The Little Book of Calorie Burning. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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The Little Book of Calorie Burning - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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      Push-ups, sit-ups and squats are all examples of anaerobic exercises that you can do at home, in which your own body weight provides the resistance. The more you weigh, the harder they are because the more you have to lift. Try some yourself tonight while watching ‘The Simpsons’ on TV. Can Homer do 10 push-ups? We doubt it.

      Lifestyle exercise

      Last but by no means least, this form of exercise is, in fact, the most important. Put simply, it’s about trying to introduce a little bit more calorie-burning movement into every single thing you do throughout the day, from brushing your teeth or getting dressed, to talking on the phone, doing housework or even kissing. There are lots of examples and tips in this book, or alternatively you can make up your own. Here are just a few for starters:

       Try hopping, skipping or rollerblading to the shops instead of driving.

       Run up the stairs at work, rather than taking the lift.

       Wash the car with a bucket and sponge instead of cruising through a car wash.

       Do a quick cartwheel whenever you take the rubbish out.

       Play football with the kids instead of just watching them out the window – and make sure you win!

       Get up to change the channel on the TV set instead of using the remote control. Ask someone to hide the remote if you lack the discipline.

      By turning up the effort intensity in your day-to-day activities you will end up burning way more calorie fuel than you do at the half-hour exercise class you fit in after work (although they are great as well). And it is regular, day-to-day activity that affects your RMR most in the long term.


      There really are no valid excuses for not exercising.

       If you have an injury, a weakness or an illness like arthritis or osteoporosis, consult your physio/osteopath/chiropractor/specialist about a type of exercise that would be safe for you to try. Pilates and yoga teachers are trained to work with people who have injuries, and they both help to strengthen the core muscles of the abdomen and back to prevent injury in future. Swimming is often a good option because your joints don’t have to support your body weight. In general, if you have an injury in one place, such as a leg, there’s nothing to stop you exercising your stomach, arms, back and other leg – except lethargy.

       Don’t have time? At the very least, we can all manage to squeeze lifestyle exercises into our day because they are things we’d be doing anyway – you just have to do them more energetically. If you watch TV in the evening, do some sit-ups during the soaps, or swap one half-hour programme for an exercise video. Don’t tell yourself you’ll get up an hour earlier in the morning to go for a run, because you know it won’t happen more than a couple of times. Research shows that those who exercise at home are more likely to stick to it long term so figure out how you’re going to fit it into your routine.

       Too stressed when you finish work and all you feel like is a large glass of chilled Chardonnay to take the edge off the day? You should know that while alcohol has a temporary relaxant effect, as soon as the high wears off you’ll be more anxious than you were before. You’re also more likely to wake up at 3am while your liver works overtime to process the alcohol, and this is precisely when it’s easiest to start stressing about such things as whether your company is about to go bust, how you’re going to meet your mortgage payments and whether your partner is being unfaithful. Alcohol creates stress and exercise relieves it by filling your system with lovely, happy hormones called endorphins. To maximise the endorphin effect when the boss has been obnoxious, do an exercise session of at least 45 minutes.

       Got your period, or PMT? Choose something gentler than usual, but don’t just sit on the sofa and veg out with a kingsize chocolate bar. Pilates and yoga are both good for toning the pelvic and abdominal muscles, thus helping to relieve cramp, and once you’ve learned the moves you can do them yourself at home. Some women think you can’t swim during a period but if you use a tampon that should stop you attracting sharks. Exercise of any kind that promotes the good old endorphin response can stop you being quite so grumpy so it’s definitely a good thing for you – and all those in the vicinity.


      If you have more than 10 per cent of your body weight to lose, or you’re over 35 and haven’t exercised since you hung up your school blazer, arrange for some kind of supervision by a qualified trainer to ensure that you don’t come to any harm. This needn’t be in a gym; if you can afford to pay for it a personal trainer will come and see you at home. These guys tend to be serious eye candy, giving you extra motivation to keep up the calorie-burning.

       Too shy to be seen in public wearing Lycra? This is more common than you might think, even for those who don’t work as a body double for the Michelin man, but don’t let it stop you. Wear a baggy T-shirt over loose leggings so that you are comfortable. Once in the gym or class, no one will give you a second glance because they will all be too busy looking at themselves and worrying about whether anyone is judging them. Either that or they’ll be admiring themselves in the mirrored walls and will have eyes for nothing but their own sculpted biceps and pecs.

       Too lazy to exercise? It’s a question of laziness versus vanity so if you are more lazy than you are vain, feel free to stay on the sofa picking your nose and flicking fag ash into the nearest beer can, or into the ketchup on top of your leftover burger. Just put this book down, though; it’s not designed for slobs.

      This book is for people who like to look their best while living life to the full; people who want to say, ‘Yes’ to that last cocktail or slice of choccie cake yet still be able to squeeze into their skinny jeans; it’s for people who want to attract their ideal choice of partner and then be able to eat and drink whatever they feel like on glamorous dinner dates.

      So if this sounds like you, start flicking through and choose the activities you fancy to help burn your calories. Eat, drink and be energetic, for tomorrow there will be another party.


      Some of us think in kilos and some think in pounds and stones. Use this handy conversion chart to help you skip blithely from one to the other without batting an eyelid (… although batting an eyelid could, of course, burn as much as 0.07 kcal a time).


      1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds (lb)

      1 metre (m) = 3 feet 3

inches (ft in)


      1 pound (lb) = 0.45 kilos (kg)

      1 stone = 6.35 kilos (kg)

      1 foot (ft) = 0.31 metres (m)


      The tables underneath each activity work as follows. Choose the nearest weight to yours in the left-hand column; follow along to the

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