the fat you eat. As the undigested fat can’t be absorbed, it passes naturally out of the body.

      • Fat is the most calorie-dense food, so preventing the absorption of some of it with alli and eating reduced-calorie, lower-fat meals helps you lose weight.

      Diet-related Treatment Effects

      Since alli works on the enzymes in your body to prevent some of the fat you eat from being absorbed, if you eat too much fat at any one time, you may notice some bowel changes. These are known as diet-related treatment effects and can include any of the following:

      • fatty or oily stools

      • loose, soft stools

      • sudden bowel motions

      • wind (flatulence) with or without oily spotting.

      Controlling the fat content of your meals will help you avoid these effects.

      It’s really a very simple equation: as alli prevents the absorption of about a quarter of the fat you eat, if you eat a chicken meal containing 15g of fat, 4g of undigested fat passes out of your body. In the same way, if you eat a hamburger meal containing 80g of fat, you will pass 20g of undigested fat.

      Therefore, any diet-related treatment effects can be minimized by keeping within the recommended amounts of fat per meal and snack.

      Your Signal

      The surplus fat that passes naturally out of your body is simply undigested fat. If you experience any of the diet-related treatment effects, this is a signal that you have eaten a meal or snack that may have contained more fat than the recommended fat target. Please refer to the tables further on in this book for more information on recommended fat targets.

      Tips for Avoiding Diet-related Treatment Effects

      Managing diet-related treatment effects is an important part of making alli work for you. Here are some tips to help you stay in control.

      • Start your lower-fat diet a few days, or even a week, before you begin taking the capsules.

      • Find out more about how much fat your favourite foods typically contain and the size of your portions (check the labels). By getting used to more appropriate portion sizes, you’ll be less likely to accidentally go over your fat target.

      • Distribute your fat allowance evenly across your meals for the day. Don’t ‘save’ fat grams from lunch and ‘spend’ them at dinner – each meal and snack must be within your fat target.

      • Be patient. It may take a little time to familiarize yourself with your fat and calorie targets. Most users who experience diet-related treatment effects at the start learn how to reduce them.

      • Keeping a food diary is an invaluable tool for helping you to recognize which foods can lead to diet-related treatment effects. Jot down helpful notes and favourite recipes – you’ll soon get into the swing of things.

      Is alli Right for Me?

      alli is for people who are ready and willing to make the necessary adjustments to their lifestyle. If you are an overweight adult aged 18 or over with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 28 or over, alli can help you to lose weight. Visit to work out your BMI.

      alli is an effective weight loss aid, but it’s not suitable for everyone. Talk to your pharmacist to determine whether alli is right for you. Make sure you also read the information contained in the alli pack before you start taking alli.

      alli is already helping thousands of people lose weight and make positive changes to their lifestyle. You too could enjoy success with alli if you’re willing to make

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