Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian. Rose Elliot

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Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian - Rose  Elliot

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and freshly ground pepper

      1 large fennel bulb

      225g (8oz) carrots, coarsely grated

      4 spring onions, chopped

      Put the lemon juice and oil into a large bowl with a little salt and pepper and mix to make a simple dressing.

      Wash and slice the fennel, trimming off any tough outer layers but keeping any feathery green tops; chop these green bits and add to the bowl.

      Add the grated carrots and spring onions. Mix well together.

      If possible, leave for an hour or so before serving – this salad improves with standing.

      The mixture of fennel and cucumber is refreshing and clean-tasting, and this salad is excellent for when you’re in a hurry because it’s very simple to make. It goes well with many pasta dishes.

       SERVES 4

      1 tbsp red wine vinegar

      2 tbsp olive oil

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 cucumber

      1 large fennel bulb

      a little sugar (optional)

      Put the vinegar, oil, salt and a grinding of pepper into a salad bowl and mix together.

      Peel the cucumber and cut into medium-sized dice. Wash, trim and slice the fennel, discarding any coarse leaves but including any tender feathery leaves.

      Add the cucumber and fennel to the dressing mixture in the bowl and stir well.

      Check the seasoning – just a touch of sugar can be pleasant in this salad – then serve.

      Flageolet and avocado salad v

      I’m particularly fond of this tasty, colourful salad.


      125g (4oz) dried flageolet beans, soaked, cooked and drained, or 400g can, drained and rinsed

      3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

      1 tbsp white wine vinegar

      ¼ tsp mustard powder

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 ripe avocado

      a few crisp lettuce leaves, to serve

      2 tbsp chopped chives, to garnish

      Put the beans into a salad bowl.

      Mix the oil with the vinegar, mustard and some salt and pepper and add to the beans.

      Halve the avocado and gently remove the skin and the stone, then slice the flesh and add it to the beans. Turn the mixture gently, so that everything gets coated with the dressing. Serve on top of the lettuce leaves and sprinkled with chopped chives.


      Flageolet and button mushroom salad v

      Use 175g (6oz) sliced button mushrooms instead of the avocado.

      Flageolet and spring onion salad v

      Use 6–8 large spring onions, trimmed and chopped, instead of the avocado.

      French bean salad with a coriander seed dressing v

      French beans and button mushrooms are marinated in a spicy dressing of crushed coriander seeds, lemon juice and olive oil.

       SERVES 4–6

      4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

      450g (1lb) button mushrooms, halved or quartered

      1 small bay leaf

      1 tbsp coriander seed, crushed

      juice of 1 small lemon

      450g (1lb) French beans, cooked and drained

      1 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the mushrooms, bay leaf and coriander seeds for 2–3 minutes or until the mushrooms are beginning to soften.

      Remove from the heat and pour in the lemon juice; add the beans, parsley and some salt and pepper.

      Leave until completely cold, then transfer to a bowl and chill in the fridge before serving.

      Fusilli salad with rocket and avocado v

      Pasta spirals with buttery avocado make a good first course or summer lunch.

       SERVES 4–6

      225g (8oz) fusilli

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

      1 tbsp red wine vinegar

      1–2 garlic cloves, crushed

      freshly ground black pepper

      a large handful of rocket

      2–4 spring onions, finely chopped

      2 avocados

      2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

      Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water until just tender, then drain thoroughly.

      Mix the oil, vinegar, garlic and some salt and pepper in a large bowl, add the hot pasta, turning it until well coated.

      Cool slightly – it doesn’t have to be completely cold – and add the rocket and spring onions.

      Halve each avocado, removing the skin and stone, and dice the flesh. Sprinkle with lemon juice to preserve the colour.

      Fold the avocado into the pasta mix, together with the spring onions. Check the seasoning and serve.

      Instant nostalgia to anyone who loves Greece and has happy holiday memories

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