Chalet Girls. Lorraine Wilson

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Chalet Girls - Lorraine  Wilson

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asks. She looks immaculate, as always, in designer knee-high boots and a silk, jersey-blend dress. Her high blonde ponytail swishes as she moves, reminding me of the cows back home, swishing their tails at milking time.

      Beth squirts yet more perfume into the air and walks into the cloud.

      I take a small step back, my legs bumping against the edge of the bunk bed behind me, and sigh. I close my eyes briefly and think of all the glorious, powdery white snow just a chairlift ride away that makes all this worth it.

      ‘It’s a film of the line Sebastien Laroche took at the Verbier Xtreme last year. You know, he jumped that cliff that had never been jumped before? I bet Crazy White Lines will win the Valais Freeride Film Festival. No one can beat Sebastien.’ I look around, expecting to see dawning recognition in the others’ eyes but find only blank incomprehension. How can they not have heard of Sebastien Laroche? The man’s a legend.

      ‘Ooh, our Lucy has a crush. I think Sebastien Laroche has a fan girl slash stalker in the making here.’ Tash smirks, dropping the mascara back into her make-up case.

      I glare at her.

      ‘Okay, don’t get your knickers in a twist, I’m coming. Impatient much?’ She adds, her lips still twitching.

      ‘I am not a stalker.’ I narrow my eyes. ‘But I do admire him, because he’s an amazing athlete. He takes big mountain boarding to a whole new level. Did you know companies are fighting over his sponsorship and begging to film his runs?’

      Tash rolls her eyes. She likes skiing and snowboarding but isn’t serious about the sport like I am. I bite my tongue. She’s agreed to come and keep me company tonight. I just have to accept that not everyone is as into the sport as I am.

      ‘It’ll be fun to watch. I can’t imagine hovering over a mountain ridge in a helicopter and then having to jump out onto it.’ Rebecca zips up her make-up bag and puts it into her locker.

      ‘I bet he’s totally bonkers,’ Amelia adds. ‘Has to be.’

      I glower at Amelia. She’s yet another casual skier with no sporting ambition beyond skiing to the nearest cantine for a champagne cocktail. Not that there’s anything wrong with cocktails, but surely life has to be about more than getting hammered every night?

      ‘What?’ Amelia shrugs. ‘Who but a nutter would choose to snowboard on ice and scree, knowing every line they take could be their last? It’s mad.’

      I bite my lip, resisting the urge to argue with great difficulty.

      ‘I’m glad we’re guest-free for a few nights,’ Rebecca, ever the peacemaker, changes the subject and drops her lip gloss into her clutch bag, clicking it shut. She’s wearing a silky grey cashmere top and designer jeans. She’s also perfectly made up, with pearly-pink lips and smoky eye shadow. Everyone is looking super-glam compared to me, but I guess I have different priorities. I’m going to watch the film, not to be watched myself.

      Still, maybe I should’ve made an effort with make-up, but I rarely bother these days. My skin is beautifully clear from all my time out in the fresh Swiss air and bathing in pure mountain water. I’ve never felt better. Plus I’ve got a healthy tan from spending every spare minute on the slopes.

      I’ve never been a girly girl; it just isn’t me. Growing up on a croft in the Scottish Highlands in a tiny village near Drumnadrochit didn’t inspire much interest in clothes or fashion. Mum never wore make-up and would’ve come down hard on me if I’d spent precious money on anything so frivolous and selfish. As far as she was concerned vanity was a sin and, boy, didn’t I know about it! She reminded me often enough.

      Instead I filled any free time I had with hiking and skiing when we had enough snow. I always dreamt of skiing in the Alps one day, maybe even competing. Skiing in Scotland wasn’t enough for me, the snow coverage far too unreliable. Moving to Verbier was a huge deal, given no one in my family has ever moved further away than a ten-mile radius of Drumnadrochit. You’d have thought I was denouncing my Scottish heritage, God and my family from the way Mum and Dad had reacted when I’d told them where I was going. Well, I say Mum and Dad, but it was Mum who did the talking, as always. Dad just gave me the silent treatment, refusing even to say goodbye to me.

      They still think this is a passing fancy for me but landing this chalet-girl job was the start of living my dream.

      One day I’d love to be a big-mountain skier. Not that I ever admit this to anyone. They’d probably laugh and I’ve had a lifetime of being disparaged, I can’t face anyone else trying to crush my dreams. But why shouldn’t I compete one day? I’m good, and I’ve been told I’m getting better every month. If I could find someone willing to coach me, well, who knows …

      ‘Earth to Lucy.’ Tash waves a hand in front of my face. ‘What are you thinking about? Or should that be ‘who’?’

      ‘Nothing,’ I mumble and look away, embarrassed to be caught daydreaming. ‘Can we get going now?’

      Tash smirks but finally we’re out of the bunk room and I slip into my ski jacket. It‘s not stylish, but it‘s the warmest coat I own. The walk back to the chalet will be a cold one, resort temperatures plummet rapidly once darkness falls. You forget your gloves at your peril. I‘d rather be warm than look pretty on the offchance of meeting someone interesting.

      ‘No Matt? I thought he was coming too?’ Beth asks as she steps into her Ugg boots.

      ‘He‘s got some work to do.’ Amelia slips a stylish, no doubt expensive faux-fur-lined wrap over her shoulders. ‘We need all the freelance web-design work he can pick up, given we‘ve got a wedding to pay for.’

      Tash rolls her eyes; something she‘s taken to doing whenever Amelia mentions her wedding. To be fair, it happens a lot. Tash said we should start a swear jar going but instead of putting money in when she swears Amelia should be made to add a Swiss franc every time she mentions her wedding. For some reason, Amelia wasn‘t amused by the idea. Let‘s just say that the relationship between the two of them is as frosty as the icicles hanging down from Chalet Repos‘ roof.

      As we troop out of the warmth of the chalet into crisp, fresh snow there are thick snowflakes swirling silently overhead. They land on our hoods and hair, brushing our eyelashes and cooling our warm cheeks. After the stifling atmosphere of the dorm room it‘s a relief to be out in the snow.

      We head en masse to the car park in town, where a number of large white marquees have been erected for the film festival. I fish the tickets out of my jacket pocket as we merge with the crowd hurrying out of the cold and into the warmth of the main heated tent. We‘re cutting it fine. I crane my neck to see if there‘s a group of empty seats together. No such luck.

      There is one empty seat at the front. I gaze at it longingly.

      ‘Go on, go sit at the front. You can take that chair in the front row’ Tash gives me a none-too-gentle push. ‘We‘ll meet you afterwards. You‘re the one who‘s really into this, after all.’

      I don‘t need any more urging. I rush forward before any of the other late-comers can get to it. I‘ll get a fantastic view of the screen from the front row. Once seated I‘m twitchy, eyes directly ahead on the screen, waiting for the film to start and hoping to God none of my neighbours try to make small talk.

      You‘d think, given how much I love the mountains and winter sports, I‘d have loads in common with my fellow seasonnaires,

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