Chalet Girls. Lorraine Wilson

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Chalet Girls - Lorraine  Wilson

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already in deep conversation with two men in expensive suits.

      Okay then. I remember to breathe and slip out of my seat, heart thumping, as I make my way out of the tent, gaze lowered to the ground.

      That was … surreal. I‘m going to assume I had some kind of meltdown or fell asleep and daydreamed that encounter. There‘s no way I‘m going to some after-party. Parties are hellish enough when you know people, but making small talk with lots of strangers? It‘s not going to happen. The only place I‘m going is back to my bunk at Chalet Repos.

       Chapter 2

      From: [email protected]

      To: [email protected]

      Re: The Lodge Hotel

      Sophie darling, didn’t you get my other messages? I really need you to get back to me ASAP so we can start planning the wedding.

      I know you said there’s no hurry but I don’t think you realise how far in advance wedding venues get booked up. Rita from the WI has a daughter who works at the Lodge Hotel – they’ve had a cancellation for the second Saturday in May next year but we have to act quickly if we want that date.

      I’m so looking forward to planning you a wonderful wedding, darling. I can’t wait.

      Anyway, I must go. There’s a pile of ironing to be done and your dad’s calling for his coffee. We both know how grumpy he gets when he’s caffeine-deprived so I’d better get on.

      Give our best to Luc.




      I thrust my phone to the bottom of my bag, wishing it were as easy to squash down my anxiety. Emails can be ignored, for a little while, at least. Emotional procrastination is more difficult and worse for your health. I can feel a stress headache pulsing at my temples but force a smile to my lips and make an effort to tune back into the conversation.

      ‘Wow. This chalet is freakin’ amazing. Can we go and see the basement spa now? Pretty please?’ Tash practically bounces on the spot, her childlike glee at odds with her immaculate and elaborate make-up.

      ‘Absolutely, but no stripping off.’ Holly catches my eye and grins. We both know there’s no containing Tash when she’s in one of her exuberant moods.

      ‘Spoil sport,’ Tash pouts.

      ‘Well, not until after midnight anyway.’ Holly concedes. ‘The other guests should be mostly drunk by then. But, given it’s Sophie’s engagement party, maybe you should check with her before you do anything, erm, too outrageous.

      My engagement party.

      The words cause another worm of anxiety to squirm in my stomach.

      ‘Please, like I’ve ever been able to stop Tash stripping off.’ I shrug. ‘But we’re celebrating Amelia’s engagement tonight too and I’m not sure she’d be happy about it.’

      Amelia got engaged a while before me, but when planning the party Holly realised she hadn’t done anything for Amelia and was worried she’d take offence. Holly was probably right, but I actually don’t mind in the slightest. I’ve got no problem with sharing the party with Amelia and, if anyone else wants to take some of the limelight off me, they’re very welcome to it.

      ‘Who’s stripping off?’ Nate comes into the room with Scott and Luc.

      ‘Your girlfriend,’ Holly says.

      Nate rolls his eyes but they twinkle with good humour and the gesture is accompanied by an amused quirk of the lips. ‘That’s my girl.’

      ‘You’re all looking very glamorous.’ Scott makes a show of looking us up and down. ‘Especially my lovely wife, of course. It’s nice to see you all in dresses for a change.’

      ‘I love you very much, my sexist dinosaur husband, but I would like to point out that party dresses aren’t exactly practical clothing in a ski resort.’ Holly pretends to huff. ‘Anyway, glamorous clothes also tend to be dry-clean only. In other words, they’re very baby-unfriendly.’

      ‘You know, I think you look gorgeous in anything.’ Scott smiles fondly at Holly, tucking a stray strand of auburn hair back into her up-do. ‘Now, who’d like a private tour before the party guests arrive? I think we’re all set up now.’

      Luc slips behind me and plants a kiss on the top of my head. When he wraps his arms around me some of my tension ebbs away and I almost believe everything might be okay.


      ‘Thanks so much for this. We really appreciate it.’ I follow Scott and Holly down the corridor.

      ‘No problem, Sophie, it‘s our engagement present to you,’ Scott smiles. ‘Holly and I wanted to do something special for you and Amelia. Plus we really want to show off how Chalet Amélie is coming along.’

      ‘It‘s gorgeous, Scott. I thought Chalet Repos was special, but this is something else.’

      I mean it too. It hits just the right note between traditional Swiss chalet and modern home. I adore the mini library and snug on the mezzanine gallery looking down onto the double-height living room. The whole wall facing the valley is glass with an arching timber frame and we‘re looking straight out onto snow-capped mountain peaks. I love the double-sided fireplace facing out onto the dining area on one side and the huge u-shaped leather seating unit festooned with silky faux-fur throws on the other. The kitchen is all modern – sleek black units, granite worktops and shiny chrome fittings. Not to mention two large island units. I‘ve never had a kitchen big enough to house even one island unit.

      ‘I think I have kitchen-envy,’ I whisper to Holly. ‘Actually, scrub that, I have chalet envy.’

      I love the cosy little flat I share with Luc above Bar des Amis, but I dream of living in a chalet like this. Maybe one day we‘ll be able to build our own little chalet further away from Verbier where land prices are cheaper. I enjoyed my time living and working at Chalet Repos, but definitely don‘t miss sharing the cramped dorm room with three other girls.

      ‘I know,’ Holly whispers back, looking over my shoulder to check Scott isn‘t listening. She needn‘t worry, the men are all engrossed checking out the fancy espresso machine and talking about controlling the under-floor heating with an iPhone app. ‘It seems such a shame to waste all this on paying guests, but Scott and Nate keep reminding me it‘s a business. We‘ve had to up our game a bit. People are starting to expect more from a luxury chalet rental.’

      Scott catches the end of the conversation. ‘And they‘re getting more. Come on, I‘ll show you some of the chalet‘s special features. The guest suites aren‘t quite finished yet but the cinema room and games room are done.’

      ‘There‘s a cinema room?’ Luc raises his eyebrows.

      ‘Yes. It‘s expected now, for this class of chalet. We also have an indoor heated pool, indoor and

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