Undercover Baby. Rebecca Winters

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Undercover Baby - Rebecca Winters

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fear. This is the time when the wedding vows start to take on a whole new meaning.”

      Cal pondered the doctor’s words. He knew the other man was trying to commiserate, but could anyone understand a situation like this unless they had experienced it for themselves?

      “You all right, Cal?”

      The concern in Roman’s voice jerked him back to the present.

      “No, but I’m going to have to be, aren’t I?”

      The rhetorical question required no response. Roman shifted his weight. “After listening to Dr. Harkness, I think it would be better if I don’t see Diana until tomorrow or even the next day. One person at a time. It makes sense to me.

      “What I want you to do is ask an attendant to bring her belongings out here. Tell them to make up any excuse they want so they won’t alarm her unduly. I might find a clue. It’s the first place I need to start. Then I’m going back to the office. Maybe she left some kind of clue there which I didn’t see at the time.

      “We know she was on her way to work this morning and made no mention of tending anyone’s baby. So it’s my guess the baby was either placed in her car or—”

      “Or placed on the doorstep at work!” Cal blurted. “If it had been on our doorstep or in our car when she left the garage, she would have run in the house to tell me.”

      “Unless it was still kind of dark and she didn’t notice it on the back seat until she got to work.”

      “That’s a possibility, except that she almost always locks the car doors. Someone would have had to force entry to even get in the garage.”

      “Whatever, following this to its logical conclusion, if the baby looked yellow to her, she might have been so concerned, she didn’t think to call anyone. Instead she felt it was an emergency and immediately drove to the hospital figuring an ambulance couldn’t get there any faster. Obviously in her haste, she slipped and fell.”

      “That’s it, Roman! That has to be the explanation.”

      “As soon as you can, get me her things, and I mean everything, we should have answers before long.”

      “I owe you for this, Roman.”

      “Then we’re more than even. I can’t count the times you’ve come to my rescue, especially when I was working on Brittany’s case. You and Diana helped me keep my sanity before I made her my wife. Now it’s my turn to help you. I’ve never made it any secret that I love Diana. So do the other PI’s. She’s the best thing that ever happened to the agency. When the guys hear what happened, it’s going to come as a horrible shock, particularly to Brittany and Annabelle.”

      “I know. Those three have grown as close as sistets.”

      “I’ll inform everybody. You go back to Diana and let us handle the investigation.”

      Cal put a hand on Roman’s shoulder. “Wait here just a minute. I’ll get someone to bring out her things.” He found an attendant nearby and told her what they needed from Diana’s cubicle.

      “No problem. The doctor has just given orders to take her up to a private room on the fourth floor, 418 North. I’ll just tell her we’re going to load her stuff on a cart first.”


      In short order the attendant came back with a large sack provided by the hospital containing Diana’s personal effects. Cal handed it over to Roman. “I hope you find something. For Diana’s own good, the sooner the mystery about the baby is cleared up, the better.”

      “Don’t worry. We’ll be fast and thorough. I’m going out to her car for the box and blanket. One of the guys will be by later to drive the car back to your house. In the meantime, as soon as I discover anything, I’ll phone you on your cellular.”

      Cal nodded. He couldn’t ask for more than that. Right now as he stared at Roman’s departing back, he realized his friend’s level-headed thinking was the only thing keeping him from going right over the edge.



      “Yes, Mrs. Rawlins?”

      “Could you call me Diana, please?”

      “Of course. If you’ll call me Jane.”

      “All right. Jane? I overheard Dr. Fair say my baby is four days old. I don’t understand why I’m not sore and bleeding after my delivery. Why hasn’t my milk come in yet?”

      “That’s something to ask the doctor when be makes his rounds this evening. Don’t worry. The baby is being well taken care of in the nursery.”

      “How soon can I see him?”

      “He needs to stay under the lights until tomorrow, at least.”

      “Then will you help me to go to the nursery so I can sit with him?”

      “That’s against doctor’s orders, Diana. We’ve just settled you in your room. He left strict instructions for you to have rest and stay quiet. You want to get better, don’t you?

      “Your husband has gone home to bring you some of your things. When he returns, you can talk to him about it. But if you can wait until this evening, Dr. Harkness will make his rounds. Perhaps he’ll allow you and your husband to go to the nursery for a peek. Everything depends on how you and the baby are feeling by then.”

      “You don’t understand, Jane. I don’t remember him being my husband- All I want is my baby!”

      “I know. But you want him to get better, too, don’t . you?”

      “Of course.”

      “Then try to be patient. I know it’s hard. After that nasty fall, you need to give yourself a chance to heal. I’d also like to see that temperature go down. Tell you what I’ll look in on you again in a little while.”

      “Don’t go!”

      The nurse walked over to the side of the bed. “What’s frightening you the most?”

      Diana hid her face in her hands. “I don’t know. Everything.”

      “Of course it is. If I couldn’t remember anything of my past life, I’d be frightened, too. But this is a temporary situation. You remember having the baby with you when you fell. That means your memory is returning. Just give it a little more time.”

      She lifted her tear-drenched face. “That’s true, isn’t it? I remembered his name was Tyler.”

      “That’s right. And you’ll start remembering more and more.”

      “But that’s just it! I don’t remember anything else. Mr. Rawlins acts so hurt around me, I can hardly bear it.”

      “Naturally he has been affected by your fall. He says everything was wonderful between you when you left for work this morning, and then he

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