The Troublesome Angel. Valerie Hansen

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The Troublesome Angel - Valerie  Hansen

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up on her knees to look out the window.

      “Sit down, honey,” he warned. “I’m not sure this is the right house.”

      “It is! It is!” she shouted, pointing. “Look!”

      There were at least six, maybe seven, dogs visible in the fenced yard at the side of the house. They were jumping and barking with such fervor Graydon couldn’t be certain if any of them were the ones he’d met.

      He parked, intending to have a look around before he let the child get out of the car. Missy had other ideas. She scrambled after him, darted past and raced up the steps to the front porch. By the time he caught up with her, she’d jumped up and rung the bell.

      Concerned that there might be more dogs inside the house, he scooped up the eager child to protect her in spite of her protests.

      “I can do it by myself!” Melissa whined.

      “I know you can. And I’ll let you. I just want to make sure this is the right place before I put you down.”

      “No!” Melissa was puckering up for a good cry. When the door opened abruptly, she began to smile instead.

      It was all Graydon could do to keep from laughing at the comical expression of shock and dismay on Stacy’s face. “We were just in the neighborhood and thought we’d drop in,” he said. “I hope we haven’t caught you at a bad time.”

      She recovered her poise and closed her mouth. “Oh, no. I always greet my guests wearing my rubber boots and torn jeans. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was putting on airs.”

      “Good. Is it safe to let Missy down?”

      “Of course. All the dogs are in the kennel, but even if they were loose, it would be fine. I wouldn’t keep an animal that wasn’t gentle around children.”

      She crouched to be at the same eye level as the little girl as soon as he lowered her to the porch. “I’m so glad to see you’re okay, Missy. I’ve been thinking about you.”

      “You have?” Melissa’s voice was so faint Graydon could hardly hear what she said. After the tantrum she’d thrown in the car, it was a welcome change of tone.

      “I sure have. And I’m glad you came to see me. It always makes me very happy when I find somebody who’s lost and bring them home safe and sound, like you. It makes my dogs happy, too.”

      “I got you a present,” Melissa said, holding out the wrinkled bag. “I picked it out myself.”

      Stacy accepted it as if it were worth millions. “Oh, how sweet. Thank you. Can I give you a hug?”

      It was Graydon’s turn to be surprised. Missy launched herself at Stacy without a word and threw her arms around her neck so enthusiastically she nearly toppled them both over. This from the child who hadn’t let anyone touch her for weeks after she’d been placed in Mark’s home!

      Graydon bent down, reached for Stacy’s elbow, and steadied her. “Easy, Missy. We came to thank Ms. Lucas, not break her neck.”

      The little girl released her hold. “Okay. Can I see the dogs, now?”

      “Sure,” Stacy told her. “You go around the house. I’ll meet you at the gate in a minute.” If I can find the strength to stand up, she added to herself. For some reason, her legs felt like she’d just run a five-mile obstacle course. Twice. She let Graydon help her to her feet only because she was certain she’d fall flat on her rear if he let go of her arm.

      “You okay?” he asked. “You look kind of pale.”

      “I’m fine. Probably missed lunch again. What time is it anyway?”

      “Around two.”

      “Well, that explains it. Low blood sugar always makes me a little woozy.” Stacy was trying to ignore the fact he was still standing close. Too close. And using up all the oxygen so she couldn’t get a decent breath of air. If her feet hadn’t refused to obey, she’d have stepped back.

      “Why don’t you look in the bag?” he suggested, smiling.

      She cast him a wary glance. “What’s so funny?”

      “Nothing. Just remember, I wasn’t the one who picked out your present.”

      Stacy parted the top of the bag and peered inside. Bright-orange, red, yellow and green shapes lay in a semitransparent pile. “Oh, wow! Gummi Bear candies! I haven’t had any of these since I was little.” Grinning, she popped one into her mouth. “I always thought the red ones were the best.”

      Her childlike enthusiasm was so contagious Graydon forgot himself and joined in. “No way. They all taste the same.”

      “Do not.”

      “Do so.”

      Stacy held out a green bear. “Here. I’ll prove it to you.” She popped it into his mouth the moment he opened it to argue, then poked around in the bag searching for a different color.

      When she chose another candy and held it up for him, he didn’t respond right away, so she said, “Come on. Open up. Incoming bear.”

      He didn’t move. Didn’t even flinch.

      She raised her gaze to meet his. In place of the sparkle of mischief she’d glimpsed in his dark eyes before, there was now a warning. A solemnity that took her by surprise. It sent a frisson of alarm zinging up her spine.

      “No,” he said softly, hoarsely.

      Stacy blinked. Her quizzical gaze returned to his firm mouth, the stubborn jaw she’d noticed when his beard had shadowed it during Missy’s rescue.

      Something had changed between them in a heartbeat. But what? The air was charged with tension. With indescribable awareness.

      She swallowed hard. Had she and Graydon Payne actually been having fun together? Was that why the man had suddenly become so reserved? Or had she somehow caused him to withdraw? It was impossible to tell.

      Still, she knew she had been enjoying herself in his company. Apparently, the Lord wasn’t through convincing her that she needed to forgive what had transpired between them in the past. Too bad He hadn’t dealt with her brooding guest in the same manner!

      If Graydon’s mood had plummeted because of her, it was understandable. A man like him wouldn’t want to be caught letting his hair down and enjoying himself with somebody who didn’t belong to a country club, buy her clothes at exclusive shops or have her hair and nails done professionally.

      There he stood, all proper and perfect as ever in his crisp, tailored shirt and impeccably pressed slacks. He came from a totally different world. A place she had no desire to visit, even temporarily. She was more than content with the life God had given her, and she wasn’t going to let some good-looking, overbearing, stuffed shirt come along and steal her joy.

      “Fine,” Stacy said, shoulders square, chin up. “Be a stuffy sourpuss. I’m going to take my candy and go share it with Missy. At least one of you appreciates the simple pleasures of life.”


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